P.1-30 Flashcards
What does ‘abstract’ mean?
Existing as an idea but not as a tangible experience.
Example: For over a thousand years, mathematicians regarded subtracting a large number from a small one as impossible because the concept of negative numbers was too abstract.
What is the root family of ‘abstract’?
- retraction
- protract
- tractor
- detract
- tractable
Define ‘anthropology’.
The study and comparison of human cultures.
Example: The Amazon basin has long been a focus of anthropological research because of its many isolated indigenous tribes.
What are synonyms for ‘comprehensive’?
- exhaustive
- encyclopedic
What does ‘construe’ mean?
To interpret in a particular way.
What is the synonym of ‘discerning’?
- discriminating
- judicious
- astute
- percipient
- perspicacious
Fill in the blank: A _______ is inclined to show off one’s learning or knowledge.
What does ‘disseminate’ mean?
To cast something widely, as seed is scattered.
What is the meaning of ‘erudite’?
Having or showing great learning or knowledge.
What does ‘indoctrinate’ mean?
To teach someone to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.
What does ‘insular’ mean?
Isolated from cultural and intellectual influences outside one’s own experience.
What is the opposite of ‘orthodox’?
What does ‘provincial’ mean?
Unsophisticated or narrow-minded; particular to the narrow views of an isolated community.
Define ‘revelation’.
A fact revealed in a surprising way.
What does ‘advocate’ mean?
To provide public support for a person, cause, or policy.
What is the synonym for ‘apologist’?
What does ‘appease’ mean?
To yield to demands in order to conciliate.
What is the meaning of ‘bolster’?
To strengthen or support.
What does ‘buttress’ mean?
A projecting support for a building; also to provide support or justification.
Fill in the blank: To persuade through flattery or coaxing is to _______.
What does ‘circumlocutory’ mean?
Inclined to speak evasively.
What does ‘circumscribe’ mean?
To define the limits of something.
What is the definition of circumlocution?
Evasive speech
Synonym: periphrastic
What does the term cohesive mean?
Forming a united whole
Synonym: coherent
What is the meaning of conjecture?
A guess based on incomplete information
Synonyms: speculation, postulation
What does consensus refer to?
General agreement
Synonyms: concord, unanimity
Define contentious.
Causing or likely to provoke an argument
Synonyms: belligerent, pugnacious
What is a credulous person?
Willing to believe
Synonyms: gullible, ingenuous
What are criteria?
Principles or standards by which something is judged
Criterion is the singular form.
What does cursory mean?
Hasty and superficial
Synonyms: perfunctory, desultory
What does it mean to debunk?
To expose the falseness of a belief
Synonyms: refute, invalidate
What is the definition of delineate?
To describe or portray precisely
Form: delineation = the process of describing something precisely
What does it mean to dispel?
To drive away; to eliminate a rumor or misconception
Synonyms: banish, allay
What does disputatious mean?
Fond of having heated arguments
Can describe a person or situation likely to cause argument.
What does elucidate mean?
To make clear; to shed light on
Synonym: explicate
Fill in the blank: An _______ is something that attracts or tempts.
What does it mean to enumerate?
To list one by one
Form: enumeration = the process of listing one by one
What does equivocate mean?
To speak ambiguously to avoid commitment
Synonyms: dither, waver
What is an exhortation?
A strong plea, usually through an urgent speech
Form: exhort = to encourage vehemently
What does exonerate mean?
To absolve someone of blame or fault
Synonyms: absolve, acquit
What does fallacious mean?
Based on a mistaken belief or unsound reasoning
Synonyms: specious, spurious
What is a harangue?
A lengthy and bombastic speech
Synonyms: tirade, rant
Define incongruous.
Not consistent with expectations or surroundings
Synonyms: dissonant, jarring
What does induce mean?
To bring about or persuade
Synonyms: instigate, coax
What does inexorable mean?
Unpreventable or impossible to persuade
Synonym: relentless
Fill in the blank: To _______ is to conclude from evidence.
What does insinuate mean?
To suggest or hint at something morally dubious
Form: insinuation = a sly hint
What does intransigent mean?
Stubbornly unwilling to compromise
Form: intransigence = reluctance to compromise
What is the definition of insinuation?
A sly hint
Don’t confuse with: insticate (to initiate an event or action)
What does intransigent mean?
Stubbornly unwilling to compromise or agree
Synonyms: obdurate, staunch, obstinate, recalcitrant
What is the meaning of irresolute?
Hesitant; showing a lack of certainty or determination
Synonyms: wavering, equivocating, dithering
What is litigious behavior?
Unreasonably prone to suing as a means of settling disputes
Forms: litigousness, litigate
Define obstinate.
Stubbornly refusing to change one’s position
Forms: obstinacy
What does partisan mean?
Prejudiced in favor of a particular party, typically a political one
Forms: nonpartisan, bipartisan
What does it mean to placate someone?
To pacify with conciliatory gestures
Synonyms: propitiate, conciliate, appease, mollify
What is a precedent?
A previous occurrence that is used as an example, particularly in a legal context
Forms: precedence, unprecedented
Define prevalent.
Abundant and widespread in a particular area
Synonyms: prolific, profuse, copious
What does propensity refer to?
A natural inclination to behave a certain way
Synonyms: tendency, predisposition
What does provocative mean?
Intended to cause a strong negative emotional response
Synonyms: vexing, galling, incendiary
What is the meaning of pugnacious?
Quarrelsome; prone to fighting
Synonyms: belligerent, bellicose, contentious
Fill in the blank: To ______ a statement means to make it less extreme.
What does rebut mean?
To respond to an accusation by asserting or proving it false
Synonyms: repudiate, discredit
Define recalcitrant.
Stubbornly uncooperative
Synonyms: obdurate, staunch, obstinate
What does refute mean?
To prove something false
Forms: refutation, irrefutable
What is the definition of resolute?
Unwaveringly purposeful and dutiful
Synonym: steadfast
What is rhetoric?
The art of persuasion through language
Forms: rhetorical, rhetorician
What does specious mean?
Seemingly plausible, but actually incorrect
Synonyms: spurious, fallacious
What is speculation?
Guess based on meager evidence
Forms: speculate, speculative
Define steadfast.
Dutifully firm and unwavering
Synonym: resolute