p 1-5 Flashcards
james k polk elected and westward expansion
end of reconstruction
religous group, went west for religous refuage, joseph smith NY dies, Brigham young
manifest destiny
belief that god wants us to expand and become a coast to coast nation. God given right
mexican american war 1846-48
1846-48, over boundary dispute, rio grande. USA takes a lot of land afterwards for west
mexican cession 1848
1848, land we get after war, most of sputhwest, treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
favoring “native” born americans over immigrants
Know nothings
secret nativist organization, anti catholic and anti immigrant, forms “American Party”
kansas nebraska act 1854
1854, popular sovenighnty in kansas and nebraska, goes wrong people kill eachother in streets bleeding kansas
lecompton constitution 1857
1857 pro slavery constitution for kansas gets turned down kansas free state
dred scott v sandford 1857
1857, supreme court case, slaves are property and are not US citizen so they can be taken anywhere and still be a slave, undoes all compromises. Roger Tancy
republican party 1854
1854 northern and western party no slavery in territories forms after whig party splits, after kansas nebraska, whig supports it other half doesnt.
lincoln douglas debates 1858
1858, stephen douglas and lincoln running for sentae seat for illlinois, douglas for pop, soveignty, abraham says no slavery in territories.
Abraham Lincoln
illinois republican no slavery in terriotries, south is left alone, election prompts southern states to secede 7, then 4
fort sumter 1861-1865
1861 (1865 civil war ends) south carolina tries to cecede sees fort as their own attacks usa first, we lose, lincoln calls for volunteeers
13 amendement 1865
1865 abolishes slavery in all states and territories
14th amendment 1868
1868 makes all former slaves citizens, everyone equal protection under the law
15th amendment 1870
1870 gives all male citizens at least 21 the right to vote
radical republicans
punish south after civil war, president vs congress on who decideds reconstrucyion
compromise of 1877
official end of reconstruction, comes out of election of 1876, Samuel tilden vs ruferford B Hayes. Hayes gets southern votes by taking union troops out of south, no protection. Many things bar african americans to vote
sharecropping (tenant farming)
farmer not owning land, gets a small percent of proceeds is in debt to owner. Former slaves stayed on plantation, huge part of economy, poor whites and african americans
susan b anthony
abolitionist leader in womens suffrage
victoria woodhull
leader in womens suffrage movement 1st women to run for president
freedmans bureau 1865-1872
1865(end of civil war)-1872 fed agency established after civil war transition african americans into society
Hiram Revels
minister from missipipi 1st african american to run in senate
Blanche K. Bruce
1st non white represenative in senate to serve full tern
robert smalls
convinces lincoln to enlist african americans in war
northerners who moved to the south to get ahead of buisness/economic/political opportunities
describes white southeners who went along with the republican party
violent groups that used violence and intimidation to deny african americans their ageny and rights, grant gets rid of them
white southern democrats who want to get other white democrats into power
black codes
laws that restricted african americans rights
civil rights acts of 1875
response to civil rights violations all mens equality are above the law
charles sumner
radical republican, was almost beaten to death in the senate
thaddeus stevens
radical republican
king cotton
confederates using to show that the south is finacially independent and europe needs them, so they should back the war.
antietam 1862
1862 made lincoln issue emancipation proclamation, union won
vicksburg 1863
1863 led to confederate surrender, forced into defensive lines
gettysburg 1863
1863 turning point in civil war ended southern aspirration to become a confederacy
march to the sea 1864
1864 tactic using scorched earth tearing the land apart and ruining anything used to help the south, crops, railroads etc
appomattox court house 1865
1865 where the confederacy surrenders officially
emancipatioon proclamation 1863
1863 lincoln excutive order that slaves currently rebelling are free, us army going across slavery liberates them
gettysburg address 1863
1863 dedicate national cemetary to fallen soliders and newly define the war
crittenden compromise 1860
1860 right afterlincons election last effort, brings back mmissouri compromise, failure
southern secession
alabama, florida, georgia, louisiana, misisiipi, texas, 7 secede right after
wilmot proviso 1846
1846 mexican american war starts, proposition any land we get after war no slavery is allowed
compromise of 1850
california free state, NM and Utah have popular soverignty, strict slave fugitive law, ban slave trade in DC
popular sovereignty
let citizens vote for whether they want slavery or not, very bad idea
fugitive slave law 1850
1850 law if slave escpaes north they can be recaptured
harpers ferry 1859
1859 john brown breaks into federal arsenal to steal weapons and give it to slaves to rebel, he gets captured and executed
free soil party
dont want slavery in new territories, gets absorbed into republican party
uncle toms cabin 1852
1852 book that showed people the truth of slavery in the south
peculiar institution
used in south antebellum to refer to slavery
slave codes
laws in south that established status of slaves
gadsden purchase 1853
1853 strip of land in NM and arizona to build southern transcontinental railroad
mariano vallejo
helped transition california to statehood
sand creek massacre 1864
1864 kissings of cheyenne and arapaho people by us army
commodore matthew perry
forced japan to trade with usa
california gold rush 1849
1849 made people rush to california to get gold
homestead act 1862
1862 government encouraging people to go out west, get number of acres for free have to farm for 5 years
pacific railway act 1862
1862 aided construction of railroad
promontory point utah 1869
1869 where the transcontonental railway point ended
annexation of texas 1845
1845 gains independence from mexico
oregon treaty 1846
1846 canada usa line border
begining of civil war
end of civil war
first peaceful transfer of power and Thomas Jefferson elected federalists lose to democratic republicans
Seneca falls convention and end of mexican american war
alexander hamilton, strong federal government pankers/people with money supported them
democratic republicans
thomas jefferson and james madison
weak federal government but strong states
supported by common man
hartford conventtion 1814
war od 1812 federalists have meeting, anti war threaten to cecede, backfires and party dies out
era of good feelings 1816-1824
only 1 political party, won against great britain overall lots of nationalism. President James Monroe
andrew jackson 1829 small federal government supported by common man
whig party
just to oppose andrew jackson morphs into republican party
andrew jackson
democrat leader 7th president 1st common man president
henry clay
leader of whig party proposes american system (eco self sufficiant) “Great compromiser” stopped civil war a lot
marbury v madison 1803
gives court judicial review looks at law passed by president and congress to see if its constitutional and can strike it down
judicial review
power to review laws to see if they constitutional
market economy
capitalism unregulated by government with laissez faire adam smith invisible hand
1815 american system
1815 henry clay plan to make us economically self sufficent causes tensions between north and south, high protective tariff, recharter us bank 2nd bank now
seneca falls convention 1848
declaration of sentiments all ways women are not equal and what women want
american colonization society 1817
wnats to end slavery gradualy, help slave owners free slaves and send them to africa
louisuiana purchase 1803
purchase from france, jefferson president, doubles size of government full control of Mississippi river violates political opinion to purchase land, dem-repub favored strict interpretation of constitutional
monroe doctrine 1823
james monroe, europe must stay out of western hemisphere no military to back up, very laughable
Missouri compromise 1820
1820 henry clay makes missouri slave state, then maine a free state. any state above 36 degrees 30’ line is free and below is slave state.
south carolina nullification crisis 1832-1833
fed government sets high tariff, south carolina refuses to do it, Jackson sends military and threatens action if no gives in
Daniel webster
cant nullify fed law
John C calhoun
Political leader south carolina pro nullification likes slavery
john marshall
lawyer and founding father 4th chief justice very influencial
albert gallatin
secretary under jefferson, limited government reduce debt by cutting spending
embargo act 1807
jefferson trying to get britain and france to respect our neutral trading rights. shuts down all international trade
panic 1819 and 1837
economic depressions, 2nd bank tightens credits jefferson mad shuts down bank very bad. north likes tariffs south does not
2nd bank of usa
henry clay recharter of hamiltons, andrew jackson hates it and destroys the bank.
lowell system
labor production system operaated by women/girls
samuel slater
industrialist “father of american revolution” designed the 1st textile mill in us
cyrus McCormick
founded McCormick harvesting machine company invented mechanical reaper
1837 john deere
founded Deere company invented 1st commercially successful steelplow 1837
baldwin locomotive works
american manufactuer of railway locomotives largest producer of steam locomotives
national trades union 1834
1st organization of american wage earners on national scale
cotton belt
region in south where cotton was the cash crop, developed the textile industry
mason-dixon line
line seperating pennsylvania and maryland, and delaware and virginia. border dispute boundary of northern and southern states.
2nd great awakening
protestant religous revival late 18th and early 19th century, founding universities
charles finney
controversial presbyterian minister and leader of 2nd great awakening promoted social reforms, abolition education for women
horace mann
education reformer, aboltionist and whig politician
art movement to evoke style of classical antiquity
1825-1875 hudson river school
1825-1875 american art movement influenced by romanticism
1820 1830 transcendentalism
philosophical, spiritual, literary movement 1820 1830 in new england, inherent goodneess of people and nature
ralph waldo emerson
american philospher abolitionist led transcendentalism
henry david thoreau
leading transcendentalist book reflection on simple living in natural surroundings
john james audubon
known for documenting birds french american
cult of domesticity
white upper class women true women preaching piety purity domesticity and submissiveness center of family
elizabeth cady stanton
activist and leader of womens rights authour declaration of sentiments
james forten
african american advocates for racial integration and equal rights
american anti slavery society
abolitionist society formed by William Lloyd Garrison, leader Fredrick Douglas
william lloyd garrison
radical abolitionist white from massachusetts “the liberator” newspaper
sojourner truth
female equivalanet of frederick douglas, abolitionist and feminist
liberty party 1840
1st antislavery party gets adopted into republican party
elijah lovejoy
abolitionist leader from illinois, killed by mob
richard allen
creates first african american denomination is US
david walker
abolitionist leader african americanpassed anti slavery messages
frederick douglas
former slave that escaped spoke out against slavery
erie canal 1817-1825
albany to buffalo largest artifical waterway
buisness corporations that maintained roads to collect fees from travelers
national road 1811
first highway built with federal funds in maryland promoted westward expansion
baltimore and ohio railroad 1828
1st common corrier railroad and oldest railroad in US
adams onis treaty 1819
signed with spanish that gives us florida
webster ashburton treaty 1842
1842 established US canada border
established indian confederacy deafted at battle of tippecanoe william henry harrison
indian removal act 1830
1830 fed law removes all native american tribes living east of mississipi river and moves them west of river. ANDREW JACKSON LOVES THIS LAW
1832 worcester v georgia
1832 individual states dont have power to enforce laws on lands not under state jurisdiction
1838-1850 trail of tears
1838-1850 forced march of cherokee people into “indian territory”
start of french and indian war
thomas jefferson elected president
french and indian war/seven years war
between britain and france france allied with natives, whos going to control north america, spills over into Europe
1763 british defeat of france 7 years
1763 treaty of paris ends wars, britain in debt so they tax colonies
1763 pontiacs rebellian
1763 conflict between britain and native americans
proclamation line of 1763
colonist not allowed to go west/follows appalachian mountain range, colonists mad
1764 paxton boys
1764 marched philly intent on murdering british guys
1764 sugar act
1764 tax on sugar , paying for war debt, mad about no representation to make on taxing
1765 stamp act
1765 tax on paper and documents, lots of protests
sons of liberty
secret organization to push back against stamp act samuel addams organized
1766 declaratory act
1766 passed after stamp act was repealed soul and exclusive right to tax colonies
1767 townshend acts
1767 tax goods that americans imported from great britain gets repealed 3 years later, colonists boycotted and harrased british, british sent troops to occupy boston.
1767 letters from a pennsylvania farmer
1767 taxation w/o representaion is violating rights as englishmen john dickinson
1770 boston massacre
1770 200 colonists taunting 7 british soliders, throwing stuff, soliders shoot into crowd and kill and injure people, propaganda
1773 boston tea party
1773 british withdrew soliders from boston but placed tax on tea, props up british indian tea company, sons of liberty dress as natives and throw tea into ocean
1774 1st continental congress
1774 pilly pensylvannia, every colony sent delegates ecxept georgis, securing rights as englishmen
1775 battle of lexington and concord
1775 british general Thomas gage led forces from lexington to concord to capture colonial leaders, paul reverse spread word to be ready. ammericans shooting at british soliders stopped the british start of war
1775 2nd continental congress
1775 in philly all colonies send delegates, goal raise an army and prepare colonies for war
ben franklin
writer scientest inventor dipolmat negotaited treaty to end revolution leader during independence “treat of Alliance” w/France
john locke
ideas influence declaration of independence, believe government based on the will of the people. right to life, liberty, property (pursuit of happiness)
the enlightenment age of reason
18th century, logic and reasoning “why” locke
republican form of government
system where free people govern themselves through elected representatives
democracy where “YOU” have a direct say in everything
1776 common sense
thomas paine 1776 pamphlet to get people to join independence
declaration of independence jul 4 (2) drafted by 2nd continential congress wrote by thomas jefferson, and also john addams and franklin
adam smith
market system invisible hand economy based on competition
george washington
1st president commander of continntial congress founding father
1777 battle of saratoga
1777 turning point in war lifted morale and helped secure foreign support
1778 treaty of alliance
1778 military alliance with france formallized french recognition of US independence
1781 battle of yorktown
1781 british surrender and birth of the USA!!!!!!!! last majot battle cornwall surrenders to washington
treaty of paris 1783
king george 3 and representaives of USA offically end war, 13 colonies re recognized and free and independent states. Ben franklin, john adams, john jay
mercy otis warren
american activist attacked royal authority with poems and plays pioneer in womens rights
abigail adams
wife and advisor to john adams (2nd presendint) advocates for womens education and rights
articles of confederation
very weak 1st constitution government had limited powers
no army, charge taxes (only states) print currency (only states) states to dont have to listen to congress rulings as mediator. to amend unanimous consent of all states
government branches
- legislature/congress
- executive/president
- judicial/courts
1786-1787 shays rebellion
1786-1787 farmers in debt because of taxes revolts against government, elites get scared because they ned a new government to keep the poor in line
constitutional convention 1787
philly every state sends delegates james madison comes up w/ broad architecture of constitution
great compromise
madison comes up w/ it
congress w/ 2 houses 1 house representatives (based on pop.) and senate. every state gets 2 senators
against constitution, gave federal government too much power, didnt have any rights explicitly said
1787-1788 federalist papers
1787-1788 85 essays written by alexander hamilton (and john jay and james madison) goal to get anti-federalists on board and the people
ratification of constitution and creation of new government 1788-1789
takes effect 1789 republican form and federalism
george washington (again)
1st president serves two terms and voluntarily steps down
juducuary act of 1789
established supreme court and other federal courts john jay as chief justice
1791 bill of rights
1791 10 amendements, pleases anti federalists
john adams (again?)
founding father became ambassador to britain, 1st vice president and 2nd president
hamilton finacial plan
1st secretary of treasurery set up finances and get economy going, has fed government take all o the states debts and establishes the bank of the united states
1st bank of USa
privatly owned bank, 1st commercial bank, based in philly on a 20 year charter
whiskey rebellion
protest by farmers in pennsylvania, federal tax of whiskey, washington calls militia to shut it down
1798 alien and sedition acts
1798 2 laws passed by congress and president addams, prevented immigranst from partaking in politics. illegal to critizize federalist party or speak ill of government violates 1st amendment
virginia and kentucky resolutions
1798 by thomas jefferson and james madison say the alien and sedition acts were unconstitutional, solution states should be able to ignore or nullify law, supreme court gets power to nullify laws
1793 proclamation of neutrality
1793, washington proclaims beutrality w/o saying we are neutral angers france since we are allies w/france. not shipping weapons to them
1795 pinckeys treaty
1795 defined border between usa and spanish france, guaranteed us navigation rights on Mississippi river
1795 jays treaty
1795 between us and britaion resolved issues and had 10 peaceful years of trade, took place during french revolution, angered france and divided americans (federalists and democratic republicans)
1797 xyz affar
1797 failed negotiantions with france undeclared war at sea
1796 washingtons farewell address
1796 wrote it at end of his 2nd term, warn americans against political parties, remain neutral, and celebrate achievements
federalist party
alexander hamilton 1st political power of usa, conservative and nationalist, national bank beliefs were a strong central government, opposed war/france
democratic republican party
thomas jefferson and james madison beliefs were liberatiom, republicanism, individual liberty, equal rights, decentralization free markets, free trade.
hostile to britain and sympathized w/ france opposed federalist beliefs
thomas jefferson
governer of virginia, represenative at house of burgesses, prominent in politics, US minister ot france secretary of state for washington and vice president to john adams
james madison
elected in virginia legislature, reprsented virginia in continetial congress helped draft the constitun and bill of rights
alexander hamilton
supported independence aide to washington, served delegate from new york, bank of new york, and 1st secretary of the treasury
1780 pennsylavia gradual emancipation law
1780 pennsylania bans slavery any child born after 1780 would be considered free, most states in north pass similar laws
iroquois confederation
native tribes across upper new york 6/5
1794 battle of fallen timbers and treaty of greenville
1794 final battle of indians usa won, 1795 treaty between usa and tribes of northwest, redefined boundary
northwest ordiances
only law passed under articles of conferderation, promoted public education, protection of private property, admitting new states, and ban on slavery in northwest territory
founding of jamestown
casta system
social structure based on racial identity
white parent and black parent, black mom enslaved, white free
one native american parent and 1 white parent
1630-1640 great migration to massachusetts new england
1630-1640 started by john winthrop comes over w/700 colonists
pilgrims new england
“separatists” coming to new world for religious freedoms, mayflower ship 1620 plymouth massachusetts
puritans new england
english protestants, viewed church of england as too liberal set up colony that serves as a model of christian principles “community of saints” “city upon a hill”
providence, rhode isalnd 1636 new england
roger williams founder, religous freedoms leave massachusetts goes to rhode island, 1st instance of church and state seperation
1682 pennsylvania middle
1682 founded by quakers, william penn got charter from king, grant right to freedmen to have a say in the government
quakers middle
religous group, ahead of the time for social issues opposed to slavery commited to religious freedom
chesapeake southern and british west indies
refers to 2 colonies Maryland and virginia
1607 1st permanent english settlement, john smith, virgina, london company joint stock company started it
john rolfe
starts growing tocacco, makes virginia very wealthy
indentured servitude
form of labor gets replaced by african slavery voluntary almost like slavery but for 7 years debt
headright system
recruitment for people already in new world, for every laboprer they were given 50 acres
1732 georgia
1732 james oglethorpe, last of the 13 colonies to be founded, founded because people were broke and couldnt pay debt
economic system countries establish colonies to get rich, theory that there is a finate amount of money and you need to get as much as possible
triangular trade
north america gives raw materials to Europe, finished products to Africa, slaves to north america, disease
metacoms war 1675-1676 king philips war
chief of pokunoket people, last big resistance of natives in new england against the English
pueblos revolt
1680 santa fe against spanish drove out spaniards, 12 years later spanish take back oueblo, mainly for freedom of the encomienda system
first africans brought to america
1619, dutch brought them 1st came with 20 expands to millions, 1680 onwards slavery rises
chattel slavery
common form of slavery, people considered legal property
1739 stono rebellion
1739 slargest slave insurrection south carolina, killed overseerers, got killed by colonists
1741 new york conspiracy
1741 plot (may be fake) by slaves and poor whites to revolt and level new york
1619 house of burgesses
1619 virginia 1st represenative government, on our own
mayflower compact 1620
1st social contract in new world signed by 31 males on mayflower get political rights as long as you follow the laws
1649 maryland toleration act
1649 law in Maryland, guarantee religous tolerance for all christian denominations provided they believe in the trinity
1686 establishment of the dominion of new england
1686 king james 2 took 5 colonies and appointed 1 royal governor to look after them all people complain and he dissolves it 3 years (conneticut. rhode island, new jersey, and new york)
enlightenment (age of reason) again?
reason and science started getting valued more than god, fact based reason and inquiry
1730s-1760s great awakening
1730s-1760s religoes devovion were revived, protestant beliefs
george whitefield
founded the methodist movement, defendent rights of black people
jonathan edwards
minister delivered very famous sermon
1676 bacons rebellion
1676 armed rebellion in virginia againsy British William Berkeley, great britian sends troops to shut it down
1689 leislers rebellion
1689 against royal officials of the dominion of new england leader jacob leisler, captured 1689 crown dissolves it all
1699 wool act
1699 britsh made it illegal for us to export wool to any country other than britain
molasses act 1733
law to tax molasses, sugar, and rum
1651-1696 navigation acts
1651-1696 attempt by britain to exert more control over trading so it benefits britian more
salutary neglect
unofficial brittish policy, dont enfore trade laws, making colonies more independent and confident bold
william henry harrison
john tyler
james polk
zachary taylor
millard fillmore
franklin pierce
james buchanan
abraham lincoln
andrew johnson
ulysses s. grant
rutherford b hayes
james garfield
pre christopher columbus
1st permanent english settlement jamestown
native group living in present day south west, the people or house dwelling
pacific northwest oregan etc
present day northeast pennsylvania new york
largest in area they covered atalntic coast to great lakes
columbian exchange
1492 starts NA, E, and A trade crops,people,animals(horses), and dieseases
social and economic system in europe, ownership of land, no land no money
social and economic system in new world, structured by goods and labor, becomes dominant structure
joint stock companies
buisness owned by share holders, responsible for exploring and colonizing, investing in new world w/o going
instrument measured angle of horizon and celestial object in sky, makes navigation easeier
navigation tool measure position of relative to stars measures longitude
christopher columbus
trying to find asia but “found” new world, italian explorer asked spain to fund trip
juan ponce de leon
spanish conquistador lead 1st official european expedition to puerto rico in 1508, florida 1513, came w/ columbus on 2nd expedition 1493
1565 st augustine
1565 longest continually inhadited european founded city in us, 1st permanent english settlement by Don Pelo/d menedez
walter raleigh
helped establish a colony near roanke island
1586 roanoke
1586 attempt to found a permanent english settlement “lost colony of roanke”
encomienda system
regulate and control native americans, slavery (basically), recruiting tool for spanish to come to new world
caste system both european and native american
african and native american ancestry
juan de sepulveda
spaniard very on board w/spanish missions
bartolome de las casas
priest believes whats happeing in new world is wrong
juan de onate
1st govener of new mexico, kills a lot of native americans, very brutal
african refugees escape slvery ggoes to brazil