Paediatric P/E Flashcards


General approach to general examination (Prof. G Chan)

  1. 高矮肥瘦
    - Tall stature
    - Short stature
    - Obesity
    - Thin
  2. 紅黃藍白黑
    - Polycythaemia
    - Jaundice
    - Cyanosis
    - Pallor
    - Hyperpigmentation (e.g. Cafe au lait spots)
  3. 頭頸
    - Head shape
    - Neck (e.g. Thyroid)
  4. 眼耳口鼻
    - Syndromic facies
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Neonatal P/E (From SpC OG)


General examination:
1. Size, Body proportion
2. Maturity
3. Gross malformation, Dysmorphic features
4. Colour / Cutaneous discolouration (e.g. Plethora, Pallor, Cyanosis, Jaundice, Skin mottling (Livedo reticularis))
5. Posture (Tone: Palpation)
6. Generalised edema
7. Activity
8. Abnormal masses

Head examination:
1. Size, Head circumference, Shape
2. Anterior fontanelle (size + pressure (assessed when upright)), Posterior fontanelle, Anterior + Posterior Lateral fontanelle (closed for term baby)
3. Sagittal suture (small dimple ~ finger tip), Coronal suture, Lambdoid suture, Metopic suture
4. Caput succadaneum, Cephalhaematoma, Subaponeurotic / Subgaleal haemorrhage

Face examination:
1. Dysmorphic facies (e.g. distance between eyes, epicanthic folds, nasal bridge, ear configuration, position of mouth + neck, eyes)
2. Oral cavity / Mouth lesion (e.g. cleft palate (e.g. Patau syndrome))
3. Eyes, Red reflex, Others (e.g. sunset eyes in Down’s syndrome, corneal opacity)

Neck examination:
1. Sternomastoid tumour
2. Cystic hygroma
3. Goitre
4. Redundant skin fold
5. Web neck
6. Fractured clavicles

Limbs examination:
1. Length
2. Soft tissue
3. Nails and digits
4. Deformities
5. Developmental dysplasia of hips (Ortolani, Barlow)
6. Lymphedema of foot (potential associated syndrome: Noonan syndrome)

Cardiovascular examination:
1. Inspection
- Peripheral vs Central cyanosis

  1. Palpation
    - Pulses (Brachial vs Femoral pulses)
    - Apex beat (Left 4th ICS (infant), 5th ICS (children), MCL) (may feel prominent RV impulse at LSB)
  2. Auscultate
    - Heart sounds, Murmur
    - HR (~120)

Respiratory examination:
1. Inspection
- Respiratory pattern (Periodic respiration in preterm), RR (~40-50 / min)
- Respiratory distress (Tachypnea, Stridor, Grunting, Flaring of ala nasi, Intercostal / Subcostal / Sternal insucking)
- Asymmetry
- Chest deformity

  1. Percussion (not helpful)
  2. Auscultation
    - Breath sounds, Added sounds

Abdominal examination:
1. Inspection
- Shape, Size, Umbilicus (erythema, purulent / blood stained discharge), Dilated veins, Visible peristalsis
- External genitalia, Perineum
- Hernia orifice
- Anal patency

  1. Palpation
    - Superficial for mass / tenderness
    - Deep for mass / organomegaly
    - Liver (normal 1-2 cm below costal margin, soft in consistency), Spleen, Kidneys (lower pole occasionally ballotable), other masses
  2. Percussion
    - Liver border
  3. Auscultation
    - Bowel sounds
    - Bruits

Spine examination:
1. Spina bifida, swellings
2. Stigmata of underlying spinal defect
- Midline dimples
- Mass
- Tuft of hair
- Haemangioma
3. Deformities (e.g. scoliosis)

Hips examination:
1. DDH
- Groin skin crease asymmetry (extra groin skin fold due to lateral femur displacement causing shortening of limb, in dislocated hip, can occur in normal baby as well)
- Decrease hip abduction, limb movement
- LLD: Galeazzi’s sign
- Ortolani, Barlow

Neurological examination (consider influence of gestational age, posture in uterus, state of wakefulness):
1. Alertness
2. Posture (e.g. flaccid, spasticity, focal abnormality (e.g. Erb’s palsy))
- Tight fisting: cerebral damage
- Frog-like posture: hypotonia
3. Muscle tone, Tendon jerks
- Pull baby to sitting position (normal: flexed elbow, minimal head lag, transiently maintain upright head, also test grasp reflex)
- Prone position (normal: raise head above crouch)
- Ventral suspension (normal: hold head in line with trunk momentarily, back straight, flexed limb; abnormal: inverted U shape)
- Vertical suspension by holding axilla (hypotonic: slip through shoulder)
4. Spontaneous movements
5. Primitive reflexes (Moro, Grasp, Suckling and Rooting)
- Present in mature babies
- Disappear by 4-6 months
- Moro reflex: hold head 45o —> suddenly let head fall back —> sudden extension of neck + abduction of upper + lower limbs + embracing movement (asymmetry —> brachial plexus injury / fractured clavicle)
- Grasp reflex (Finger + Toe grasp): put finger into palm on ulnar side —> finger flexed + grasp object
6. CN (Eye movements, Facial asymmetry, Swallowing)

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Physical examination of MCA


Skull + Face:
1. Skull shape
- Normocephaly
- Dolichocephaly / Scaphocephaly (↑ AP diameter due to premature closure of sagittal suture)
- Plagiocephaly
- Brachycephaly (widened skull due to premature closure of coronal suture)
- Trigonocephaly (triangular skull due to premature closure of metopic suture)
- Holoprosencephaly (failure of cleavage of forebrain (left and right brain))
- Frontal bossing

  1. Fontanelle, sutures
  2. Facial general shape + expression (e.g. muscle weakness, CN7 palsy)
  3. Placement + positioning of facial parts
  4. Brows
    - Synophorus (unibrow)
    - Arching of brows
  5. Eye
    - Outer + Inner canthal distance
    - Interpupillary distance (define hyper/hypotolerism)
    - Palpebral fissure length
    - Cyclopia
    - Hyper/Hypotolerism
    - Telecanthi
    - Upslanting (midface hypoplasia) / Downslanting eyes (maxillary / zygomatic hypoplasia)
    - Epicanthal folds (depressed / low nasal root)
    - Coloboma of lids
  6. Ear
    - Low set (position lower than outer canthal line to prominent part of occiput)
    - Rotation (low set ears often accompanied by posterior rotation —> arrest of migration of ear during development)
    - Length (e.g. microtia)
    - Preauricular sinus (sporadic / inherited, bilateral likely inherited, AD with reduced penetrance + variable expression, 3-10% syndromal association)
    - Ear tags (20% associated anomalies)
    - Often associated with renal abnormalities —> Renal USG
    —> Renal USG in:
    —> Preauricular pits, cup ears, ear tags, malformation / dysmorphic features
    —> Family history of deafness, auricular / renal malformations / maternal history of GDM
  7. Mouth
    - Lips
    - Protruding tongue
    - Cleft lip + palate
    - Micrognathia / Retrognathia
  8. Nose
    - Absence
    - Supernumerary
    - Long nose
    - Broad tip
    - Prominent nose
    - Narrow bridge
    - Depressed bridge
    - Smooth philtrum (Fetal alcohol syndrome)
  9. Hair
    - Lower posterior hairline (look for neck webbing)
    - Hair whorls (>=3 indicate underlying developmental CNS problems)
    - Cutis aplasia
  10. Neck
    - Webbed neck (lymphedema / cystic hygroma prenatal dried up —> redundant skin at birth)
  11. Limbs
    - Rhizomelic (Proximal) / Mesomelic / Acromelic (Distal)
    - Arthrogryposis (joint contracture)
    - Joint hyperextensibility (Beighton score)
    - Hemihypertrophy
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Neurological P/E (From JC Multidisciplinary)

  1. General inspection
    - General state (well / unwell, calm / irritable, alert / drowsy)
    - Growth (weight, height, head circumference / OFC (occipital frontal circumference))
    - Head size and shape (plagiocephaly, brachycephaly (Down’s), scaphocephaly (hydrocephalus))
    - Dysmorphic features + deformity
    - Neurocutaneous markers (cafe au lait spots: NF, hypopigmented macules: Tuberous sclerosis, port-wine stain: Sturge-Weber syndrome)
    - Skin (hyper / hypopigmented lesions; rash)
  2. Head + Neck
    - Face (symmetrical / asymmetrical facial grimace, abnormal facial movement, facial expression)
    - Eyes (spontaneous eye opening, ptosis, nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia)
    - Mouth (drooling)
  3. Musculoskeletal
    - Spine (tuft of hair, dimple, curve)
    - Spontaneous movement
    - Posture (resting posture, spontaneous active movement)
    - Hand preference (before 24 months is abnormal)

- Tone
—> Hypotonia: scarf sign, traction maneuver, ventral suspension (inverted U shape), vertical suspension
—> Hypertonia: spasticity (pyramidal tract lesion), dystonia (basal ganglion lesion (extrapyramidal tract)), rigidity (rare, basal ganglion lesion (extrapyramidal tract))
- Muscle bulk
—> Anterior horn cell disease (Atrophy, Fasciculation) (e.g. SMA)
—> Muscular dystrophy (Pseudohypertrophy e.g. gastrocnemius, deltoids) (e.g. Duchenne)
—> Myotonic dystrophy (Myotonia by tapping over thenar eminence)
- Power
- Deep tendon reflex, Primitive reflexes
—> Hyperreflexia / Crossed adductor reflex
—> Hyporeflexia
—> Ankle clonus (newborn - 2 months: 3-6 beats of clonus; persistence + sustained: UMN lesion)
—> Babinski reflex (normal before 1 yo)
- External genitalia
- Response to touch

  1. Consciousness / Alertness
  2. CN system
  3. Motor system
  4. Sensory system
    - Vibration
    - Proprioception
    - Light touch
    - Pain
  5. Cerebellar system
    - Rapid alternating test (Dysdiadochokinesia)
    - Finger-to-nose test (Intentional tremor + Dysmetria)
    - Heel shin test
    - Tandem walking
    - Truncal ataxia
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Rheumatological P/E (SpC Paed OPD)


1. Pain during movement
2. Dressing difficulty
3. Walking upstairs / downstairs difficulty

1. General inspection (Front, Back, Side)
- Skin for rashes
- Muscle bulk
- Joint (deformity e.g. valgus, swelling)
- Face (micrognathia, asymmetry)
- Ankle
- Back (skin creases, shoulder level for scoliosis)
2. Gait
- Normal walking
- Heel walking
- Tip-toe
3. Arms
- Hands: dorsum + palm, touch tip of fingers with each other, make a fist, squeeze MCP
- Wrist: press against each other, extend + flex
- Reach up
- Look up
- Put hands behind neck
- Lateral flexion of neck
- Open mouth + put 3 fingers into mouth
4. Legs
- Knee effusion
- Active flexion
- Passive flexion of knee + hip
- External + Internal rotation of knee + hip
5. Spine
- Observe curvature from back + side
- Bend forward

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CVS P/E (SpC Paed)


6 steps:
1. General inspection
- Growth (e.g. Failure to thrive): Height, Weight (drop first), HC (usually spared)
—> Short stature: Turner syndrome (Coarctation, Bicuspid aortic valve, MVP, AS)
—> Tall stature: Marfan syndrome

  • Dysmorphism
    —> Down syndrome (Upslanting palpebral fissures, Prominent medial epicanthic folds, Flat nasal bridge, Tongue protrusion —> AVSD, VSD, PDA)
    —> Williams syndrome (Mild mental retardation, Prominent lips, Open lips, Long philtrum, Anteverted nostrils —> Supravalvular AS, Pulmonary arterial stenosis)
    —> Noonan syndrome (Prominent medial epicanthic folds, Downslanting palpebral fissures, Large low set ears —> PS, HCM, ASD)
    —> DiGeorge syndrome (Long face, Short + Upslanting palpebral fissures, Long nose + Broad nasal bridge, Low set ears —> Conotruncal lesions: TOF, Pulmonary atresia with VSD, Interrupted aortic arch)
    —> Turner syndrome (Coarctation of aorta, Bicuspid aortic valve, MVP, AS)
  • Cyanosis (5 g/dL of DeoxyHb, masked by anaemia, more apparent in polycythaemia)
    —> Prolonged cyanosis may cause polycythaemia —> injected conjunctiva
    —> Absence of respiratory S/S —> should alert of cyanotic heart disease
  • Clubbing (chronic hypoxaemia)
  • Hands + Feet
    —> Single palmar crease, Clinodactyly, Sandal gap toes: Down syndrome
    —> Polydactyly: Ellis–Van Creveld syndrome
    —> Long slender finger, hyperextensible joints: Marfan syndrome —> Aortic root dilatation, AR, MVP
    —> Syndactyly
    —> IE signs: Splinter haemorrhage, Osler nodes
  • Dependent edema (less common ∵ not ventricular dysfunction but pressure and volume overload of heart in children)
  1. Pulse
    - Rate, Rhythm, Character, Volume
    —> Radio/Brachio-femoral delay (hard to detect in infant ∵ short aorta)
    —> Weak femoral pulse: Coarctation, Interrupted aortic arch
    —> All pulses weak: AS, Low cardiac output syndrome causing systemic hypotension
  2. Precordial: Inspection, Palpation
    - Respiratory distress (tachypnea, subcostal + suprasternal insucking, use of accessory muscles, flaring of nostrils) (∵ pulmonary arterial congestion due to pulmonary blood flow from L-R shunt)
    - Chest deformities (Bulging precordium ∵ cardiomegaly (most prominent in dilated RV), Harrison sulcus, Pectus excavatum / carinatum in Marfan)
    - Visible cardiac pulsation (Usually abnormal ∵ pressure / volume overload of ventricle, LV (apical impulse) vs RV (left parasternal pulsation))
    - Surgical scars (Mid sternotomy scar, Lateral thoracotomy scar (e.g. systemic to pulmonary arterial shunt insertion, repair of coarctation))
    - Impulse
    —> LV pressure overload: AS, Coarctation, Systemic HT
    —> LV volume overload: L-R shunt, AR, MR
    —> RV pressure overload: PS, Pulmonary HT
    —> RV volume overload: ASD, PR
    - Thrills (Precordium, Suprasternal region (AS, PS, Coarctation, PDA), Carotid artery)
  3. Auscultation
    - Precordium
    - Carotid artery
    - Posterior chest wall (Stenotic branch pulmonary arteries radiation, Continuous murmurs of collaterals (in association with severe aortic coarctation / pulmonary atresia with VSD), PDA (left infraclavicular area, LUSB), Coarctation)
    - 2nd heart sound
    —> Wide fixed splitting: ASD
    —> Soft P2: PS
    —> Loud P2: Pulmonary HT
    - Ejection click (opening of stenotic valve, follow immediately after S1) —> PS, AS
  4. Chest (Basal crepitations, Cardiac wheeze) + Abdominal examination (Hepatomegaly)
    - Basal crepitations: Pulmonary venous congestion
    - Cardiac wheeze: Increased lung fluid in large L-R shunts ∵ increased pulmonary blood flow)
    - Hepatomegaly: Systemic venous congestion
    - Situs inversus
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