PA Code/Pharmacy Act Flashcards
The name (or ownership/controlling party) of your pharmacy changes. What do you need to do?
Send application for new pharmacy permit within 30 days of the change
If your pharmacy closes, what do you need to do?
Tell the Board immediately and send your permit. Take down anything inside and outside indicating that the building was a pharmacy. After 30 days, you can’t do anything with rx files or meds w/o approval from Board.
If you pharmacy manager does not give you two weeks notice and just peaces out, what do you do?
Permit holder of pharmacy writes Board that manager left and gives name of new manager w/in 15 days. If hear nothing from Board for 30d - you’re good. If can’t find a manager w/in 15 days, can write for an extension of ≤30 more days.
True or False: A pharmacist can only be listed as pharmacy manager of one store
Inspection reports need to be kept for how long?
2 years
What’s the minimum inventory a pharmacy needs to have? (and the exception)
$5,000 worth of drugs - exception if a central fill pharmacy
How long do original copies of prescriptions need to be kept/readily retrievable?
From 2 years of most recent filling (NOT from original rx date)
If you want to build a new pharmacy (or move), how long does the Board have to respond to your plans?
90 days of receipt of the plans
If you’re doing significant alterations to you pharmacy, how can you maintain operations during the day?
- Take adequate precaution to ensure health/safety of persons in building
- Send plans to Board 30d prior to starting (if no objections - GO FOR IT)
What is the minimum size of the rx area?
250sq ft with counter space of 10ftx2ft and additional 5ft for every extra pharmacist on duty (exempt if central fill pharmacy - and also don’t need sink just for pharmacy stuff)
Items needed for an rx on file
- Name and address of patient
- Name and address of MD (or phone number or whatever)
- Date of rx
- Name and # of drug
- Directions
- Auxiliary labels
- Date dispensed
- Pharmacist’s initials
- DEA of MD (if controlled)
Info recorded for refills
- Initials of pharmacist
- date
- Quantity (if different from original, write change on back of original hard copy and in computer)
How long do you need to keep records of original rx (or readily retrievable images)?
2 years
Requirements for a label
- Pharmacy - name, address, phone, DEA
- Pt name
- Drug - name, strength, sig, dosage form, quantity, brand and generic, manufacturer (if generic)
- Rx number
- Date of original fill
What do you prepacks need on their labels that regular rx do not?
Manufacturer control number and expiration date
If you’re advertising special prices (10% off), what else do you have to advertise or make available to the public?
The original price that the 10% is begin derived from
A patient walks in to your pharmacy and asks for a copy of a prescription - how do you proceed?
Request identification, clearly indicate that the image is a copy, record the date, the person the copy was given to and the pharmacist that gave it
What is required on parenteral labeling?
Patient name Name, strength, and quantity of each ingredient Diluent Expiration date Pharmacists initials
When doesn’t a pharmacist need to do a PDR?
ER MD giving med to a pt
If pharmacist is dispensing medication directly to provider, who will then administer it to the patient (drug or radiopharmaceutical)
Other provider dispenses a drug
When are some situations when the offer to counsel doesn’t need to be orally given by the pharmacist?
If patient would better understand it in written form
If delivery person makes the offer or pharmacist sends written offer
How many times does the offer to counsel need to be made and who can counsel?
Once and pharmacist only
How long does a patient profile need to be maintained?
≥2 years since the last entry
When can a pharmacist share patient information?
Patient consents
Board, State or Federal government requires info
Court order
What are the exceptions for requirement of original CII rx before dispensing (vs receiving a fax order)?
- Resident of LTC
- Hospice-enrolled patient
- Compounded for direct admin in patient’s home - any admin form other than oral, intranasal or transdermal
If examinee is expelled from testing room, what do they need to do if they want to take the test again?
Wait 1 year, submit a new application and ask special permission of the Board
How many max hours can an intern credit in 1 week?
50 hours
Preceptor requirements
Only 2 interns at a time
Must be full-time employed at the pharmacy
When do renewals happen?
Pharmacy permits - odd years
Pharmacy licenses - even years
September 1
So say I decide to forego my PA license and get licensed in Utah, what do I do when my PA license is due for renewal? And what do I do if I want to come back?
Tell Board on renewal form why, send in licenses.
If it’s been ≥1y, demonstrate practice during that time in another state and make sure you have enough CE for PA
What are the CE requirements for pharmacists in the state of PA?
30 hours every 2 years. 2 hours - Patient Safety, 2 hours - injectable stuff
How do you prove that you’ve done your CE?
Fill out a form with the renewal form and keep your certificates/anything associated with the CE that you took for ≥2y after filing for renewal (if the Board asks for those things and you don’t have them, then you have 6 months to make up/prove those hours)
If a pharmacist transfers in from another state, what’s the deal with their CE stuff?
They just need prorated CE credit amounts based on how many quarters they practiced before renewal. 1 quarter = 3 months = 3.75 CE required. Must start the quarter after they began practicing
What’s the minimum amount of time a pharmacy must be open in an institution?
20 hours/week
If someone high up bribes you, what do you do?
Must write to Commissioner within 5 days of incident
How can you dispense a radiopharm if there is no specific patient order?
If the name of the patient is provided w/in 72 hours of dispensing. If not used, write NOT USED on rx.
Patient doesn’t pick up med so you put it back on the shelf in the rx bottle after removing PHI. Now what?
Use this med up first. Otherwise, if there’s no lot/expiration date - you have 6months from fill date to use it. No other official rules here.
You, as a pharmacist, do not want to fill birth control for patients - what do you do.
Tell your employer upon hiring so that you can work out a system to ensure that the patient receives their medication.
What’s one weird thing an e-script needs?
The name of pharmacy intended to receive the script
How quickly does the computer need to be able to get patient profile information?
Past 12 months from last entry - immediately
Past 24 months from last entry - 3 work days
If pt wants hard copy - must be able to get it to them within 3 days
How does a central fill pharmacy work?
They must have the same ownership at the originating/delivering pharmacy
The label must show the info of the delivering pharmacy
Must have a detailed audit trail
EACH pharmacy involved is jointly responsible for rx
What are the monitoring requirements for automated drug systems?
Monthly - expiration dates of meds, security and accountability of system
Annually - review policies
Every 6 months - accuracy (or when any upgrades are made)
How long does a pharmacist have to notify MD of anything done in a collaborative practice agreement?
≤72 hours
How long are collaborative practice agreements good for?
≤2 years?
What’s the minimum amount of insurance a pharmacist should have?
If you have a record, how long do you need to wait to reapply for licensure?
10 years
What’s one thing about transfers that no one does but is technically legally required?
A complete refill log of the medication being transferred
Who is on the state board of pharmacy?
Commissioner of Profesh and Occupational Affairs
Director of Bureau of Consumer Protection
2 members representing public
5 pharmacists (practicing ≥5 years)
- 2 independent
- 2 retail (>5 pharmacies in PA)
- 1 acute care
How long does someone serve on the board?
Each term is 6 years and you can’t serve for more than 2 consecutive terms
How many meetings can someone miss before they’re kicked out?
3 consecutive meetings - board meets ≥once every 2 months
How long does a pharmacist have to request a hearing if refused licensure or permit?
15 days from when notice given
How long can a temporary suspension last?
≤180 days
If applying for reinstatement of license, how long to you have to wait?
≥5 years
Emergency rx (non-controlled)
Can only dispense ≤72 hours worth of meds and must notify MD of emergency supply within 72 hours
If selling poison, what is required?
Labeling in red ink that it’s poison
For legitimate purpose
≥16 years old
Record in poison log