P1.4 Methods we use to generate electricity Flashcards
What are some energy resources that are used in a power station?
1) Fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas)- burnt to heat water or air
2) Radioactive materials (uranium, plutonium)- energy from nuclear fission is used to heat water
3) Biofuels- burnt to heat water
Describe the start up times of the different substances used to make electricity in a power station
Nuclear- longest start up time
Natural gas- shortest start up time
Describe wave power and its advantages and disadvantages
As waves come to shore, they provide an up and down motion which can be used to drive a turbine.
- No pollution, no fuel costs, provides useful energy for small islands
- Spoils view, hazard to boats, unreliable as waves die out when wind drops
Describe hydroelectricity and its advantages and disadvantages
Usually requires flooding a valley by opening a dam. Water is allowed through turbines.
- Provides an immediate response to an increased demand in electricity, minimal running costs
- Big impact on environment- flooding causes loss of habitat, unreliable if there is a drought
Describe wind power and its advantages and disadvantages
Each wind turbine has its own generator inside. Electricity is generated directly from the wind turning the blades which turn the generator.
- No pollution, no permanent damage if they are removed
- Noisy, unreliable, spoil view
Describe solar cells and their advantages and disadvantages
Generate electric currents directly from sun light. Often used to power road signs and satellites.
- No pollution, low running costs
- Only reliable in sunny countries, initial costs are high, expensive to connect to national grid
Describe geothermal energy and its advantages and disadvantages
In volcanic areas steam + hot water rise from the ground. Steam is used to drive a generator.
- No environmental problems
- Not many suitable locations, cost of building a power plant is high compared to amount of energy you get from it.
Describe tidal power and its advantages and disadvantages
Tidal barrages are big dams built across river estuaries with turbines in them. As the tide comes in it drives the turbines. The water is allowed back through the turbines at controlled speeds.
- No pollution, reliable, excellent for periods of peak demand
- Prevents free access by boats, spoils view, alters habitat of wildlife
Describe pumped storage and its advantages and disadvantages
Water is pumped into a high reservoir. This is released quickly through turbines in times of peak demand.
- Good way of storing energy, can meet high demand
- Noisy, initial costs are high
Describe carbon capture (CCS)
To prevent carbo dioxide building up in the atmosphere we can catch it then store it in empty oil and gas fields like those under the north sea
It is a rapidly evolving technology
What are some disadvantages of using biofuels to make electricity?
- Leads to deforestation
- there is a limited amount of farmland that can be dedicated to their production.
What is the order of essential parts to the national grid?
Power station- step up transformer- pylons- step down transformer- consumer
What is the role of a step up transformer?
Increases the voltage, decrease the current which reduces the energy lost as heat through the cables.
What is the role of step down transformers?
Decreases the voltage to safe useable levels and increases the current
What are the 2 ways electricity can be transfered around the country?
- over head power lines
- underground cables
What are the advantages and disadvantages of overhead power lines?
higher maintenance, ugly, effected by weather, less reliable
lower set up costs, easy to access, easy to set up, minimal disturbance to land