Package Managers Flashcards
What is the yum command to look for software?
yum search
i.e yum search http
What is the yum command to get information about a software package?
yum info
i.e yum info httpd
What is the yum command to get installed software?
yum list installed
i.e yum list installed wireshark
What is the yum command to get the dependencies for a package?
yum deplist
i.e yum deplist
What is the yum command to remove software?
yum remove
i. e yum remove httpd
* leaves behind dependencies
What is the yum command to remove software including dependencies no longer subsequently needed?
yum autoremove
i.e yum autoremove httpd
What is the command to show the full path of a shell command?
i.e which tshark
What is the yum command to get a list of repositories being used by the system?
yum repolist
On red hat based systems, where is repository information saved?
Multiple repo files
What is the command to clean up the local yum database of packages?
yum clean all
What is the yum command to update the system?
yum update
What is the rpm command to install a package?
rpm -i
-v verbose -h progress bar
What is the rpm command to query a package?
rpm -q
-i info
What is the format convention for rpm packages?
i.e plexmediaserver-
What is the rpm command to see what files an rpm installs?
rpm -ql
What is the rpm command to see the documentation of an rpm?
rpm -qd
*lists documentation and man page files
What is the rpm command to see the dependencies of an rpm?
rpm -qR
What is the rpm command to query an uninstalled package?
rpm -qp
-p path
What is the rpm command to update an existing package?
rpm -U
*updates installed package with newer rpm download
What is the rpm command to remove an rpm package?
rpm -e
What is the rpm command to check for errors when removing an rpm package?
rpm -e –test
On debian based systems, where is repository information saved?
single file listing repositories
What is the apt command to update the cache for a list of available packages?
apt update
What is the apt command to search for a package?
apt search
apt-cache search
What is the apt command to install a package?
apt install
What is the apt command to remove a package?
apt remove
What is the apt command to remove a package including configuration files?
apt remove –purge
What is the apt command to remove a package including dependencies?
apt autoremove
apt autoremove *remove all unneeded dependencies
What is the apt command to update existing packages on the system?
apt upgrade
What is the rpm command to list installed packages?
rpm -qa
What is the apt command to update the important system packages including removing unneeded dependencies ?
apt full-upgrade
What is the dpkg command to list installed packages?
dpkg –get-selections
What is the dpkg command to query an uninstalled package?
dpkg-deb -I
What is the dpkg command to see what files a package installs?
dpkg-deb –contents
What is the dpkg command to install a package?
dpkg -i
What is the command to install dependencies flagged by a failed dpkg install?
apt update
*pull down info on dependencies requested by .deb
apt -f upgrade
What the dpkg command to remove a package?
dpkg -r
What is the dpkg command to remove a package including configuration files?
dpkg -P