(P) Long Quiz Part 6 Flashcards
Either you leave this place or you stay behind.
You cannot stay and go at the same time.
The test is either difficult or not.
That you are seeing another man implies Infidelity.
(CD) Conditional
If you stay, then we can talk.
(CD) Conditional
You cannot be in FEU NRMF and FEU FERN at the same time.
Either she is not my wife or you are telling a lie.
If you cannot be sure of something and be indecisive on the matter at the same time, you will delay your action on the matter.
(CD) Conditional
A person is a witness or an accomplice to a crime.
No one can be a sinner and act like a saint at the same time.
Once a person is asleep, then they are not anymore awake.
(CD) Conditional
Whether you have a scholarship or you pay your tuition in full every enrollment.
A teacher cannot pass and fail a student at the same time in one subject.
If one laughs, then one may cry as well.
(CD) Conditional
Either you are a delusional individual or you took your pills today.