Paediatric Flashcards
What are the normal ranges of Paed SBP?
Neonate - 60-70
6mnts-1yr - 70-100
2-5yrs - 80-100
6-12yrs - 90-115
What are the normal ranges of Paed HR?
Neonate/6mnts - 100-160
1yr - 90-150
2-5yr - 80-140
6-12 - 70-120
What are the normal ranges of Paed RR?
Neonate-1yr - 25-50
2-5yr - 20-30
6-12yr - 15-25
What are the normal ranges of Paed temp?
0-2yrs - 36.4-38
3-10yrs - 36.1-37.8
What are some common (and benign) causes of syncope?
Breath holding, vagal stimulation, sudden fear or panic, hyperventilation
What are the aspects of infant <1yr GCS for verbal and motor?
coos, babbles 5
irritable cry, consolable 4 cries persistently to pain 3 moans to pain 2
no response 1
Motor normal spontaneous movement 6 withdraws to touch 5 withdraws to pain 4 decorticate 3 decerebrate 2 no response 1
What are the aspects of child 1-4yrs GCS for verbal and motor?
Verbal Orientated, speaks, interacts, social 5 Confused speech, disorientated, consolable 4 Inappropriate words, inconsolable 3 Incomprehensible, agitated 2 No response 1
Motor Normal spontaneous movement 6 Localises to pain 5 Withdraws from pain 4 Decorticate 3 Decerebrate 2 No response 1
What are common causes of ALOC?
A - alcohol/abuse E - epilepsy, encephalopathy I - insulin, intox O - overdose, oxygen U - urieamia T - trauma, temp, tumour I - infections P - psychiatric S - shock, subarachnoid haemorrhage, shunt problems
GHOST acronym for causes of ALOC?
G - glucose H - head trauma O - overdose, oxygen deficiency S - shock/seizures T - temperatures
What are some uncommon and potentially life-threatening causes of syncope?
Cardiac dysrhythmias, MI, congenital heart disease, drug intox, hypoglycaemia, hypoxia, head trauma
What would alert you to serious aetiology in syncopal episodes?
Evidence of trauma, continued ALOC (>5min), recurrent episodes, hx of cardiac condition/surgery, associated chest pain/palpitations, abnormal V.S.S (significant + persistent), exercise related episode, family hx of sudden death
How do you perform a limb assessment?
Colour, warmth, movement, sensation. Distal pulses. STDCAL S - swelling T - tenderness D - deformity C - contusions A - abrasions L - lacerations
What is the NEXUS criteria?
No focal neurological deficit Spinal tenderness- midline Altered level of consciousness Intoxication Distracting injury