P-117 Flashcards
Who serves as the principle advisor to the Chief, BUMED on religious and moral matters
Staff Chaplain
Who ranks next to the chief of bureau in BUMED and the medical dept?
Deputy Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Who functions as the principal enlisted advisor to the Chief, BUMED to keep him apprised of existing or potential situations, procedures, and practices that affect the enlisted men and women of Navy medicine
Force Master Chief
Who takes precedence over all other enlisted members within Navy Medicine?
Force Master Chief
Who coordinates the BUMED portion of the Naval Command Inspection Program?
Medical Inspector General
Who serves as legal counsel to the Chief, BUMED and BUMED staff and provides legal advice, support, and counsel regarding medical-legal matters?
Staff Judge Advocate
Who informs Medical department personnel, other members of the naval service concerning the public information needs of the bureau and Navy Medicine?
Special Assistant for Public Affairs
Who collectively analyzes and discusses issues that effect all Navy Medical Department opportunities?
Council of Corps Chiefs and Directors
Who serves as the principal advisor to and advocate for all members of the Medical Corps?
Chief of the Medical Corps
Who advises, assists, centralizes, and coordinates guidance on enlisted community matters, develops,monitors,and advises, on the career progression plans for enlisted personnel, and direction of the enlisted community?
Director of the Hospital Corps
Who provides centralized, coordinated policy development and guidance for Medical Service Corps matters
Director, Medical Service Corps
Who manages the Occupational Safety and Health program for BUMED
Safety Manager
Who advises Chief, BUMED regarding issues of efficiency,economy,and effectiveness of management and procedures for BUMED claimancy?
Special Assistant for Command Evaluation
Who provides centralized supporting the areas of military and civilian human resource management, regulations and directives and central records management?
Director of Headquarters Administration
Who provides centralized service regarding all unclassified mail within the bureau?
Who formulates principles and policies and prescribes procedures and systems which will exercise effective control over the financial operations of BUMED claimancy
Assistant Chief for Resource Management/Comptroller
Who develops staffing standards, applies them to projected workload and identifies the total force requirements necessary to complete the BUMED mission?
Manpower Planning and Programming Division