P6 Flashcards
Factors affecting glacial erosion
- the glacier size - determines ice thickness, and its thermal regime, also determine the importance and intensity of the erosional processes.
- when glacier ice is warm based (meltwater and abundant debris facilitate abrasion) and regelation (whereby water melts under pressure and freezes again when the pressure is reduced), one of the key elements of the plucking process, can also occur.
- the glacier’s velocity across the bed, the ice thickness and, hence, the power of the glacier to cause shattering.
- quantity and shape of the rock debris.
- Subaerial processes of freeze-thaw (congelifraction) combine with extensive mass movement from scree slopes to supply the tools for glacial erosion.
- The bedrock characteristics, such as density of jointing and hardness, are also significant in influencing compressional and extensional flow
- Essentially erosion rates are more intense when the glaciers are warm based, thick and fast moving and the bedrock relatively weak, often due to dense jointing.
- On the other hand, erosion rates are much slower where glaciers are cold based and the rock relatively resistant.
Features and landforms of glacial erosion
- the landforms which are the output of the glacier landform system result from the interaction of the processes and characteristics of the landscape experiencing glaciation (bedrock type, structure and topography) operating through time.
- However, the processes do not operate at a constant rate during time, and the landforms have to continually adjust, especially after glacial retreat in the short paraglacial period and then post-glacially when the landforms shaped by glaciation are reshaped by water, weathering and mass movement.
- A further complication is that most present-day landscapes resulting from glacials are polycyclic/ polygenetic: the product of many successive advances of glacier ice because of the alternating ice-house-greenhouse conditions during the Quaternary period.
- As the last glacial period ended very recently in terms of geological time (the Loch Lomond Stadial, which ended around 11,500 years ago), the mountain areas of the UK provide clear examples of glacial erosional landforms.
- The Cairngorms and North West Highlands of Scotland, the Lake District and North Wales are all excellent areas for a glaciated highland case study.
- Many different features and landforms are produced by glacial erosion, and they can be classified in different ways based on scale/size range, relative altitude or even the dominant erosion process that formed them (plucking or abrasion).
- Table 6.1 provides a checklist of landforms associated with glaciated highland erosion, classified by scale.
Key factors influencing abrasion and plucking rates
Macro-scale features.
These are around 1 km or greater in size and form the major elements in a glaciated highland landscape.
They also contain many of the meso- and micro-scale erosional features, as well as depositional landforms.
Cirques (corries, cwms)
pyramidal peak
Cirques (corries, cwms)
- are armchair/bowl-shaped depressions usually found at relatively high altitudes.
- The initial stage of formation is for snow to accumulate in a sheltered mountain side location.
- In the northern hemisphere, cirques most commonly form on the northeastern side of mountains, in the lee from prevailing westerly winds, and in shadier sites protected from insolation.
- Once a sheltered area has accumulated snow, nivation or snow patch erosion begins, enlarging the hollow by a combination of freeze-thaw weathering to loosen the rock, and in summer melt water from melting snow transports the rock debris away, thus enlarging the hollow.
- Once a nivation hollow (a periglacial feature) is established, positive feedback occurs: the enlarged hollow traps additional snow and gradually enlarges to provide a site for glacial ice formation.
- the processes of plucking and abrasion combine to develop the cirque.
- The glacier ice may expand in area and move down valley during a glacial period.
- the cirque can be modified post-glacially with the formation of a small lake known as a tarn
- an example is Red Tarn on the northeast face of Helvellyn in the Lake District
- a steep, knife-like ridge produced from the intersection of two cirque headwalls
- formed when the two steep back walls meet
- Striding Edge (Helvellyn), The Lake
pyramidal peak
if three or more cirques interact back to back around the flanks of a mountain
- forms a steep pointed peak called a horn because of its slope
- e.g Matterhorn, alps
Glacial troughs
- When glacier ice bulldoses its way through mountain valleys, it straightens, widens and deepens them, changing the valley from V shaped to U shaped.
- More accurately, these glacial troughs are described as parabolic in shape.
- Glacial troughs can be of varied length, from Nant Ffrancon in Snowdonia, which is around 5 km long, to spectacular features such as Yosemite Valley in Yosemite National Park California.
- Along their lengths (long profile) many glacial troughs have a stepped profile, reflecting differential erosion as a result of both irregularities in the underlying bedrock and variations in intensity of erosion.
- For example, where several cirque glaciers meet at the head of a valley the enlarged glacier erodes very deeply to form a trough end to the valley.
- After deglaciation, successive rock basins down a glacial trough are separated by riegels or rock steps.
- Longer and deeper basins may contain linear lakes termed ribbon or finger lakes.
- Post-glacial weathering and mass movement has led to infill of glacial troughs, which are now commonly occupied by misfit streams.
- With relative sea level rises at the end of the last glacial period, many coastal glacial troughs were flooded by the sea to form sea lochs (Scotland) or fjords (Norway).
Hanging valleys
- occur where a small side tributary glacier meets a larger main valley glacier.
- During the glacial phase the surface ice elevation of the tributary and main valley glaciers is the same but, because the rate of erosion beneath the main valley glacier is much greater, once the glaciers have retreated the tributary valley can be left hanging hundreds of metres above, often with a waterfall plunging from the hanging valley to the main valley below (for example Pistyll Rhaeadr in the Berwyn Mountains).
- e.g Yosemite Valley, California
truncated spurs
- Many glacial troughs show truncated spurs, marked by very steep, almost vertical, side walls where original interlocking spurs have been cut away or truncated by glacial erosion, because of the inflexibility of glaciers moving down the valley (for example Lauterbrunnen Valley in Switzerland or Yosemite in California).
Diagram of Macro features of a glaciated upland area
Meso-scale features
- Meso-scale features are largely found within macro features, for example the whalebacks and roches moutonnées found on the floor of the Yosemite glacial trough.
- These intermediate-scale landforms can range from around 10 m to 1 km in length.
- Streamlined bedrock features such as whalebacks are the most common, where a glacier moves over a resistant rock knoll, so abrading it.
Roches moutonnées
are stoss and lee features; abrasion smooths the up-glacier, stoss-side of a bedrock knoll, while glacial plucking makes the down-glacier, lee-side rugged and rough, thus producing an asymmetric landform.
Figure 6.4 shows how they are formed beneath the ice.
Average-size examples, such as those found in the Cairngorms in Scotland, are around 300 m long and about 30 m in height.
Micro-scale features
- Micro features of glacial erosion are those that are a few metres in size or less.
- They include striations, Chatter marks, crescentic gouge
- Look out for these micro features on abraded surfaces.
- Micro features are not only useful for helping glaciologists understand which direction the ice came from (its provenance) but also for determining the maximum altitude of glacial erosion, where there are no micro features (that is, beyond the trim line on the valley side).
- In the Glyders you can see how block fields, screes and tors, clearly indicative of periglacial activity, supersede abraded, ice-scratched rocks.
Chatter marks and crescentic gouges
Chatter marks are irregular chips and fractures in the rock, whereas crescentic gouges have a more regular pattern and are usually concave up-glacier. Look out for these micro features on abraded surfaces.
- which are scratches on hard bedrock caused by debris being dragged across the surface during abrasion, almost like chisel marks.
- They tend to be parallel to the direction of ice movement, with the deepest part of the scratch at the initial point of impact, and are therefore useful for tracking the direction of past glacier movement.