PACE 1984 Flashcards
What is a premises?
Any place including any: Hovercraft Aircraft Vehicle Vessel Installation (Offshore) Tent (or other moveable structure)
What is Section 17 Powers of Entry
Pursuit of a person unlawfully at large
Life and limb (or prevent serious damage to property)
Execute a Warrant
Arrest for an indictable offence
Specified in an act
Escape from lawful detention
What is Section 32 (Person)?
Powers to search a person upon arrest:
A constable may search a person who is arrested at a place other than a police station, if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person has in their possession:
Dangerous Article
Implement to aid escape
Evidence relating to any offence
Section 32(8)(9) gives powers to seize anything found during a section 32 search
What is Section 32 (Premises)?
Powers to search a premises upon arrest:
A constable may enter and search any premises where the person was when they were arrested for an indictable offence or immediately prior to arrest or evidence relating to the offence they were arrested.
What is Section 18 Powers of Entry after Arrest to Search for Property?
Section 18 (1):
Requires authority in writing from an inspector.
A constable may enter and search (seize and retain) any premises occupied or controlled by a person who is under arrest for an indictable offence if they have reasonable grounds for suspecting there is on the premises evidence relating to that offence or any other indictable connected with the one they have been arrested for.
Section 18 (5):
Inspectors authority is not needed if a search is needed prior to going to the station.
The search can only be done if the presence of the detained person is necessary for the effective investigation of that offence. But you must inform the inspector ASAP.
What is Section 19 General Power to Seize Property or Evidence?
A constable who is lawfully on premises may seize anything which they have reasonable grounds to believe is covered in a warrant or evidence of any offence, or has been obtained due to committing an offence.
But only to prevent:
Concealment Lost Altered Damaged Destroyed
What is Section 24 Power of Arrest?
Arrest without a warrant, a lawful arrest requires two elements:
A person’s involvement, suspected involvement or attempted involvement in the commission of a criminal offence in the past, present, future or suspected and reasonable grounds for believing that the person’s arrest is necessary.
What is the necessity criteria for a lawful arrest?
C - to protect a child or vulnerable person
O - to prevent obstruction of the highway
P - to prevent physical injury to self or others
P - to prevent an offence against public decency
L - to prevent loss or damage to property
A - to ascertain the person’s address
N - to ascertain the person’s name
I - to allow for a prompt and effective investigation
D - to prevent the disappearance of the suspect
What is Section 117 Use of Reasonable Force?
When carrying out a lawful arrest, PACE states that you may use such reasonable force as it is reasonable and necessary in the exercise of your power of arrest but must remember PLANE.
What does PLANE stand for in terms of use of force?
P - Proportionate L - Legal A - Accountable N - Necessity E - Ethical
What is Section 28 Information to be Given on Arrest?
Information to be given on arrest includes:
That they are under arrest
The Caution
The reasons and the necessity for the arrest
What is Section 30 De Arrest?
Person arrested by a constable at a place other than a police station shall be released if the constable is satisfied before reaching the police station that there are no grounds for keeping them under arrest.
What is Section 31 Further Arrest?
Where a person is under arrest at a police station and it appears that if released they would be liable to arrest for some other offence. Then section 31 requires that person be arrested for that offence.
What is Section 22 Retention of Evidence?
Anything which has been seized by a constable or taken away by a constable following a requirement and may be retained so long as is necessary in all the circumstances.
What is Section 1, Stop and Search?
Section 1 of PACE gives you the power to stop and search someone when you have reasonable grounds.
The definition is:
A police constable may detain in order to search any Person, Vehicle, anything which is in or on a vehicle, In any place to which the public have access to. If they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that stolen articles or prohibited articles will be found.
What are reasonable grounds to stop and search under Section 1 of PACE
This is used to assist us in gaining our reasonable grounds to suspect. SHACKS stands for:
S – Seen H – Heard A – Actions C – Conversations K – Knowledge S – Smell
What are the limitations of Section 1 of PACE, stop and search?
Section 1 of PACE 1984 is a statutory power and therefore, is subject to limitations set out in PACE.’
Extent of the search - In public, searches under Section 1 of PACE are restricted to only removing JOG. (Jacket, Outercoat and Gloves).
Search limitations – Permitted to ask the subject to remove other articles of clothing voluntarily, such as hat, shoes, and jumper. Must be done out of public view. Any search requiring removal of clothing other than JOG, must be made by an officer of the same sex.
What information must be given before a Section 1, Stop and Search?
Before searching a person or vehicle or detaining a person or vehicle or person for the purpose of a search, you must
G – Grounds for the search – Tell the person your grounds.
O – Object of the search – Explain what you are looking for.
W – Warrant Card (if not in uniform)
I – Identity – Give your name unless using the terrorism powers.
S – Station – the station on which you’re attached.
E – Entitled to a copy of the search – at either the time or within 3 months of the search taking place.
L – Legislation – Inform the person being searched what legislation they are being searched under. E.G. section 1 of PACE
Y – You are detained for the purpose of the search – Inform the person they are detained for the purpose of a search.