P1 energy and electricity Flashcards
How does a larger surface area affect the rate of evaporation
It increases it
Evaporation causes this
In terms of particles evaporation happens when
The particles with the highest Kinetic energy escape from the fluid
This colour is the most effective emitter or absorber of Infra red radiation
This colour is the least effective emitter or absorber of Infra red radiation
White or silver
Burning fossil fuels produces these two polluting gases
Carbon dioxide and Sulphur dioxide
Carbon Dioxide causes this effect
Greenhouse effect
Sulphur dioxide causes this
Acid rain
The unit we most commonly use to measure energy
The Joule
The unit we most commonly use to measure power
The Watt
The form of energy that is most commonly wasted
Define Geothermal energy
Energy obtained from hot rocks inside the Earth
When substances change state ie from solid to liquid, the particles lose or gain this type of energy
Kinetic energy
Define Hydroelectric energy
Energy obtained by allowing water to flow downhill and turn turbines
Define U value
A value used to indicate how effective a material is at insulating
High U value means
The material is a bad insulator
Low U value means
The material is a good insulator
Define Conduction
The transfer of heat energy by the passing of vibrations from one particle to the next
Define Conduction in metals
The transfer of heat energy by the movement of free electrons and vibration of IONS
Define Convection
The transfer of heat energy by the movement of a liquid or gas due to it having a low density
Factors that affect the rate at which heat is lost
Surface Area, Colour, Material, Temperature Difference
Reliable Energy resource
Can make electrcity whenever it is needed eg coal
Unreliable energy resource
Can only make electricity at certain times eg tidal
Define Condensation
A vapour turning back to a liquid due to particles losing K.E and coming closer together
Advantages of Nuclear Fuel
Doesn’t produce Carbon dioxide or Sulpur dioxide
Disadvantages of Nuclear fuel
High cost of decommisioning reactor
Define decomissioning of a nuclear reactor
the act of removing radioative waste prior to closing a nuclear plant
Define Payback time
The amount of time taken to recover the initial cost of an appliance due to the amount of money saved each year
Devidces which can alter the voltage and current of electricity
Step up Transformer
A device that increases voltage and lowers current. This reduce energy loss when transmitting electricity
Step down Transformer
A device that decreases voltage and increases current. This make electricity more suitable for home use as less chance of sparking
Advantages of overhead power lines
Easy to repair, less expensive
Disadvantages of overhead power lines
Spoil view, danger to aircraft
Advantages of underground power lines
Don’t spoil view no danger to aircraft
Disadvantages of underground power lines
Not easy to repair, more expensive