(P) Religious language Flashcards
What is the debate within religious language?
It is one of meaning. Can we speak about a transcendent God above and beyond human experience with human meaning?
What’s the difference between cognitive and non-cognitive language?
Cognitive (or realist): Deals with factual statements that can be proved to be either true or false. These can be either empirically provable, such as ‘The Queen is the Head of State’, or statements that as far as believers are concerned, contain meaningful factual content such as ‘God exists’ or ‘God loves me’. Anthony Flew described cognitive language as consisting of ‘crypto-commands, expressions of wishes, disguised ejaculations, concealed ethics, or anything else but assertions’.
Non-cognitive (or anti-realist): Deals with statements that are not to be taken factually, but are to be understood in other ways - for example as symbols, metaphors, myths or moral commands. These statements express what is true to a particular religious community e.g. ‘Jesus is the Lamb of God’ but might not be meaningful to those outside of the community.
What movement is the verification principle associated with and what does it stipulate?
The verification principle stemmed from Logical Positivism and, in particular, the Vienna Circle of the 1920s (influenced by Ludwig Wittgenstien’s picture theory of language). They applied the principles of science and mathematics to language and argued that, like knowledge, language had to be based on experience (verifiable by our sense experiences) to be meaningful.
English philosopher, A.J. Ayer, formalised the argument in the 1930s.
What is A.J. Ayer’s formalised verification principle?
It states that: “A statement which cannot be conclusively verified … is simply devoid of meaning.”
Statements can only be meaningful if they meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Analytic statements - true by definition (e.g. a circle is round). These are a priori because they contain their own verification.
- Mathematical statements - Ayer observed that apparent inconsistencies in mathematical calculations would be discovered to be the product of human error.
- Synthetic statements - Those that can be verified or falsified by subjecting them to empirical testing. A posteriori statments e.g. ‘Dogs bark’ is verifiably true in the same way you can prove ‘all swans are green’ is false. Both statements are, therefore, meaningful. Theoretical statements such as ‘There is life on other planets’ are also meaningful, since they may be verified or falsified sometime in the future - we know the means to test even if it is not yet possible. However, a statement such as ‘the love f money is the root of evil’ is not meaningful since it is impossible to verify.
True or false: Ayer thought religious claims were cognitive.
False. Ayer thought that religious claims are Non-Cognitive and impossible to verify, so they are meaningless. He does not say that they are just false; it is more that they cannot really tell us anything at all.
What did the Vienna Circle/A.J. Ayer conclude about religious statements/language/experience?
- Religious statements are meaningless becase they are subjective and cannot be empirically tested/verified.
- Ayer obserserved that since the existence of God cannot be rationally demonstrated, it is not even probable, since the term ‘god’ is a metaphysical term referring to a transcendent being which cannot therefore have any literal significance. He observed that the same is true for atheist and agnostic statments, since any statement which includes the term ‘god’ is meaningless. He argued they are not ‘significant propositions’, neither true nor false as they are simply not valid: ‘The notion of a being whose essential attributes are non-empirical is not an intelligble notion at all’.
- Talk of a soul/an after life were dismissed by Ayer as they are metaphysical.
- Ayer stated: ‘The fact that people have religious experiences is interesting from the psychological point of view, but it does not in any way imply there is such a thing as religious knowledge.’
Give some criticisms of the verification principle (7)
- Statements that express unverifiable opinions or emotions such as ‘I love you’ become meaningless under the verification principle, contrary to common human understanding.
- Ethical and moral statements such as ‘Do not kill’ become meaningless under the verification principle, despite the fact both secular and religious societies have been successfully built on these laws.
- The laws of science cannot be absolutely verified.
- Historical statements such as ‘The Battle of Waterloo took place in 1815’ are regarded as meaningless because they cannot be verified by sense experience.
- The verification principle itself cannot be verified.
- John Hick said that that ‘God talk’ might be verifiable in principle. Convincing evidence is not apparent now, but it could be in the future; the whole idea of final judgement implies that God will be seen and known. Hick calls this future possibility ‘eschatological verification’
- Richard Swinburne argues that there are propositions which no-one knows how to verify but still are not meaningless. He gives the example of toys which come out of their cupboard at night and dance around, then returning without a trace. No observation could ever establish this as truth, but it’s not meaningless
How did A.J. Ayer respond to criticisms of the verification principle?
To address the criticisms, Ayer proposed a ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ form of the verification principle:
- Strong: Occurs when there is no doubt that a statement is true e.g. The Pope is a Catholic.
- Weak: Occurs when there is not absolute certainty, but ehre there is a strong likelihood of truth because of the evidence e.g. Nelson won the Battle of Trafalgar.
‘A proposition is verifiable in the strong sense if, and only if, its truth could be conclusively established…but it is verifiable in the weak sense if it is possible for experience to render it probable’
How did theist philosophers respond to Ayer’s verification principle? (Ward & Hick)
- Keith Ward observed that God’s existence could be verified in principle since ‘If I were God I would be able to check the truth of my own existence’
- John Hick asserted that since many religious language claims are historical, they are also verifiable under weak verification e.g. ‘Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday’. He also used analogy in the Parable of the Celestial City to claim that although it is impossile for us to verify our destination during life, our beliefs about God/the afterlife are still meaningful as there is the prospect of eschatological verification.
What is the falsification principle?
- The falsification principle is concerned not with what makes something true, but with what would, in principle, make it false (the inverse of verification). Anthony Flew claimed that religious statements are meaningless because there is nothing that can count against them and religious believers are so convinced of their truth that they hardly ever consider arguments that God does not exist.
- Flew uses the example of the problem of evil & suffering: ‘What would have to occur or to have occurred to constitute for you a disproof of the love of, or the existence of God?
- Flew effectively argues that if nothing is allowed to count against a claim such as ‘God loves us as a father loves his children’ then the claim means nothing, since anything is apparently consistent with their claim.
Which Parable did Flew use to highlight how believers continue to refuse to accept anything that counts against the existence of God?
John Wisdom’s Parable of the Gardener
- By the end, the two men have both seen all the evidence and the first continues to insist that there is a gardener, but one which is invisible, intangible and inaudible. The seond man asks what is the difference between such a gardener and no gardener at all?
- Flew argued that religious believers have similarly avoided the evidence by hiding behind phrases suc as ‘God moves in mysterious ways’. He said that in order for believers to claim God exists, they must also be open to the idea that he does not. However, Flew felt that believers were reluctant to do so and, consequently, the religious language they use is meaningless because it is not falsifiable.
What was James Richmond and Robert Prevost’s response to Flew’s use of the Parable of the Gardener?
James Richmond (1970): claimed the real message of the Parable was that religion does match up to the empirical facts about the world ad that the existence of the plants did indeed support the belief in a gardener.
Robert Prevost: siggested that, since religious belief is based on trust, then it is perfectly reasonable for a religious believer to hold on to their beliefs in the face of opposition.
What alternative viewpoint did R.M. Hare offer to Flew’s falsification principle?
He introduced the notion of a blik. He claimed that when believers use religious langauge, they are using it in a unique way. ‘Bliks’ are ‘ways of regarding the world which are in principle neither verifiable nor falsifiable - but modes of cognition to which the terms ‘veridical’ or ‘illusory’ properly apply’. They use religious langage to express concepts that are important to him/her. They make a significant difference to that peron’s life, which can be empirically observed and therefore their statements do have meaning. Hare illustrated this theory with the example of a university student who was convinced that a lunatic don was ploting to kill him. Peter Vardy observed that ‘religious language…calls people out beyond the frontiers of their existing morality to a different way of living life…’.
How did John Hick respond to R.M. Hare’s blik theory?
John Hick responds by arguing that there are reasons behind religious beliefs: experiences, Scripture, etc. He also objects that there is no way to distinguish between sane or insane bliks, and the judgement that religion is insane could only ever be arbitrary.
What was Basil Mitchell’s propositions about religious language?
Basil Mitchell objects to the idea that religious claims are groundless ‘bliks’. He argues that religious claims are grounded in some facts and that the faithful do allow that evidence may stand against what they believe.
In the Parable of the Partisan and the Stranger, Mitchell highlighted the fact that many religious believers do accept that their beliefs can be questioned but that, nevertheless, they will continue to believe them even in the face of evidence to the contrary. The story illustrates a partisan meeting a man who he believes is the secret leader of the resistance movement. At times the stranger seems to be helping the enemy but the partisan is told that is all part of his plan. The partisan continues to believe the stranger because his initial meeting with him has been decisive.
So with God: one could trust in God while recognising the contrary evidence: that he allows evil and suffering, or disbelief.
Mitchell called such beliefs ‘significant articles of faith’, which the believer accepts to be open to serious challenge but in light of their personal experiences, will not allow to falsify their belief. This is non-propositional faith - faith rooted in a relationship rather than simply accepting facts about God. Mitchell observed that there are three ways in whcih the believer can react when their assertions are challenged:
- provisional hypotheses to be discarded if experience tells against them
- vacuous formulae to which experience makes no difference and which make no difference to life
- significant articles of faith, which ‘face the full force of the conflict’ and may be seriously challenged but are not easily abandoned
What was Richard Swinburne’s view of religious language?
‘…there are plenty of examples of statements which some people judge to be factual which are not apparently confirmable or disconfirmable through observation. For example: Some of the toys which to all appearances stay in the toy cupboard while people are asleep and no one it watching, actually get up and dance in the middle of the night and then go back to the cupboard, leaving no traces of their activity.’
What did R.B. Braithwaite argue about religious language?
Argued that religious language is about the way in which people should behave towards one another and that, therefore, religious claims are meaningful because they express an intention to follow a certain code of behaviour.
What is ‘the via negativa’?
The via negativa is a method of determining if a religious statement is expressing truth that dates back to ancient civilisation. It suggests that the truth about God can be discovered by speaking negatively about him. It was used by Dionysus in Mystical Theology, where he argued that the way to find out what God is like is first to discover what he is not like. By ruling out what he is not, we will discover what he is (the principle of negation).
Supporters of the principle claim that it avoids the pitfalls of using inadequate human language to describe the qualities of God. Peter Cole (1999):…by denying all descriptions of God, you get insight and experience of God rather than unbelief and scepticism.
Some see it as a mystical practice as it begins by negating the least appropriate characterisations of God and then proceeds to negate even the most honorable names for God, until the negation can go no further. What is left, is God.
Aquinas argued that negation does not emphasis the unknowability. Moreover, to talk positively about something requires a subject and Aquinas observed that God, who is above all things, and existentially different from them, cannot be a subject.
Give 3 criticisms of the via negativa
- Such an approach means that we cannot describe God in factual terms because it means reducing the divinity of God to the level of human language. Instead of saying ‘God is love’, we would have to say ‘God is not-love’ because he is so much more than this term can convey.
- It cannot distinguish between theism from atheism since to say that God can only be spoke of in negative means denying the existence of God altogether.
- Believers always want to speak positively about God andinsist that speaking of him in terms of negation fails to say anything meaningful about him at all.
How is religious language used? (5 examples)
- Univocal language
- Equivocal language
- Analogical language
- Symbolic language
- Myth
What’s the difference between univocal and equivocal language?
- Univocal language: Using words in an everyday sense. In religious terms, that means using ‘God’s love’ and ‘Jane’s love’ to mean the same thing. This way of using language makes it possible to understand God because, we understand human love. As Hume observed: ‘Wisdom, thought, design, knowledge - there we justly ascribe to him because…we have no other language by which we can express our adoration of him’
- Equivocal language: Means that the same word is used with a totally different meaning of in a vague, ambiguous way. In terms of God, this means using everyday words but, because the nature of God is so different from the nature of humanity, when we are referring to God as being ‘good’ or ‘just’ we are using the terms in a different way.
What are the difficulties of univocal and equivocal language?
- Univocal language: Causes problems of anthropomorphism - if we refer to God and humans in the same way, then we are unable to differentiate between them.
- Equivocal language: It makes God so different from humans that it is difficult/impossible to understand them.
Why did Aquinas turn to using analogy? What is analogy?
- Aquinas stated that we could not speak of God ‘univocally’: ‘But no name belongs to God in the same sense that it belongs to creatures’
- He also said we could not speak of God ‘equivocally’: ‘Neither, on the other hand, are names applied to God and creatures in a purely equivocal sense…for the reasoning would always be exposed to the fallacy of equivocation’.
- Aquinas needed to find a way of using language as an indirect description of God. For this he turned to ‘analogy’. An analogy is an attempt to explain the meaning of something by comparison with an example more familiar to us e.g. Paley’s Watchmaker Analogy.
How does analogy work? How did Aquinas describe it?
Analogy works by using human experience. There is a relationship between God and humanity and God makes himself known to humanity through experience - we love one another and, as a result of this experience, understand something of the nature of God’s infinite love.
He called this the ‘gradation to be found in things’. He said that all the goodness and love in humanity came first from God and, therefore, God and humanity are ‘analogously related’. We understand God through our experiences of these human qualities.
What are the two types of analogy?
- Analogy of attribution: The view that God is the cause of all good things in humans and therefore God’s attributes are simply a higher level of our own. John Hick offered the examples of ‘upwards’ analogy, for instance speaking of a dog’s faithfulness and going upwards to human faith in God. ‘Downwards analogy’ uses the attributes of God, such as wisdom, and reflects downwards in humanity.
- Aquinas thought that we could gain understanding of God by considering his role as creator. Simply, if God made the world then we could expect the world to reflect God in some way. So, we would be justified in drawing analogies between the world and God. Aquinas also explains this by the example of a bull and its urine. The health of the animal is present in its urine; we can tell that the bull is healthy by studying this. However, the health of the bull is only complete in the bull itself. So, what the urine tells us is indirect and incomplete. So too with God: what the world tells us of his goodness is meaningful, but it is also limited. That gives us the order of reference – God’s goodness is foremost, because he is the source of this quality. The world has goodness only in a secondary respect.
- Analogy of proportionality/proper proportion: The view that all good qualities belong infinitely to God and, in proportion, to humans - for instance, a plant has life, a human has life, God has life; there is a proportionate relationship. Although we cannot fully understand God, we can at least begin to understand his nature.
- Here, John Hick takes on and develops Aquinas’ views. The basic idea is that humans possess God’s qualities because we are created in his image (Genesis 2). Yet, because God is perfect, we have his qualities in a lesser proportion. Hick explains this by giving the example of faithfulness. Humans can be faithful to each other, in speech and behaviour, and so on. Dogs too can be faithful, but there is a great difference between this quality in a person and in an animal. Yet, there has to be a reasonable similarity, or we would not recognise dogs as faithful. So, there is “a dim and imperfect likeness” in the dog, as there is between us and God. An analogy which is just a metaphor and does not really deal with proportionate qualities would be one of improper proportion. For instance, ‘God is a rock’. This ignores essential differences in qualities for the sake of a loose comparison.
What was Ian Ramsey’s approach to analogy?
Models and qualifiers: A model is an analogy that that helps us to express something about God such as ‘God is good’. The model is the word ‘good’. We know what good means in human terms and when we apply it to God, it gives us a model to understand the goodness of God. In the same way, we can adapt or ‘qualify’ the model to improve our understanding by putting God’s attributes on a greater level, for instance by adding the qualifier that ‘God is infinitely good’. In this was, we can think of God’s goodness in a deeper and more meaningful way.
What is the principle of remotion and excellence?
It states that if we take away human concepts from a word what is left is God without limit. For example, if we say ‘I love you because you love me’, then we take away the human part, ‘because you love me’, what we are left with is simply ‘I love you’. In the same way, God loves is people without limit or condition.
How can analogy be criticised?
- We could criticise Aquinas’ claims about proportionate analogy, since we may dispute whether humans really were created “in the image and likeness of God”. This is challenged by Darwin’s theory of evolution and rejected by atheist Richard Dawkins.
- We might wonder whether the evil in our world is also an analogy to God – this might make a perfectly good God impossible. However, a theodicy (such as Irenaeaus’) is a response to this criticism.
- We could also criticise analogy from the standpoint of verification, since the object we are drawing an analogy to (God) cannot be verified. However, for this we can refer back to criticisms of verification.
- Richard Swinburne criticises Aquinas for producing an unnecessary theory. He claims that we can speak of God and humans as ‘good’ univocally, it is just that God and humans possess goodness in different ways. It is still the same essential quality, even though God is perfect and humans are not.
Explain the use of symbols in religious language
A symbol is something that identifies a concept that it is referring to and also participates in the meaning of that concept. Erika Dinkler-von Schubert (1960): defined a symbol as ‘a pattern or object which points to an invisible metaphysical reality and participates in it’. A symbol goes beyond providing information like a sign and expresses what the believer feels about what the symbol conveys. The most common kinds of symbolic language found in religion are myths, metaphors and similes. Symbols should not be interpreted literally because they are subtle modes of communication, non-cognitive and go beynd our normal understanding. D.Z. Phillips claimed that terms such as ‘eternal life’ should not be interpreted literally but as expressing a quality of life living in the present.
e.g. the cross/symbolic statements such as Jesus saying ‘I am the light of the world’.
Explain Paul Tillich’s views about symbol in religious language
Theologian Paul Tillich took a different approach in attempting to show that religious language can be meaningful. He focused on the manner in which symbols may effect humans.
Tillich’s first main point is that symbols are not signs. Both of these point to something beyond themselves, but only symbols ‘participate’ in what they point to. For instance, a road sign just points to a fact about a road, whereas a symbolic flag participates in the power of the king or the nation.
Tillich goes on to number four key features of symbols: (a) They point to something beyond themselves, (b) They participate in that to which they point, (c) They open up levels of reality which otherwise are closed to us, and (d) They open up dimensions of the soul which correspond to those aspects of reality.
To explain (c) and (d), Tillich compared this symbolic language to the U.S.A. flag.
‘Symbolic language alone is able to express the ultimate because it transcends the capacity of any finite reality to express it directly’
What are the criticisms of symbol in religious language?
- They are open to different interpretations and as a result can become:
- trivialised and the original meaning lost, for example the need to keep the Sabbath day holy is lost on a society in which many businesses now treat Sunday as another working day.
- the focus of of worship, for example relics of the saints.
- outdates, like myths. e.g. referring to God as ‘Father’ can be perceived as too patriarchal for the modern day. Tillich: ‘it is necessary to rediscover the questions to which the Christian symbols are the answers, in a way which is understandable in our time’
- John Hick has argued that the idea of ‘participating’ in a symbol is unclear. Take the flag example; in what sense does this really do something? Is there really a big difference from signs here?
- William Alston has objected that symbolism means that “there is no point trying to determine whether the statement is true or false”. Since Tillich’s symbols are not literally true, Alston feels that they could have no meaningful impact on us. They could not send us to heaven or hell, for example.
- It could be objected that there is no specific religious content in symbolic language, as Tillich provides no clear distinction between religious and non-religious symbols. Does this mean that religious language has no special significance?
Myth is the most complex type of symbolic language because it uses symbols, metaphors and imagery. Explain myth in relation to religious language and Millar Burrows’ definition.
A myth is a story or narrative that expresses a truth when it is not known for certain what actually happened. Myths use symbolism and imagery to explain the unexplainable and to give insights into human existence. Some parts of the Bible, suhc as the stort of creation and Noah’s Ark, are regarded by many scholars as myths. In religious language terms, the purpose of myths is to convey concepts which go beyond simple ideas of true or false, to express cosmological questions that cannot be explained in straightforward, factual or cognitive terms.
Millar Burrows: ‘Myth is a symbolic, approximate expression of truth which the human mind cannot perceive sharply and completely, but can only glimpse vaguely, and therefore cannot adequately or accurately express’.
What are the criticisms of myth?
- Critics of myth claim that it is an outdated concept dealing with ancient and anachronistic concepts.
- Rudolph Bultmann argued that in order to find out the truth of God, religious language should be demythologised - the mythological language stripped away and the myths contained in scriptures removed. He believed that it was impossible for humanity in modern times to believe such outdated stories ‘in the New Testament world of demons and spirits.’
- Richard Dawkins commented that ‘much of the Bible is…just plain weird, as you would expect of a chaotically cobbled-together anthology of disjointed doscuments, composed, revised, translated…’
What are the arguments in support of myth?
- In the 19th century, D.F. Strauss suggested that the way resolve the issue of myths being outdated was to shift the focus of myth from the story of a miraculous occurence to the story of a miraculous occurence - from an objectively true narrative about a muracle to an embodiment of religious truth conveyes in story form, which is not necessarily objectively true.
- The difference between Bultmann and Dawkins is Bultmann thought there was truth to be extracted once the myth was stripped away, it is necessary to access the kerygma or the abiding truth of the myth. Bultmann essentially secularised the New Testament.
- Since religious language is anti-realist, it is not concerned with making true or false statements about objective reality. J.W. Rogerson: ‘Because myths have their birth not in logic but in intuitions of transcendence, they are of value to traditions that seek to describe the action of the other worldly in the present world’.
- Myths can be seen as part of a religious language game: interpreted rather than being used to establish what the facts of the matter concerned are.
Explain Ludwig Wittgenstien’s Language game theory
- Post-modernism encouraged a move away from the notion that language is just concerned to describe or picture things.
- In Philosophical Investigations (published posthumously), Wittgenstein advocated a functional theory of meaning, that words and language are part of an ‘anti-realist’ or postmodern approach to language. He argued that language statements (including religious ones) are not intended to be true or false for everyone but only for those who are within that form of life. For example, a scientific statement would be true or false for a scientist but not, necessarily, for an artist.
- All language is, therefore, a game. In every ‘form of life’, words and phrases are used within the context of the subject area - the ‘game’.
- The language in the game is non-cognitive - it is not about making universally true statements, but about communicating meaning to other players in the same game.
- Language can be correctly or incorrectly used within the rules of the game, but its primary purpose is not to make factual statements. The player of one language game cannot criticise the player of another, or enter into a game without first learning the rules and conventions of the language of that form of life, since each game has its own ‘criteria of coherence’. e.g. ‘in’ or ‘out’ in cricket have a totally different meaning to in poetry.
- ‘…you would say that there was an enormous gulf between us…I think differently, in a different way. I say different things to myself. I have a different picture.’
- As far as religious language is concerned, Wittgenstein was suggesting that it is meaningful when understood within the context of its own language game. Those who don’t play the game will hear religious language and misunderstand it. He called this a ‘category mistake’.
How did Peter Vardy summarise Ludwig Wittgenstein’s language game theory?
‘…in this way of thinking, God exists. God really, really, really truly, truly exists. But God does not exist as a creator who is distinct from the world; he is not some being who is apart from the world and who sustains and acts in it. God is instead a reality within the believing community.’
How did D.Z. Phillips develop Wittgenstein’s language game theory?
- Phillips takes on the idea that religion is a language game, extending this to the claim that religion cannot be either grounded or criticised in reason – it is a system all of its own.
- For Phillips, the ‘reality’ of God or religion does not lie in the abstract issue of whether God exists, but instead is located in the words and practice of religion. What God is, is defined by the language game of faith.
- Just as in the general games of life, we do not require an abstract justification to work out ‘what they are all about’, so too with religion: we have to take part to find out.
- “If a philosopher wants to give an account of religion, he must pay attention to what religious believers do and say … It is not the task of a philosopher to decide whether there is a God or not, but to ask what it means to affirm or deny the existence of God.”
What are the advantages of the language game theory? (5)
- It highlights the non-cognitive nature of religious language.
- It distinguishes it from other types of language.
- Language games provide boundaries for the correct use of language.
- Believers can be initiated into the rules of language.
- Language games defend language against criticisms from other ‘forms of life’, since truth is understood as relative and statements are to be judged against their context and not on whether they are inherently or objectively true or false.
What are the weaknesses of the language game theory? (3)
- Language games do not allow for believers’ claims to be empirically tested
- Religious language alienates those outside the game
- The rules of the games cannot be changed to allow outsiders in
What conclusion can be made about religious language?
- There is no single theory that satisfies everyone. Religious language is highly coplex and, though it gives us no definitive truth, nevertheless offers us revealing insights into the nature of human existence and the quest to find and understand.
- Peter Vardy observes: ‘In finding the value of religious language, the individual finds God. Believers do not discover religious truths - they make them’.