P1.4.4 - The Moon Flashcards
Identify the moon phase:
Full Moon
The different shapes of the Moon are called its…
What is a lunar eclipse?
When the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon.
How long does it take the moon to orbit the Earth once?
Approx 28 days
(27 days and 7 hours)
Identify the moon phase:
New Moon
Identify the missing label:
What is the ‘umbra’ of a solar eclipse?
A place on Earth where you can witness a ‘total solar eclipse’
Where the suns rays are completely blocked out.
What is the ‘penumbra’ of a solar eclipse?
A place on Earth where only part of the suns rays are blocked.
You will only see a partial solar eclipse.
Identify the moon phase:
First Quarter
Identify the moon phase:
Waxing Gibbous
Identify the moon phase:
Waning Gibbous
Identify the moon phase:
Waning Crescent
Identify the moon phase:
Third Quarter
Why do we only ever see one side of the moon?
Because the moon spins at about the same speed as it orbits the Earth.
Therefore the same side is always pointing at Earth.
When the moon comes between the Sun and the Earth a
_________ ____________ happens
Solar Eclipse