P2.5 Radioactive substances (2) Flashcards
What is the relative ionising power of alpha, beta, and gamma?
MOST= Alpha
LEAST= Gamma
What does ionising mean?
Can knock electrons out of particles and form charged particles (ions)
What materials and how much of them can stop gamma penetration?
Centimetres of lead
Metres of concrete
How far will each type of radiation travel in air?
A- centimetres, very fast
B- metres, fast
G- many metres/kilometres
Gamma rays are not particles. Why?
Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves
According to the nuclear model, the atom is…
…mostly empty space
What can new evidence do to an existing theory?
Can cause it to be re-evaluated
Order the background radiation sources from highest dose to lowest: Radon gas, Medical, Cosmic rays, Rocks and buildings, Food and drink
R adon (gas) R ocks (and buildings) M edical (inc. X-Rays) C osmic (rays) F ood (and drink)