P7 Flashcards
What are control rods in a reactor?
The control rods absorb neutrons (which are travelling between fuel rods)
within the reactor [1]. If the reaction rate gets too high, the control rods
are lowered down further into the reactor [1]. This reduces the number of
fission neutrons which go on to cause further fission reactions (and so
reduces the reaction rate and the power output of the reactor) [1].
What are control rods made of?
The motion of which of the following particles is responsible for nuclear (fission) chain reactions?
What is nuclear fusion?
Process of forcing the nuclei of two atoms close enough so that they form a larger single nucleus
How does nuclear fusion happens?
By making two light nuclei collide at very high speed
Explain how nuclear fusion in the Sun leads to creating of energy
The combined mass of the reactants (hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2) is greater than the mass of the product (helium-3) [1].
The mass which appears to have been ‘lost’ (the mass defect) is actually
converted into energy (by E = m c2
) [1].
Energy is released in both fission and fusion reactions. How is the mass of the products and of the reactants?
the mass of the products is less than the mass of the reactants’.
What are the issues related to making fusion a useful source of energy?
- The plasma of light nuclei has to be heated at very high temperature and pressure before the nuclei will fuse. This is because the two nuclei will repel because of their positive charges. They need to approach each other at high speed
How is the plasma heated in a fusion reactor?
By passing a very big electric current through it
The plasma is contained by a magnetic field so that it does not touch the reactors wall. If it did it would get cold and fusion would stop
What are the potential benefits of fusion reactors vs fissions reactors?
Fuel for fusion reactors is easily available as heavy hydrogen and is naturally present in sea water.
Reaction product is helium, which is harmless
The energy released could be used to produce electricity
Fission uses uranium which is only found in some part of the world
Nuclear waste
What is Nuclear fission?
Splitting of the nucleus into two smaller nuclei and the release of two or three neutrons and energy
When does induced fission occur?
When a neutron is absorbed by a uranioum 235 nucleus and the nucleus splits
When does spontaneous fission occur?
Without a neutron being absorbed
What does a reactor core contain?
Fuel rods, control rods and water at high pressure
What is water in a reactor?
A moderator because it slows down the fission of neutrons
What are fuel rods in a reactor?
What are alpha particles made up of?
2 protons and 2 neutrons
What are the relative mass and charge of an alpha particle?
Mr is 4 and Relative charge is 2