P1. Page 39-44 Flashcards
In terms of health behavior change theory, and the Health Belief model
1) What was it used to explain or predict (2) ?
2) It states that before one will seek preventive measure, he/she must first believe (2) …
BR 39
Also see here.
1) The Health Belief Model is a theoretical model used to explain & predict peoples behavior in:
A) FAILING to adopt disease prevention strategies OR
B) COMPLYING with screening for early disease detection.
2) Must first believe:
A) There is a THREAT on his health
B) There is a PREVENTIVE MEASURE that is ACCESSIBLE and low risk that will allow him to avoid the health threat.
BR 39
Six key constructs
In terms of health behavior change theory, and the Health Belief model
What are the key constructs ?
BR 39
Also see here.
Six key constructs:
1) Risk or susceptiblity to the health threat
2) Severity of the health threat
3) Barriers - (-) aspects of the preventive measure that may impede its adoption
4) Benefit / effectiveness of preventive measures
5) Cues to action - trigger readiness to change/adopt
6) Self-efficacy - ability to act & succeed.
BR 39
In multiple different populations, what is the proportion of people in precontemplation, contemplation & preparation stages (eg smoking)
Across multiple populations/conditions:
40% are in precontemplation
40% are in contemplation
20% are in preparation
According to the transtheoretical model of behavour change, what is the best (specific) approach to help people advance at the following stages:
a) Precontemplation
b) Contemplation
a) To PROgress from PREcontemplation to contemplation the PROs of change must INCREASE
b) To progress from CONtemplation to action,the CONS of changing must DECREASE.
When looking at things the key behavior theories have in common, list several factors which influence health behavior.
BR 41
I- Intrapersonal - knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, personality
I - Interpersonal - Influence of family, friends, peers, health providers
I - Institutional -
a) Community - social networks & norms in ones circle
b) Public policy - local, state, federal eg calories on menus, smoking laws.
Define Nonadherence
What is the rate of nonadherence for chronic illness medication regimens
BR 42
Nonadherence: Behavior of not following thru w prescribed treatments/interventions.
Rate of nonadherence for chronic illness medications is 50-80%.
BR 42
What are the general principles of motivational interviewing ?
BR 42
Express Empathy: showing understanding for pt & their situation
Support Self-efficacy: pts confidence in their ability to succeed.
Roll w Resistance: remain non-judgemental; listen well; encourage pt to continue to share.
Develop Discrepency between where pt is and what they want. Hold this up to pt without being judgemental, in order to allow them to draw their own conclusions.
Mnemonic: EESSRRDD
BR 42
List 7 types of non-productive thinking (context - CBT)
BR 43
S - ‘Should’ and ‘must’ statements
A - All or nothing - no middle ground or partial solution
M - Mindreading
F - Fortune telling - ‘this will never work’
O - Overgeneralizing
O - Overstating/catastrophizing
D - Discounting the positive
Describe the A-B-C-D method of behavioral change
BR 43
A - what Action or event occurred ?
B - what Beliefs do you have about what occurred ?
C - what are the Consequences of those beliefs ? How does that make you feel ?
D - how can you Dispute those beliefs that seem to be distorted or unhealthy ?
Mn: F pt on HCV Rx who won’t quit smoking
What is peer modelling ? Give an example
BR 44
Peer modelling - individuals are paired w others who have already succeeded at making desired change.
Example: Alcoholics Anonymous uses peer modelling.
According to the “Theory of Planned Behaviour”
1) What influences a persons intention to engage in a health behaviour (2)
2) What is achievement based on ? (2)
3) What is the most important factor in predicting behaviour ?
BR 39
Theory of Planned Behaviour:
1) Intention to engage in a health behaviour influenced by:
A- Attitude about risk, benefits & capability of achieving the desired health outcoe
B - Beliefs - social & subjective norms, perceived power
2) Achievement based on:
A - Ability (behavioral control)
M - Motivation (intention)
Behavioral intention (motivational factors behind making the change) is the most important factor in predicting behaviour.
According to the Social Learning Cognitive Theory
1) What is behavior influence by (3) ?
2) Explain Reciprocal Determinism
BR 40
Social Learning Cognitive Theory
1) Behavior is influenced by:
- Personal factors
- Environment
- Human behavior - eg credible role models
2) Reciprocal determinism - the person, the behavior & the environment (ie Person, Practice (Peers), Place) all influence one another in a dynamic reciprocal fashion.
What are the 5 A’s of Tobacco Cessation?
What are the 5 A’s of Health Behavior change ?
What are good dates to schedule FU/accountability appts w smoking cessation ?
BR video by Schull
BR 49, 295
A - Ask - identify tobacco use & document
A - Advise - use clear, strong and personalized manner when advising quitting
A - Assess - Are they ready and willing to make a quit attempt
A - Assist - provide consellng & phamacotherapy for those who are ready to make a quit attempt
A - Arrange - schedule FU & accountability. Preferentially 1 week before & 3 days after quit date.