p3 Flashcards
Normal PFT value?
FEV1/FVC ratio >70%
FVC > 80%
D/t asthma from COPD?
In asthma FEV1 improvement usually >12%
mechanism of hypoxia in pneumonia?
Alveoli filled with debris–right to left shunting–severe V/Q mismatch —Hypoxia
cause of diffuse alveolar hypoventilation?
a factor that causes a decrease in TV and RR
- –NM blockage
- —Narcotic overdose
- —Co2 narcosis in COPD
reduced PiO2 fetcher?
High altitude
Normal A-a gradient
correct with suplemental o2
Low PCO2
hypoventilation feture?
CNS depression and morbid obesity
Normal A-a gradient
correct with suplemental o2
high CO2
diffeusion limitation?
ILD and emphysema
High A-a gradient
correct with suplemental o2
normal PCO2
V/Q mismatch?
small PE and lobar pneumonia
High A-a gradient
correct with suplemental o2
normal or low O2
Large intrapulmonary shunt?
Diffuse pulmonary edema and Diffuse pnumonia
High A-a gradient
Not correct with suplemental o2
Large dead space ventilation?
massive PE and Intracardiac shunt
High A-a gradient
Not correct with suplemental o2
Hyperthrophic osteoartherophaty?
Digital clubing
Artheritis commonly affect wrist and hand
Hypherthrophic pulmonary osteoartherophaty?
Subset of HOA but it occur due to underling lung disease
Acute bronchitis etiology?
Preceding respiratory illness (90% viral)
symptom and sign?
Cough of 5 days -3 week duration(+/-sputum, mostly yellow/purulent and sometimes can be blood tingled))
Absent systematic symptom
Wheezing/rhonchi(clear with coughing), chest wall tenderness
Diagnosis and managment?
Clinical diagnosis
CXR needed when pnumonia suspected
Symptomatic treatment(NSAID and bronchodilator)
PFT in pulmonary htn?
tracheal narowing and ulceration are typical finding in?
graneulomatous polyangitis
aproch to PE?
If likeley in wales criteria–start imidiateley anticoagulant
If not unlikely in wells criterion do diagnostic test before starting anticoagulant
a condition associated with Clubing?
Intrapulmonary malignancy Empyema and lung abscess Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Chronic cavitary lesion IPF Asbestosis Pulmonary AVM cyanotic congenital disease
Megakaryocytes escape the lesioned lung–traped in finger nainl–produce VEGF and PDGF–smoth muscle proliferation
presence of clubing in COPD patients?
suspect ocult malignancy
acide base disturbance in acute COPD exacerbation?
Respiratory acidosis
Histoplasma capsulatum?
MW/SE(missisipi and ohio river vali Bat or bird droping Subacute fever,cogh and mailase CXR:mediasternal/hailar LDP with liliary and reticulonodular infilitrasion Urine /blood antigen
Histoplasmosis(also including other fungal pneumonia) x-ray feather?
Lobar infiltration
hilar lymphadenopathy
Adenocarcinoma fetcher?
Irregular nodule on CXR in the periphery
50% patient non-smoker
Chest pain and pleural effusion due to Ca dissimination.
Cough and hemoptysis(as tumor grow)
Other risk factors: second-hand smoking, environmental carcinogen, oncogenic virus, CLD, and px radiation or chemotherapy
Pheripherial pulse in septic shock?
In the early phase–compensatory high SV–bounding pheripherial pulse.
clinical finding of multifocal atrial tachycardia?
Typically asymptomatic
Rapid irregular pulse
>=3 p waveform
exacerbation of pulmonary disease(e.g COPD)
electrolyte disturbance(hypokalemia)
catecholamine surge9e.g surgery,sepsis)
correct underlying cause
AV blocking drug like verapamil if persistent
atrial conduction defect due to abnormality in atrium-like enlargement, electrolyte and catecholamine surge
step1 AT?
step2 AT?
Low dose ICS
step3 AT?
Low dose ICS
steep 4?
Medium-dose ICS
step 5?
High dose ICS
Consider omalizumab for a patient with an allergy
step 6?
High dose ICS
Oral corticosteroid
Consider omalizumab for a patient with an allergy
CVS finding in COPD without cor-pulmonary?
Mild raising of JVP exacerbate with expiration
Distant heart sound
Why a patient with pneumonia: the hypoxia more pronounced when the patient lies on the side of the lesion?
due to gravity more blood goes to the side of the lesion—High perfusion despite low ventilation–V/Q mismatch