PA German Phrases Flashcards
Common Pennsylvania Dutch phrases.
Hello. Vi bisht du?
Hello. How are you?
Ich binn goot.
I am good.
‘Sis en shaynah dawk heit!
It’s a nice day today!
Ya, ‘sis.
Yes, it is.
Vi bisht du als am du?
How are things going for you?
Zimlich goot.
Pretty good.
Bisht am bissy bleiva?
Are you staying busy?
Vi sinn dei eldra?
How are your parents?
Si sinn goot.
They are fine.
Vi is dei family am du?
How is your family doing?
Recht goot.
Right well.
Sayn dich shpaydah.
See you later.
Mach’s goot.
Fare well. (Make it good.)
Ya. Du aw.
Yes, you too.
Hello, vi bisht du heit?
Hello, how are you today?
‘Sis en shaynah dawk, gell.
It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
Kann ich dich helfa mitt ebbes?
Can I help you with something?
Vass kann ich du fa dich?
What can I do for you?
Vi feel hosht vella?
How much/many did you want?
Is sell alles?
Is that everything?
Vitt du en sakk?
Would you like a bag?
Hello, vi sind diah heit?
Hello, how are (all of) you today?
Vi feel funn eich sinn ‘s?
How many of you are there?
Ich binn laynich.
I am alone.
Zvay, drei, fiah, fimf sex, sivva, acht
two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
Ich habb en dish fa eich do hivva.
I have a table for you over here.
Do sinn samm menus. Ich binn glei zrikk.
Here are some menus. I will soon be back.
Vass vellet diah fa drinka?
What would you like to drink?
Ich nemm samm ________.
I will have some _________.
Sind diah ready for order-a?
Are you ready to order?
Naett gans.
Not quite.
Vellet diah noch may zeit?
Do you want more time?
Ya, ich vill noch bisli zeit.
Yes, I want a little more time.
Ya, miah vella noch bisli zeit.
Yes, we want a little more time.
Is alles awreit?
Is everything alright?
Kann ich dei glaws uf filla?
Can I fill up your glass?
Nay, denki. Ich vill naett may.
No thanks, I don’t want anymore.
Mach’s yusht halvah foll.
Just fill it halfway.
Kansht du mei kobli filla?
Can you fill my cup?
Kann ich dei dellah nemma?
Can I take your plate?
Bisht du faddich mitt dei dellah?
Are you finished with your plate?
Vill ennich ebbah dessert?
Does anyone want dessert?
Vass satt boi hend diah?
What kind of pie do you have?
Miah henn sivva sadda.
We have seven kinds.
Ich nemm en shtikk ____ boi.
I will take a piece of __ pie.
Dusht du bavvahra?
Do you farm?
Vi feel akkah hosht du?
How many acres do you have?
Dusht du melga?
Do you milk?
Vi feel kee dusht du melga?
How many cows do you milk?
Vi feel geil yoosht du in da blook?
How many horses do you use in the plow?
Vi feel akkah kansht du bloowa
How many acres can you plow in a day?
Dei velshken feld gukt shay.
Your corn field looks nice.
Du hosht shay hoi.
You have nice hay.
Vi feel hinkel hosht du in dei hinkel shtall?
How many chickens do you have in your chicken house?
Dusht du oiyah fakawfa?
Do you sell eggs?
Vo kann ich oiyah kawfa uf en farm?
Where can I buy eggs on a farm?
Is dess dei goahra?
Is this your garden?
Oh, ich gleich dei goahra!
Oh, I like your garden!
Dei goarha gukt really shay!
Your garden looks very nice!
Ich sayn naett ay veetz shtokk!
I don’t see one weed plant!
Ich gleich naett veetz hakka.
don’t like to hoe weeds.
Ich gleich naett veetz robba.
I don’t like to pull weeds.
Dusht du dei shtoft shteahra im haus?
Do you start your things in the house?
Vi free dusht du eahpsa naus?
How early do you put peas out?
Vass satt eahpsa gleichsht du?
What kind of peas do you like?
Vass satt bawna sinn sell?
What kind of beans are those?
Dei zvivla sinn am goot du.
Your onions are doing well.
Hosht du ennich druvvel mitt keffahra?
Do you have any trouble with bugs?
Sinn dei aebbeahra shund zeidich?
Are your strawberries ripe already?
Dusht du vassmalawna raysa?
Do you raise watermelon?
Vass satt vassmalawna sinn sell?
What kind of watermelons are those?
Sinn di moshmalawna zeidich?
Are the muskmelons ripe?
Dei velshkann is shund really grohs!
Your corn is very tall already!
Vi haysht du?
What is your name?
Vass is dei nohma?
What is your name?
Vi ald bisht du?
How old are you?
Gaysht du shund in di shool?
Do you go to school already?
Neksht yoah kansht du in di shool gay.
Next year you can go to school.
Velli grade bisht du?
In which grade are you?
Dauf ich dich hayva?
May I hold you?
Kumm, hokk uf mei shohs.
Come, sit on my lap.
Vella miah en buch gukka?
Shall we look at a book?
Gleichsht du shpringa?
Do you like to run?
Du kansht steik shringa.
You can run fast.
Gleichsht du da puppy?
Do you like the puppy?
Gleichsht du ‘s kitty?
Do you like the kitty?
Vi hayst dei puppy?
What is your puppy’s name?
Vi hayst dei kitty?
What is your kitty’s name?
Hosht du en dolly?
Do you have a doll?
Vi hayst dei dolly?
What is your doll’s name?
Sell ich dei shoo binna?
Shall I tie your shoe?
Shtobb sell.
Stop that.
Du naett.
Kumm moll do rivvah.
Come over here.
Loss mich dich helfa.
Let me help you.
Sawk sell viddah.
Say that again.
Sawk sell nochamohl.
Say that once more.
Ich habb dich naett fashtanna.
I didn’t understand you.
Ich habb sell naett grikt.
I didn’t get that.
Vi hosht ksawt?
How did you say?
Vass hosht ksawt?
What did you say?
Vi voah sell?
How was that?
Shvetz bisli shlohah, please.
Talk a little slower, please.
Shvetz bisli laudah, please.
Talk a little louder, please.
‘Sis en shand!
It’s a disgrace!
‘Sis en aylend!
It’s a pitiful situation.
‘Sis kenn fashtand!
It’s unreasonable/immoderate/unsafe!
Is sell naett ebbes!
Isn’t that something!
Sell is really ebbes.
That’s really something.
Sell fashtaund mich.
That surprises me.
Ich binn naett fashtaund.
I’m not surprised.
Sell is hatt fa glawva.
That is hard to believe.
‘Sis unfashtendich!
It’s amazing!
Ei ‘sis un!
It’s amazing!
Maynsht du’s!
Do you mean it!
Ich mayn’s!
I mean it!
Is sell recht?
Is that right?
Ich habb mich kenn roht gvist.
I didn’t know what to do./I was panic stricken.
‘Sis mich en lasht.
I don’t look forward to it.
‘Sis mich falayt.
I don’t look forward to it.
‘S shpeid mich.
It grieves me./ I regret it.
Hott sell mich kshpeid!
How that grieved me!/How I regretted that!
Ich shemm mich.
I am embarrassed/ashamed.
Shemm dich!
Shame on you!
Sei shtill!
Be still!/Be quiet!
Thank you
Grohs dank!
Many thanks!
Ich sawk dank.
Thank you (I say thank you)
Du bisht welcome.
You are welcome.
Excuse mich.
Excuse me.
Ich binn sorry.
I am sorry.
Ich habb naett zeit.
I don’t have time.
‘S nemd zu lang.
It takes too long.
Ich kann naett.
I can’t.
Ich vays naett vi.
I don’t know how.
‘Sis zu hatt.
It’s too hard.
Ich vill naett.
I don’t want to.
‘S kann naett shaffa.
It can’t work.
‘Sis zu shpoht.
It’s too late,
Ich habb’s naett gvist.
I didn’t know better.
Ich habb naett paubes.
I didn’t do it on purpose.
Ich habb naett vella.
I didn’t want to.
‘S nemd naett lang.
It doesn’t take long.
Du kansht vann du vitt.
You can if you want to.
Ich veis dich vi.
I will show you how.
‘Sis goah naett hatt.
It’s not hard at all.
Ich helf dich.
I will help you.
Loss mich dich helfa.
Let me help you.
‘Sis alsnoch zeit.
There is still time.
Favass boviahsht ‘s naett moll?
Why don’t you try it?
Gebb naett uf!
Don’t give up!
Du hosht bessah gvist.
You knew better.
Du musht bessah acht gevva.
You must be more careful.
Is es?
Is it?
Does it?
Did it?/Has it?
Could it?
Might it?
Will it?
Was it?
Would it?
Is es?
Is it?
Does it?
Did it?/Has it?
Could it?
Might it?
Will it?
Was it?
Would it?
Bisht du?
Are you?
Dusht du?
Do you?
Hosht du?
Have you?/Did you?
Kendsht du?
Could you?
Mechsht du?
Might you?
Zaylsht du?
Will you?
Voahsht du?
Were you?
Daytsht du?
Would you?
Kansht du?
Can you?
Vitt du?
Do you want to?
Vetsht du?
Would you like to?
Yau, ‘s is
Yes, it is.
Yau, ‘s dutt.
Yes, it does.
Yau, ‘s hott.
Yes, it did./Yes, it has.
Yau, ‘s kend.
Yes, it could.
Yau, ‘s mecht.
Yes, it might.
Yau, ‘s zayld.
Yes, it will.
Yau, ‘s voah.
Yes, it was.
Yau, ‘s dayt.
Yes, it would.
Nay, ‘s is naett.
No, it is not.