Packaged Products: Management Companies Flashcards
Packaged Products: Management Companies GENERAL --------------------------------------------------- 1) A management company is formed when 1.1) example
- Fund Sponsor / Prospectus
2) who establishes the fund
3) The sponsor can be who
4) sponsor must register the fund with who before it can be sold
5) what is the SEC looking for a new fund and what needs to be included
5. 1) do clients get a prospectus
1) someone conceives an idea for an investment company objective that is needed by investors
1. 1) A fund targeted to investors who want absolute safety and income might have an objective of investing in U.S. Government and Agency securities.
2) “Sponsor” or underwriter
3) large investment firms,[Morgan Stanley] or a firm that specializes only in running funds [Dreyfus].
4) SEC
5) Prospectus,” which details the objective of the fund, the Board of Directors, the fees involved, the track record of the sponsor, open or closed-end
5. 1) yes
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Open-End Fund / Continuously Issued
1) if the fund is open or closed-end will be on what
2) continuously issued by the sponsor?
3) every purchaser must receive what
4) The Public Offering Price (POP) as stated in the prospectus is calculated how
- Closed-End Fund
5) capitalized like any regular corporate stock offering? 6) one-time issuance of stock
7) traded over the counter?
8) is prospectus required when initially sold
8. 1) how about when traded in secondary market?
1) perspective, given to SEC
2) yes
3) Prospectus
4) Net Asset Value (NAV) per share plus a Sales Charge (the equivalent of a spread)
5) yes
6) yes
7) no, listed and trade on an exchange
8) yes, no
8. 1) no
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Selling Group
1) Not required, but who can hire them
2) selling group does what
2.1) For this, the sponsor gives up what
- Investment Adviser / Management Fee
3) details on which “investment adviser” has been selected to manage the fund an be found where
4) they earn a management fee based on what
5) does the fee go up if the investment adviser is good [prestigious]
6) The adviser’s contract is initially set for how long [their term]
6. 1) after 2 years they can stay if what
1) underwriter
2) acts as an agent, selling the fund for the sponsor
2. 1) part of the sales charge as a selling concession
3) prospectus
4) AUM
5) yes
6) two years
6. 1) shareholder vote each year to keep them in
Packaged Products: Management Companies GENERAL --------------------------------------------------- -Custodian Bank 1) the custodian bank which has been selected to safeguard the assets can be found where 2) custodian bank usually acts as 3) they keep shareholder info such as 4) what do they get paid for their work
- Diversified Fund 75-5-10 Rule
5) funds are set up either diversified or not?
6) what is the 75-5-10 rule
1) prospectus
2) transfer agent for the fund, canceling old shares and issuing new shares,mailing reports, proxies etc.
4) custodial fee
5) yes
-75% or more of its assets invested in securities;
- maximum of 5% of its assets invested in any one issuer; and
- the maximum holding of 10% of the voting securities in any one issuer.
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Types Of Diversification
1) A fund can be diversified among what
2) any diversification decision must be inline with what
1) different industries, or among companies in the same or similar industries (such as an energy fund investing in many different energy producers), or among different securities [bonds, cash, etcl]
2) fund’s investment objective
Packaged Products: Management Companies TYPES OF FUNDS --------------------------------------------------- -Growth Fund 1) Invests primarily in what
- Growth And Income Fund
2) This fund invests in - Income Fund
3) Invests in
4) Types Of Income Funds
1) securities of rapidly growing companies to achieve capital gains
2) “blue chip” equities that provide both dividend income and growth potential.
3)fixed income securities such as preferred stock and bonds
-U.S. Government Securities fund
-Municipal Bond fund
-Preferred Stock fund
-Corporate Bond fund
-Money Market Securities fund
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Balanced Fund
1) allocates assets among what
2) investor get income or capital gains potential
- Index Fund
3) this fund type matches its portfolio to what
4) why is the management fee lower for this - Special Situations Fund
5) Invests in
6) the benefit or upside
1) maintaining a “balance” of equities and fixed income securities
2) both
3) index, such as S&P 500
4) investment adviser is not researching and selecting the securities to be purchase
5) companies in bankruptcy or “takeover” candidates.
6) If the company emerges from bankruptcy or is taken over, there is large capital gains potential
Packaged Products: Management Companies TYPES OF FUNDS --------------------------------------------------- -Specialized Fund 1)invests in 2) example
1) a particular industry or geographic area 2)energy funds or gold funds are specialized by industry
Packaged Products: Management Companies BUYING AND SELLING FUND SHARES --------------------------------------------------- -Open-End Shares Continuously Issued / Redeemable 1) redeemable when 2) who do you redeem to 3) trade in the secondary market 4) negotiable, redeemable securities?
- Net Asset Value
5) when is NAV computed
6) how is it computed
7) NAV fluctuates based upon what 8)
1) anytime
2) sponsor of the fund
3) no
4) no
5) daily
6) all securities held by the fund are “marked to market”, total market value divided by the number of common shares outstanding
7) hanging value of the securities in the portfolio
Packaged Products: Management Companies BUYING AND SELLING FUND SHARES --------------------------------------------------- -No-Load 1) what is it meant by no-load 2)No-load funds are sold directly by
- Money Fund
3) most all are load or no load
4) net asset value is constant at what
5) viewed as temporary/ long term holding places for customer funds.
6) As the fund get earnings, what does earn do
1) no sales charge and customers can buy at net asset value
2) mutual fund sponsors who do not use selling groups or salesmen
3) no load
4) $1.00
5) short term
6) receives more shares worth $1.00 each
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Maximum Sales Charge
1) Sales charge covers what
2) fee on top of the net asset value
3) Under FINRA rules, the maximum sales charge on mutual fund purchases is
4) because sales charged is based on public offering price, why is the % higher than 8 1/2 % of NAV
5) formula for sales Charge Percentage
5.1) solve= NAV $14.75, Ask $16.12
6) mutual fund marketplace is becoming more competitive which does what to sales charge
1) compensate a selling group or salesmen
2) yes
3) 8 ½% of the Public Offering Price
4) POP consists of both Net Asset Value and the appropriate sales charge
5) Ask-Bid / Ask
6) 16.12-14.75 /16.12= 8 1/2 6) going down
Packaged Products: Management Companies BUYING AND SELLING FUND SHARES --------------------------------------------------- -Forward Pricing 1) idea
- Sale proceeds
2) When a customer redeems, he must be paid within how many days
2. 1) industry practice usually results in a much shorter time frame
2. 2) this is a requirement of what
1) when you place an order [buy or sell] during market hours, you don’t know how many shares you’ll get/sell until after hours when NAV is computed.
2) 7 calendar days
2. 1) yes
2. 2) Investment Company Act of 1940,
Packaged Products: Management Companies BUYING AND SELLING FUND SHARES --------------------------------------------------- -Redemption Fee 1) can mutual funds charge this 2) is there a limit on how much
- In-Kind Redemption
3) what do fund managerd to meet the normal flow of redemption requests
3. 1) the problem if there is not enough cash in the account for redemptions
4) how does inkind redemption help with cash
4. 1) happen often?
1) yes
2) yes, all fees combined (Up-Front Sales Charge and Redemption Fee) cannot exceed 8 ½% of the POP under FINRA rules
3) keep a portion of the portfolio in cash
3. 1) rebalance to generate cash in a down market
4) manager can give the fund shareholder his or her pro-rata portion of the underlying portfolio positions, rather than cash
4. 1) no
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC)
1) idea
2) apply to purchase to?
3)redemption chare is imposed under what class of shares
- 8 1/2% Fee under FINRA
4) In order for a fund to charge the maximum 8 ½% sales charge they must offer what three things
1) impose a sales charge only if the customer redeems his shares before a stated time period has elapsed
2) no
3) class B
- Breakpoints
- Letter of intent
- Rights of accumulation
Packaged Products: Management Companies
–8 1/2% Fee under FINRA: Breakpoints
1)A breakpoint is a reduced what
2) who sets breakpoint schedules?
2.1) they base fee on what
3) how do you compute revised offering price based on breakpoints
3.1) solve: customer bought $15,000 of John Hancock Bond Fund [nav $14.75], he would pay 7 ¾% on the entire $15,000 purchase, instead of the normal 8 ½% sales charge.
4) can investment clubs use breakpoints
1) sales charge for a large dollar purchase
2. 1) considers to be “fair and reasonable
3) NAV /100% - sales charge %
3. 1) 14.75/ 100%-7 3/4= 15.99 per share
4) no
Packaged Products: Management Companies
–8 1/2% Fee under FINRA: Letter Of Intent (LOI)
1) idea
2) you are allowed to backdate the letter to include purchases in the preceding how many days to get the breakpoint on those shares
3) LOI letter can only last for how long
4) The extra shares purchased under the breakpoint are held where and for how long
5) If the breakpoint level is not reached, what happens to those shares not purchased
6) Any asset appreciation that occurs over the 13-month life of the LOI, as well as any reinvested dividends, count in reaching the breakpoint amount set in the LOI. 7) If the mutual fund offers Rights of Accumulation this takes effect before/after the LOI is completed
1) if signed, customer says hell buy more of a fund, later on, to get the breakpoint price now; if he doesn’t complete the letter, breakpoint purchases are recalculated
2) 90 days
3) 13 months, inclusive of the 90-day backdate period
4) in escrow until the breakpoint level is reached
5) released from escrow
6) do not, must be a deposit of new money
7) after the LOI is completed
Packaged Products: Management Companies
–8 1/2% Fee under FINRA: Rights Of Accumulation
1) idea 1.1) acculated means
- Dividend Reinvestment Net Asset Value
1) dividends are taxable when
2) whoe does not allow member firms to sell a mutual fund unless that fund offers dividend reinvestment at Net Asset Value
3) sales charge applied to reinvested distributions? 4)FINRA prohibits registered representatives from recommending to customers that they liquidate fund positions and use the proceeds to do what
1) As an investor builds a position in a mutual fund, his accumulated position counts towards the breakpoint
1. 1) current market value, not your basis [unless basis is higher]
1) when issued, whether reinvested or not
3) no
4) buy more shares of the fund (which would then be subject to a sales charge)
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Switching Between Funds In The Same “Fund Family”
1) No sales charge be imposed on switching from Jon hancock bond fund to john hancock growth fund?
2) FINRA requirement?
3) Switching between different funds is considered a “sale” under tax rules?
1) true
2) no, marketing
3) true
Packaged Products: Management Companies
–Rule 12b-1
1) who passed this
2) was intended to “help out” who
3) what does 12b-1 allow
4) in order to allow it, who must approve [4]
5) what does this fee typically pay for
5) allows mutual funds to create shares with a CDSC, what is this?
6)can the fee be paid to salesperson
7) The typical 12b-1 fee is?
8) beings the 12b-1 fee is annual, can salesperson get a trailing commission
9)the fee cannot exceed what % of average annual net assets
10) if a fund doesn’t impose fees for account maintenance, what is the maximum sales charge they can do
10.1) how about if fund does impose service fees for account maintenance
11) FINRA rules state that a fund can call itself “no load” if it charges annual 12b-1 fees of no more than
12) are most money market funds no load
13) 12b-1 fee same as a management fee
14) All funds charge management fee?
15) pure no-load fund doesn’t have what fees
2) mutual funds
3) fund is permitted to charge the cost of soliciting new investment to the existing shares as “12b-1 fees.”
4) shareholders, the fund board of directors and the independent members of the board of directors.
5)mutual fund advertisement on TV, the internet or in print media
5) contingent Deferred Sales Charge, instead of an up-front sales charge.
6) yes
7).50% annually
8) yes
9) .75%
10) 7.25% [not 8 1/2] 10.1) 6.25%
11) .25%
12) yes
13) no
14- yes
15- pure no-load fund
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Share Classes
*there is no such thing as a “free lunch”, WHY
- Class A Shares:
1) how does upfront load compare to 12b-1 fee
2) shares are most suitable for long-term investment, why - Class B Shares
3) how does upfront load compare to 12b-1 fee
4) shares are most suitable for what type of investor - Class C Shares
5) how does upfront load compare to 12b-1 fee
6) shares are most suitable for what type of investor
- you have a choice of paying higher up-front sales charges with low 12b-1 fees; or no up-front sales charge with high 12b-1 fees.
1) impose a higher “up-front” sales charge, but typically have no, or very low (about ¼%), annual 12b-1 fees 2) long term investor, up-front sales charge is a one-time event that will be recovered over time through a better rate of return achieved by the lower annual 12b-1 fee.
3) contingent deferred sales charge that declines to “0” the longer the investor stays in the fund, but impose a higher (about ½%) annual 12b-1 fee
4) intermediate-term investment.
5) no up-front sales charge similar to Class B shares, no “rear load”, have the highest (about ¾%) annual 12b-1 fees
6) short term investment since the higher 12b-1 fee will result in a major “drag” on returns as long as the investor stays in the fund
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-No Discounts From POP [public offering price] Other Than What Is In Prospectus
1)allowed to discount mutual fund shares on their own, nor can they sell them for more than the Public Offering Price
2) so public offering price, includes fees or are fees added to the public offering price
1) no
2) POP includes fees [ceinling]
Packaged Products: Management Companies
1)Breakpoint sales, Trading mutual fund shares, Inappropriate recommendation of Class B shares are prohibited by who
- Breakpoint Sales
2) idea
3) customer must be aware of the ability to get a reduces sales charge for large dollar purchases - Trading Mutual Fund Shares
4) why should broker not advise the client to trade MF
2) not making a customer aware that he or she is close to meeting a breakpoint.
3) True
4) Mutual fund shares are a “buy and hold”, they are not traded, they are redeemed [not negotiable]
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Inappropriate Recommendation Of Class B Shares
1) A customer might believe that Class B shares are “cheaper” why
2) This can be much more expensive to what type of investor
3) a large investment might be better with what class
1) have no “up-front” sales charge. However, they do impose annual 12b-1 fees.
2) large dollar amount to invest over a long time horizon, 3) A [large load] as large buy in could reduce sales charge
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-One-Time Stock Issuance
1) how are they difrent from open-ended when it comes to trading
- General
2) valued like any other negotiable security?
3) can they trade at a premium or discount to NAV?
4) structures are used for portfolios of illiquid securities 5)Closed-end funds sell at a discount why
5. 1) sell at premiums because of
6) when sold [liquidated], what does the investor get
1) Open= traded on exchange; closed= redemmed at issuer
2) yes
3) yes
4) yes
5) they give a lesser rate of return relative to the market 5.1)give (or are expected to give) a superior return relative to the market rate of return
6) NAV
Packaged Products: Management Companies
1)ETFs represent what
2) what was the first ETF created and when
3) ETF are investment companies legally classified as what
4)Currently, almost all ETFs are index funds are passively/active managed
5) they are registered under what
6)ETFs are continuously priced on the exchange based on
7) how do they trade compared to mutual funds
8)ETFs are purchased with/without a sales charge
9) Diffrence between mutual fund and ETF when it comes to trading on margine
9.1) how about sold short
10) ETF subject to 12b1 fee
1) shares of ownership in portfolios of common stock that track the performance of a specific index
2) 1990, SPIDR
3) open
3) open end. unit investment trust.
4) passive, matching the portfolio composition to a benchmark index
5) The Investment Company Act Of 1940
6) changes in value of the stocks held in the index and trade similar to any other common stock
7) ETF like stock, market order; mutual fund trade end of day based on closing NAV (plus a sales charge, if applicable).
8) without, but could be charge trading fee [Fidelity $5/trade]
9) ETF, you can. MF, you cant
9. 1)ETF, you can. MF, you cant
12) no
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-General [continued]
1) ETFs are “tax-efficient” because they are not obligated to distribute what 1.1) same for MF
2)As the shares appreciate, there is no annual tax bill on the appreciation?
2.1) The tax becomes due when
3) What exchange is the main marketplace for ETFs
4) ETF sell individual shares direclty to investors
4.1) how do they get investment into hands of investors
1) capital gains to shareholders annually,
1. 1) yes
2) True
2. 1) when sold
4) no
4. 1) creation units=they issue shares in large blocks [e.g., 50K shares] which institutions buy and split up into individual shares and arae sold in the secondary market
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Arbitrage Mechanism Keeps Price At NAV
1)If the fund is trading at a discount, designated large institutional investors are permitted to buy the fund shares (at the discount price), typically in minimum 50,000-100,000 share blocks, and sell (short) the equivalent shares of the stocks in the underlying portfolio.
2) the institutional investor can then exchange the purchased ETF shares for the underlying stocks in the portfolio, which can be used to cover their short positions?
1) true
2) true
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Leveraged ETF
1)use borrowing to do what
2) names like the “S&P 500 200% means what
- Inverse ETF
3) use short selling to move inversely to the market
4) what would inverse ETF do if the index is up 5%
1) magnify returns (and this will also magnify losses)
2) ETF is designed to move twice as fast as the S&P 500 [S&P up 5%, leveraged will be 10%]
3) yes
4) Inverse ETF” is designed to move down 5%
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Must Deliver Prospectus Or Product Description
1) how diffrent compard to stock
- ETN - Exchange Traded Note
2) ETF same as ETN
3) ETN is a what
4) This is a synthetic security created by who
5) debt instrument?
6) gives a return that is linked to what
7) do they have physical securities backing it
8) ETN have a fixed maturity
9) trade where
9. 1) because of this they can sell at anytime?
10) make periodic interest payments?
10. 1) The value “grows” based on what
10. 2) at redemption, tax is based on what
10. 3) the growth is taxed at capital or income
11) The major problem with ETNs is that they have what type of risk
12) ETN is really only backed by the credit rating of the issuing bank, why
12. 1) same for ETF
1) though ETF trades like stock, the purchaser is required to recieve a prospectus or a product document summarizing key information and where prospectus can be found
2) no
3) Exchange Traded Note
4) investment bank
5) yes
6) equity index
7) no
8) yes
9) listed on an exchange
9. 1) yes
10) no
10. 1)performance of the underlying index
10. 2) the difference between the purchase price and the sale price
10. 3) capital gains
11) credit risk - if the issuing bank fails, the purchaser is left with nothing
12) fund does not own owns a piece of the underlying portfolio
12. 1) no, ETF hold ownership of unerlying portfolio
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Annual Financial Statement
1) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, management companies are obligated to send financial statements to shareholders how often
2) The financial statements includes what
- Annual Management Fee
3) typically the largest/ smallest expense of operating a fund.
4) this is paid to who - Shareholder Servicing Fees
5) this covers what
1) semi-annually
2) income statement for the fund, a balance sheet, and a listing of all holdings in the portfolio.
3) largest expense
4) investment adviser
5) maintaining customer support services such as personnel needed to answer shareholder inquiries and requests.
Packaged Products: Management Companies FUND INCOME AND TAXATION --------------------------------------------------- -Custodial Fees 1) The bank charges this for what
- Printing Fees
2) charge for what kind of printing - Legal + Audit Fees
3) Funds must be audited how often
4) lawyers are retained for what - Administrative Fees
5) Charges for what - 12b-1 Distribution Fees
6) charges for soliciting what
7) permitted under SEC Rule #?
1) safekeeping the fund’s investments and for acting as transfer agent and paying agent.
2) prospectus (for mutual funds) and for printing the semi-annual reports to shareholders.
3) annual
4) SEC filing work, investment adviser contracts,
5) office personnel, etc
6) new shareholders to become fund investors [marketing]
7) 12b-1 under tightly controlled conditions.
Packaged Products: Management Companies
- Expense Ratio
1) a fund that is more efficent is one with high or low expense ratio
2) formula for expense ratio
3) to get net return to shareholder, you should take portfolio return - expense ratio?
1) low, grater residual income for investors
2) total expenses/ total net assets
3) yes
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Regulated Fund Under Subchapter M
1)What % of net investment income [NII] must be distributed to shareholders to be regualred under Sub Chapter M
2) fund pays no tax on the distributed net income to shareholders
2.1) investor pay the tax on money received?
2.2) fund taxed on remaining not deistirbuted
3) what happens if 90% of NII isn’t distributed
4) most funds distribut at least what % of NII
5) how about capital gains
5.1) capital gains distribution is made only when
5.2) how about losses
5.3) how about dividends
6) from a tax perspective, each year an investor should receive what two things
6.1) tax on these things differed if reinvested
1) 90% of NII
2) true
2. 1) yes, conduit
2. 2) true
3) not “regulated”, all of its NII is taxable to fund
4) 97%
4. 1) 98%
5. 1) 1X year
5. 2) not distributed
5. 3) periodicly throughout the year
6) dividend distribution and a capital gains
6. 1) no
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Mutual Fund Ex Date
1) decision to make a distribution from a mutual fund is made by who
2) record date for the distribution, what happens
2.1) Ex date is what
3) As of the ex-date, the NAV per share will
3.1) how about if if the customer chose automatic reinvestment of dividends
1) Board of Directors of the fund.
2) date that the shareholder list is taken and those shareholders of record will receive the distribution.
2. 1) day after record date, on this day distribution will go out to those on the list pulled yesterday
3) decrease by the amount of the distribution
3. 1) aggregate NAV for that customer will not change.
Packaged Products: Management Companies INVESTOR CONSIDERATIONS --------------------------------------------------- -Shareholder Rights 1)what are they [4]
- “Non-Interested” Board Of Directors
2) Under the Act of 1940, the managers of the fund cannot exceed what %
2. 1) therfore, 40% of board members must be from outside the fund
2. .2) having a higher % of outside members is good why - Change Objective
3) If the fund wants to change its investment objective or to change its policies 3.1) vote must be unanamus
1) vote for the Board of Directors
vote for changes in investment objective
vote annually on the investment adviser
receive annual and semi-annual reports
2) 60% 2.1) true
2. 2) outside has better intrest of investor
3) Requires Majority Shareholder Vote
3. 1) no, majority vote
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-Investment Adviser Contract
1) specifies what
2)the fees should be reasonable based upon what
- Minimum Fund Capital
3) To establish a fund, the Sponsor must start with minimum Total Net Assets of - Prospectus Delivery
4) Every share of a mutual fund (open-end management company) is a new issue security?
5) All new issues, unless they are exempt, must be sold with a prospectus under what act
6) The prospectus must be delivered to purchasers
7) electronic delivery of prospectuses permitted for stock and bond offerings?
7. 1) same for mutual funds
1) management fees to be paid to the adviser.
2) the performance of the adviser.
3)$100,000 of its own
4) yes
5) Securities Act of 1933
6) “at, or prior to, confirmation of sale.”
7) yes
7. 1) no, must be printed
Packaged Products: Management Companies
-All Mutual Fund Purchases Are Not Marginable
1)new issue purchases is that they must be paid in full? 2) after how many days after purchased can it be margined
2.1) margined up to what %
3) if a client buys shares in the market or buys a closed-end fund in the market, the shares can be purchased at 50% margin immediately?
1) true, no margin (borrowing funds to buy)
2) 30 days
2. 1) 50%
3) true