P2 T1 L10 - Representing images Flashcards
(Binary recap)
For n number of bits there 2^n possible combinations
How many combinations can be represented by: (just give 2^n)
8 bits
16 bits
24 bits
8 bits = 2^8 = 256
16 bits = 2^16 = 65536
24 bits = 2^24 = 16777216
(Computer data)
A computer often has to store and process real-world data.
A computer needs data in a format it can understand: patterns of _s and _s.
This type of data is referred to as ______ _____.
It is different from _________ _____ which can in theory be measured to any degree of accuracy.
1 0
digital data
analogue data
(Seeing images)
Humans see ‘images’ by detecting the light reflected by objects they are looking at.
Light is transmitted as ______ and changing ____ lengths produce different colours.
Even though a human cannot detect them all, there is an infinite number of possible colours.
When a photo is taken using a digital camera, the embedded computer needs to _______ and ___________ these colours.
(What is a pixel)
Define pixel (2 points)
- A pixel is the smallest unit of a digital image or graphic that can be ADDRESSED, DISPLAYED and REPRESENTED on a digital display device.
- It is a number value that REPRESENTS A COLOUR
(Capturing an image)
When a digital camera captures the image it breaks up what it sees through its lens into a _____ __ _____.
A light sensor measures the _________ ___ ________ in each pixel.
Each measurement is converted into a binary code using an
electronic component called an __________-__-_________ __________.
The number of pixels recorded in the grid affects the number of bits used and, therefore, the ____ of the file created.
grid of pixels
intensity of colour
analogue-to-digital convertor
(Bitmapped Raster Graphics)
Bitmapped graphics are created using a grid of _____.
Each pixel is given a _______ _____.
colour value
(Types of bitmap files)
An image that is compromised of pixels is a _______ ____.
Common types of this are: (name 5)
(Bitmap resolution)
The number of pixels used to make up a bitmap image is defined by the _________.
The area is defined by the image _____ and ______ in pixels e.g. 1080x768
72dpi = screen resolution
300 dpi = print quality resolution
width height
(Number of pixels)
Resolution is defined as _____ x ______
A typical bitmap might be 1000 x 1000
This would mean a total of 1,000,000 pixels would be used.
Typically this would be referred to as a 1 _________ ______.
width height
megapixel image
(Image size)
Resolution doesn’t define the actual physical size of an image.
If an image is made bigger (or smaller), the size of each pixel grows or shrinks to maintain the required _________.
This is why there is a __________ in quality when a bitmap is resized.
(Creating an image)
Each Pixel is given a _______ _____.
Each ______ represents a different colour
Using one bit per pixel allows only 2 values, 0 and 1
More bits per pixel = more colour combinations
binary value
Each pixel can represent a finite number of colours.
A pixel is attributed a number of n bits.
The number of combinations (2^n) dictates the ___ _____ and therefore the number of colours that can be represented.
A ______ bit depth gives a greater range of colour and a better quality of image.
8 bits per pixel = 28 = 256 colours
16 bits per pixel = 216 = 65,536 colours
24 bits per pixel = 224 = 16,777,216 colours
bit depth
(Variation in quality)
Changing the colour depth of an image will affect the number of _______ it can display.
(Colour codes)
Colour values of individual pixels are expressed as denary ____ values and in ___________.
RGB (Red, Green and Blue) values range between 0 - ____
(Calculating file size)
Image file size is determined by the number of _____ used and the number of _______ ____________ available.
Quality is traded off against file size – you can’t have high quality and a low file size
colour combinations
For example:
- An image is captured on a 2 megapixel camera
- Image captured with a 24 bit colour depth
- 2,000,000 x 24 = 48,000,000 bits / 8 = 6,000,000 bytes or 6 MB