P.40 Mot à mot Flashcards
What does ‘avoir une image déformée de la vie’ mean?
to have a distorted image of life
What is the English term for ‘la suppression d’emplois’?
job cut
What is ‘la cyberintimidation’ in English?
Fill in the blank: ‘avoir un effet sur l’identité de ______.’
[to have an effect on the identity of…]
What does ‘divulguer’ translate to in English?
to disclose
What does ‘dommageable’ mean?
What does ‘entrainer des inconvénients’ mean?
to bring with it disadvantages
What is meant by ‘envahir la vie privée’?
to invade private life
What does ‘filtrer les données’ translate to?
filter information
What is ‘le harcèlement moral’ in English?
psychological bullying
What does ‘humilier publiquement’ mean?
to humiliate publicly
Reckless, dangerous
What does ‘l’intrusion (f)’ refer to?
Translate ‘faire un usage abondant/imprudent d’Internet’.
to use the internet frequently/recklessly
What does ‘lutter’ mean?
to fight
What does ‘mal intentionné(e)’ mean?
with bad intentions
What is the English term for ‘manipulateur (-trice)’?
What does ‘la manipulation’ refer to?
What does ‘menacer’ mean?
to threaten
Fill in the blank: ‘_______ toucher.’
[to affect]
What is ‘la victime’ in English?
What does ‘vulnérable’ mean?
What does ‘ouvrir un site prohibé’ translate to?
to open a prohibited website
What is ‘le plagiat’ in English?
What does ‘la tentation du plagiat’ refer to?
temptation to plagiarise
What is ‘une plateforme idéale pour les voix dissidentes’?
an ideal platform for dissident voices
What does ‘poster des commentaires’ mean?
to post comments
What is ‘la propagande’ in English?
What does ‘la radicalisation’ refer to?
What does ‘regretter’ mean?
to regret
What is the meaning of ‘le revers de la médaille’?
the other side of the coin
What does ‘la sécurité’ translate to?
security, safety
What is ‘la surveillance en ligne’ in English?
online security
What does ‘être constamment surveillé(e)’ mean?
to be watched constantly