P1-P2 (complete) Flashcards
One type of prehistoric people who roamed the earth.
One of the types of prehistoric people
Took control of the northern and southern Mesopotamia and created the first empire
Father of the Jewish people and a wise prophet
Followed herds of domesticated animals, sparked major changes to settled communities
Agricultural Revolution
The shift from hunters and gathering to settled communities.
Çatal Hüyük
Large Neolithic and Chalcolithic city settlement and is one of the oldest cities in the world.
Epic of Gilgamesh
An epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia that is regarded as the earliest surviving pieces of literature.
This is when it is first documented that metal was being used for tools and other things.
The final stage in the stone-bronze-iron age sequence and replaced the use of bronze.
Controlled the Babylonians and created the Hammurabi Code.
He united all of Egypt and created the double crown for his kingdom.
Old Kingdom
When the pyramids began to be built in Egypt.
Middle Kingdom
Started when Nebhepetre Mentuhotep the second reunited Upper and Lower Egypt.
New Kingdom
When eygpyt started having dynastys and expanded the empire more.
One of the first Indus River Valey civilizatins
One of the largest settlements of the Acient River Valley Civilization
Shia (Xia) Dynasty
The first dynasty of China, not recognized as the first dynasty until recent discoveries
Shang Dynasty
Controlled all of ancient China
Zhou Dynasty
Founder: Wu Wang. Capital: Hao. Created Confucianism and Daoism. Longest Chinese dynasty.
Era of Warring States
Regional rulers formed independent armies reducing emperors to little more than figureheads
Oldest collection of Hindu texts
Oracle Bones
Bones of animals or turtle shells (used by Chinese fortune tellers)
Caste System
a system of social structure introduced in India by the Aryans
one of the earliest civilizations in MesoAmerica
First influential civilization in South America that arose in the Andes mountains
Indian reflections and dialogues
First Daoist philosopher and alleged author of the Daodejing
Chinese philosophy originating from the teachings of Laozi in the Tao Te Ching
Yellow Turban Revolution
Chinese peasant revolt formed to end the Han Dynasty who wore yellow turbans to signify the earth element
Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty conquered the Kalinga country and helped spread Buddhism throughout India
Founded the Mauryan Dynasty and spread Buddhism outside of India
4th largest religion in the world, based on the teachings of Buddha
Siddhartha Gautama
Taught Ancient India the ways of Buddhism
Promoted Democracy in Greece
One of the founders of western philosophy in Ancient Greece
Greek philosopher that founded the Academy
Greek philosopher that contributed to western philosophy
Founder of the Mauryan Dynasty
Chandra Gupta
King of the Gupta Dynasty
Gupta Dynasty
Golden Age of India where great works of art were made
Chinese philosophy originating from the teachings of Laozi in the Tao Te Ching
Chinese philosophy that focused on reinforcing the law and that everyone was equal under the ruler
Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty conquered the Kalinga country, helped spread Buddhism throughout India
Yellow Turban Revolution
Chinese peasant revolt formed to end the Han Dynasty who wore yellow turbans to signify the earth element
Fall of the Roman Empire
The remaining Roman emperors we’re overthrown by Germanic leader Odoacer causing the collapse of Rome
Augustus Cesar
founder of the Roman Principate and considered the first Roman emperor
Julius Cesar
Julius Caesar was a poitical leader of the Roman Empire, eastablishing its imerial system.
Popul Vuh
“Translated as ““The Council Book””, it is a story of creation of the Mayans.”
Civilization on the Southern coast of Peru
Founder of Confucianism in China
Patterns of government, society, family, education. Viewed more as a philosophy rather than religion
third Persian king of the Achaemenid empire
Achaemenid Empire
Persian Empire in western Asia founded by Cyrus the Great
Roman Republic
A period of time after the throw of the Roman Kingdom making the government into a Republic
Chinese philospher who is known as the second most important Confucian after Confucius himself
Founder of the Qin Dynasty
Religion based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
Cavalry commandner to the Emperor Carus
Great military leader leading civil wars agaisnt Eboracum and emperor of Roman Empire
“Split” of the Roman Empire
The Roman Empire had grown so big that it wasn’t possible to govern all provinces from central rome hence breaking it up
Attila the Hun
Ruler of the Hunnic Empire raiding many civilizations