Ozymandias Flashcards
Ozymandias : narrative
In the heart of a barren desert, a lone traveler stumbled upon the half-buried remains of a colossal statue depicting the once-great king Ozymandias, its weathered visage bearing silent witness to the impermanence of human empires and the relentless march of time.
Ozymandias: context
Acts as a warning to anyone who thinks they are immortal-power wont outlast time shelley was a Romanic poet and valued the power of nature
Ozymandias: structure/form
The sonnet rhyme scheme is ireegular and is perhaps symbolic of the broken staue itself.Ozymandias control and dictatorship has been destoryed over time
Ozymandias :Language techniques
London : Narrative
London, a city of rich history and vibrant modernity, is encapsulated in a poetic narrative weaving together tales of ancient walls, bustling streets, iconic landmarks, and resilient spirits enduring through time’s passage.
Set during the poverty of the indusrial revoultion. The poet is supporting the French Revolutions quest for liberty.
London :Structure/form
The regualr rhyme scheme reflects the regualr walking pace of the narrator- it could also reflect the constant, regualar misery of the people of london
London: Language techinques
London’s language techniques encompass diverse linguistic features, literary traditions, and technological innovations.”
My last duches: Narrative
The narrative of “My Last Duchess” unfolds as a Duke recounts the story of his deceased wife to an envoy, revealing his possessive nature and the tragic fate of his former duchess.
My last duches: context
Based on The duke of ferrera form the italian Renaissance to indirectly commeng on sin in the victorian era
My last duches :structure/form
Enjambment,caesura and pauses
reflects the speakers train of thought rhyming couplet and iambic pentameter shows his high status
My last duches : language techiques
“In ‘My Last Duchess,’ Robert Browning employs dramatic monologue, irony, vivid imagery, symbolism, enjambment, precise diction, and subtle allusions to craft a complex portrayal of the Duke’s character and explore themes of power and control.”
Charge of the light bregade:Narrative
In “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” Alfred, Lord Tennyson narrates the tragic story of a cavalry charge during the Crimean War, recounting the bravery and valor of the British soldiers who obeyed orders despite the obvious futility of their mission, resulting in a devastating defeat.
Charge of the light bregade : context
A misscommunication led a group of soliders to head. Straight into a battle with catastrophic results
Charge if the light bregade: structre/form
It has a military rhyme simular to the sound of marching drum of horse hooves.
Charge of the light bregade: language techniques
In ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade,’ Tennyson employs repetition, vivid imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, metaphor, parallelism, and pathetic fallacy to vividly depict the valor and tragedy of war.”
Exposure: narrative
Wilfred Owen’s ‘Exposure’ narrates the bleak experiences of soldiers enduring the brutal conditions of trench warfare during World War I.”
Exposure :context
The poet truthfully shows the real conditions of world war 1 for soliders in the trenches
Exposure: structure/form
The fith line in each stanza creates an anti-climax. Para- rhyme reflects how unsettled the soliders are
Exposure: context
The poet wanted to truthfully sjow the real conditions of world war I for soliders in the trenches
Storm on the island:conflict
The conflict between man and nature and people’s fear of the weather
Storm on the lsland : power
The power of the weather to instill fear into man
Storm on the island : structure\form
Present tense suggest the strom is occuring now.Enjambment helps add to the conversational tone
Storm on a island : context
The poet was born on a isolated storm-battered island which acts as a metaphor for the troubles in Ireland.
Remains :conflict
Explores the long term effects that conflict in war has on a solider
Remains power :
A soldiers power or lack of power over his own memories and experiences of war
Remains : structure/form
Enjambment adds to the chaos of the batttlefield
Remains : context
The poem looks at the dehummanising impact of leaving the trenches into no-man’s-land
War photography: conflict
Conflict betweeen a warzone and rural England
War photographer:power
The powerful war images constast with the detchaed wat they are consumed
War photographer:structure/form
The regualer 4 lines structure reflects the order he is giving to the chaos in the photos
War photographer: context
The poet is bitter about the indifferent way in which people view modern warfare through newspapers
The Emigre’e: conflict
Conflict between childhood memories of a place and adult understanding
The Emigre’e :power
The power of the childhood memories of a place and how they can affect people in adulthood
The Emigre’e :structure/form
The lack of conistient line structure of rhyme reflects the speakers confusing feelings about the city
The Emigre’e : context
The poet bases many of the ideas of emigration from countries like the middle east where people are fleeing corruption and tyranny
Checking out me history:conflict
Conflict between what we are taught and not taught in society
Checkinf out me history:power
This poem rebles against they way powerful black figures from hsitory are marginalied
Checking out me history:structure/form
The irregular verse and colloquial language mirrors the drum beat of carribean music
Checking out me history: context
The poem looks at how history is taught and the conflict between facts and truths, which is sometimes obscured by race and gender.
Ozymandias quotes
‘Two vast and trunckles legs of stone’
‘Sneer of cold command’
‘Looks on my works ye mighty and dispear’
‘Nothing bside me remains’
Colossal wreck boundless and bare’
London quotes
‘The mind forged manacles i hear’
‘The hapless soldiers sigh’
‘Where the chrated thames does flow’
‘Every black’ning church appals’
‘Blights with plauges the marriage hearse’
My last duches quotes
‘Thats my duchess… looking as if she were alive’
‘Who passed without the same smile’
‘I gave commands then all smiles stopped’
Chrage of the light breagade quotes
‘Someone had blundered’
‘Stormed at with shot and shell’
Bayonet charge: conflict
Conflict involved in rushing out of the trenches to ttack the enemy
Bayonet charge: power
The powerful and raw emotions involved in rushing out from the trenches
2 bayonet quotes
Suddenly he awoke a was running
He lugged a rifle numb as a smashed arm
2 bayonet quotes
Suddenly he awoke a was running
He lugged a rifle numb as a smashed arm
Bayonet: structure/form
Enjabment adds to the chaos of the battlefield
Bayonet: context
The poem looks at the dehmanising impact of leaving the trenches into no-mans land