P3- Energy Resources Flashcards
Where are most of our energy demands met by?
1) Our energy demands are met mostly by burning oil, coal, and gas.
Which resources provide energy to generate some of the energy that we use?
1) Nuclear power, biofuels and renewable resources provide energy to generate some of the energy you use.
What is used as the fuel in a nuclear power station and why in regards to the amount of energy released?
1) Uranium or Plutonium is used as the fuel in a nuclear power station.
2) Uranium and plutonium release a lot more energy per kilogram compared to fossil fuels.
What are biofuels? What can biofuels generate?
1) Biofuels are renewable sources of energy.
2) Biofuels such as methane and ethanol can be used to generate electricity.
Explain what a wind turbine is.
Explain why they are unreliable.
1) A wind turbine is an electricity generator on top of a tall tower.
2) The are unreliable because when there is little/no wind, then no electricity is generated.
Describe how waves generate elctricity.
Explain how they wirhstand storms.
1) Waves generate elecricity by turning a floating generator.
2) They withstand storms as lots of cables are needed along the coast to connect the wave generators to the electricity grid.
Explain what hydroelectricity generators are.
1) Hydroelectricity generators are tured by water collected in a resovoir running downhill.
Explain what tidal power is.
1) A tidal power station traps water from each high tide and uses it to turn generators.
What are solar cells?
What are solar heating panels used for?
1) Solar cells are flat solid cells and use the Sun’s energy to generate electricity directly.
2) Solar heating panels are used to use the suns energy to directly heat water.
Where does goethermal energy come from?
1) Geothermal energy comes from the energy transferred by radioactive substances deep inside the earth.
What does water pumped into hot rock underground produce?
1) Water pumped into hot rocks underground produces steam to drive turbines at the Earth’s surface that generate electricity.
Explain what fuels are and what damage they can do to the environment.
1) Fossil fuels produce increased levels of greenhouse gases which could cause global warming.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power?
1) Advantages:
- no greenhouse gases
- much more energy is transferred from each kg of Uranium/Plutanium fuel than from fossil fuels.
2) Disadvantages:
- used fuel rods can contain radioactive waste, which must be stored safely for years.
- nuclear reactors could explode and could release radioactive material over a larg area which would afect populations for years.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable sources?
1) Advantages:
- will never run out
- no acid rain/greenhouse gases
- no radioactive products
- can be used where connection to the national gird is uneconomical.
2) Disadvantages:
- renewable sources aren’t able to meet world demand. Fossil fues still being used.
- wind turbines are loud, can annoy people nearby
- hydroelectric schemes need large reservoirs of water, which can affect habitats for animals/plants.
- some renewable sources are unreliable.
What do gas fired power stations do?
1) They meet variations in demand.
Name some disadvantages of nuclear power stations?
1) Expensive to build, run and decommission. Carbon capture of fossil fuel emissions is expensive.
Which resources are likely to be needed for future energy supplies?
1) Nuclear Power stations that use carbon capture technology and renewable energy resources.