pacl Flashcards
Q: What are the three main articulations of the hip bone?
Sacroiliac joint: Articulation with the sacrum.
Pubic symphysis: Articulation between the left and right hip bones.
Hip joint: Articulation with the head of the femur.
What are the three parts of the hip joint?
ilium, pubis and ischium
What do the three parts of the hip bone join to form?
The acetabulum
What was the acetabulum formerly called?
The triradiate cartlige which disappears and forms the acetabulum
What does the head of the femur articulate with to form the hip joint?
It articulates with the acetabulum
What is the widest part of the three parts of the hip bone?
The ilium
What does the inner surface of the wing of the ilium form?
iliac fossa
What attaches to the external surface of the wing of ilium?
glutteal muscles
Where does the iliac crest extend from?
The anterior superior iliac spine to the posterior superior iliac spine
Label the black
Where is the mid-inguinal point located and what can be palpated there?
It is located mid way between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphsis
The Femoral artery can be palptated there
Where is the mid point of the inguinal ligament located?
halfway between the ASIS and the pubic tubercle.
What is the function of the pubic body and were is it located?
Its function is to articulate with opposite pubic body at the pubic symphisis
What foramen do the superior and inferior pubic rami enclose?
They enclose part of the obturator foramen
What forms the ischiopubic ramus?
The inferior ischail ramus and the inferior pubic ramus
What does your weight fall on when you sit?
The ischial tuberosities
What is the sacrospinous ligament?
It is a ligament that is attached from the sacrum and ends at the ischial spine
What does the sacrospinal ligament form?
It forms the greater sciatic foramen
What does the sacrostuberous ligament form?
It forms the lesser sciatic foramen
Where do the organs of the pelvis reside?
In the pelvic cavity in the lesser pelvis
What two muscles form the lateral wall of the pelvis?
Obturator internus and priformis
What are the three main components in that make up the pelvic floor?
1 Levator ani muscles (largest component)
2 Coccygeus muscle
3 Fascia coverings of the muscles
What is the innervation of the levator ani muscles?
Pudendal nerve (roots s2, 3, 4)
What are the three muscles of the levator ani?
What is the main function of the puborecatlis muscle and what does its contraction do?
Main: Maintain fecal continince
Contraction: Forms the anorectal angle at the anorectal junction (the 90 degree angle)
What is the main constituant of the levator ani?
The pubococcygeus
Where does the iliococcygeous muscle start?
at the ischial spine
What is the function of the iliococcygeal muscle?
To elevate the pelvic floor and the anorectal canal
What is the coccygeus innervated by?
The anterior rami of S4 and S5
What are the two muscles of the pelvic floor that are most pronet to injury during cervical child birth?
The puborectalis and pubococcygeus muscles
What muscles support the fetal head during child birth?
Levator ani
Where do the levator ani muscles and the coccygeus orginate from and where do they end?
Coccygeus: Originates from the ischial spines and terminates at the lateral side of the coccyx and sacrum along the sacrospinous ligament
Puborectalis: From the
Pubococcygeus From the pubis to attaching at thecoccyxandanococcygeal ligament.
Iliococcygeus From the ischial spine to the coccyx and anococcygeal ligament