Pāṇini Flashcards
agacchat 3SG IMPF of √gam “he went”
atha (ind) “then”
abhavat 3SG IMPF of √bhū “he was afraid”
ayam/idam (pron) ‘he,she, it; this/that’
aṣṭama- (adj) ‘eight’
asmad- (pron) stem form of vayam
ahar-/ahan- (n) ‘day
aham (pron) ‘I’
ahni LOC SG of ahar-
āgatya ABS of ā-√gam ‘having gone’
pra-√āp ‘get, acquire’
āvayoḥ GENLOC DU of aham “of/in/around/for we 2’
āhvayate 3 SG of ā-√hve
indu-śekhara- (m) lit. ‘the moon crested one’ Name of śiva
pra-√iṣ ‘send forth/away’
eka- (pron adj) ‘one; single, alone)
eva (ind) ‘indeed; only’
eṣaḥ/etad- (pron) ‘he,she,it, this, that’
aindra- (adj) ‘belonging to Indra; Indraic”
kāma (m) ‘desire’
kālena (ind) ‘in the course of/in time’
√kr̥ (karoti) ‘do, make’
kr̥ta- ta-PTC of √kr̥ ‘having been made(passive)’ or ‘having made’
khinna- (adj) ‘depressed, distressed’
√gam (irreg gacchita) ‘to’ (go to)
ā-√gam ‘come’
ghora- (adj) ‘horrible’
ca (ind) ‘and’ (postposed)
jaḍa- (adj) ‘stupid, dull’
√ji (1 jayati) ‘win, defeat, conquer’
tat (ind) ‘then, thus,’ (pron) NOMACC SG NTR of saḥ/tad-
tataḥ (ind) ‘then; thus’
tatra (ind) ‘there’
tat-samanantaram (ind) ‘immediately thereafter’
tapas- (n) ‘suffering; religious austerities/asceticism, penance’’
tasmin LOC SG of saḥ/tad-
tīvra- (adj) ‘strong, intense’
√tuṣ (IV tuṣyati) ‘be pleased by, delight in’
tena INS SG of saḥ/tad- (ind) ‘thus’
toṣita- CAUS ta PTC of √tuṣ ‘causing pleasure or delight’
nabhas- (n) ‘sky,heaven’
nava- (adj) ‘new’
pra-√naś ‘disappear; be destroyed’
nāma (ind) ‘called, by name’
parikliṣṭa- (adj) ‘exhausted, troubled’
pāṇini- (m) Pāṇini (a man, a famous grammarian)
punar (ind) ‘again’
praṇaṣṭa- ta PTC of pra-√naś
prayāta- ta PTC of pra-√yā
pravr̥tta- (adj) ‘ongoing, continuing’
prā-pta ta PTC of pra-√āp
preṣita- ta PTC of pra-√iṣ
buddhi- (f) ‘mind, intelligence’
bhāryā- (f) ‘wife’
bhuvi LOC SG of √bhū
√bhū (I bhavati) ‘be,become’
mūrkhi-√bhū ‘become a fool’
bhū- (f.) ‘earth’
mayā INS SG of aham ‘by me’
mahā- (adj) ‘big, great’ (form used at beginning of CPDS)
mahā-ghora- (adj) ‘greatly, very horrible’
mām (pron) ACC SG of aham ‘me’
mukha- (n) ‘mouth, face’ (head?)
mūrkhī-bhūta ta PTC of mūrkhī-√bhu
pra-√yā ‘go forth; pass’
vayam (pron) ‘we’ (NOM PL)
varga- (m.) ‘group’
varṣa- (m.) ‘Varṣa’ (a teacher)
vāda- (m.) ‘word; here: ‘discussion, dispute’
vāsara- (m.) ‘day’
vidyā- (f.) ‘knowledge’
vidyā-kāma- BV ‘whose desire was/desiring knowledge’
vyākaraṇa- (n.) ‘grammar’
śaṁbhu- (adj) ‘benevolent’; (m.) name of śiva
śiṣya- (m.) ‘student’
śuśrūṣā- (f.) ‘obedience, service’
sa, saḥ (pron) NOM SG MASC of saḥ/tad-
saḥ/tad- (pron) ‘he/she/it; this/that’
sapta-(num) ‘seven’
sarva- (pron adj) ‘all, every’
sarve NOM PL MASC of sarva
-stha- (adj, ifc) ‘standing, being (in a place)
sma (ind) turns the preceeding verb into past tense
hima-ālaya- (m.) lit. “the abode of snow’, the Himalayas
huṁ-kāra (m.) ‘noise, sound’
ā-√hve (irreg ahvayate) ‘call, summon’ (to: plus DAT)