P3: Energy resources Flashcards
What is a biofuel?
Any fuel taken from living or recently living materials, such as animal waste.
What does carbon neutral mean?
a biofuel from a living organism that takes in as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as is released when the fuel is burned
What is geothermal energy?
Energy that is released by radiactive substances depp within the Earth.
What is the national grid?
The network of cables and transformers used to transfer electricity from power stations to consumers (i.e., homes, shops, offices, factories etc.)
What is nuclear fuel?
A substance used in nuclear reactors that releases energy due to nuclear fission.
What is a nucleus?
It is a tiny positively charged object composed of protons and neutrons at the centre of every atom.
What is a reactor core?
It is a thick steel vessel used to contain fuel rods, control rods and the moderator in a nuclear fission reactor.
What is renewable energy?
It is energy from natural sources that is always being replenished so it never runs out.
What does non-renewable energy mean?
Resources that will never run out. They damage the environment, but provide most of te worlds energy.
Give some examples of non-renewable energies?
Coal, oil and gas.
What does renewable energy mean?
Energy that will never run out, can be unreliable and do not provide as much energy..
Give some examples of renewable energy?
Wind, solar and hyroelectric.
What is biodiesel?
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel similar to fossil fuel.Biodiesel can be produced from waste vegetable oil and plants such as rapeseed.
Give some examples of biofuels.
Ethanol is a biofuel (from fermented sugar cane)
Give the advantages of biofuels.
It iis renewable- It is a biological source hat either regrows (vegetation) or is continually prooduced (sweage and rubbish). Means that it is produced at the same rate of usage.
Carbon neutral- The liing organism has taken in Carbon from the atmosphere so when it is burnt no excess carbon dioxide is released (overall neutralised).
Give the disadvatages to biofuels.
Costs a lot of money.
Growing biofuels such as plants can lead to clearance of natural forests (deforestation).
How does a wind turbine work. Describe the process.
A wind tubrine is an electricity generator at the top of a narrow tower.
The force of he wind drives the tubrines blades around. This turns a generator.
The power generator increases as the wind speed increases.
Give some advantages to wind power.
No pollution
No lasting damage to environment
Minimal running costs.
Give some disadvantages to wind power?
Not as reliable as fossil fuels. Do not work when there is no wind Cannot increase supply if needed Expensive Makes a loud "whiney" noise which is distrubing to local residents.
What is wave power? Describe the process.
A wave generator uses the waves to make a floating generator move up and down. This motion turns the generator so it generates electricity. A cable between the generator and the shoreline delivers electricity to the grid system for domestic use.
Give some advantages to wave power.
It is reewable energy.
There is no pollution.
Give some disadvantages to wave power.
It is unreliable.
It disturbs the seabed and habitats of animals.
How does hydroelectric power work? Describe the process.
Hydroelectricity can be generated when rainwater is collected in a reservoir flows downhill. The flwing watter drives turbines that turn electricity generators at the bottom of the hill.