Oxygen modalities Flashcards
Indications and Set up for N/C
¼-2 Lpm (infant) (Remember not to Occlude the Nares – about ½ only)
Use to treat patients recovering from Chronic lung disease
What are the indications for HFNC.
What are the liter flows for HFNC
What is HFNC able to do?
o Indications:
Alternative form of O2 support for apenic neonates
o 1-20 LPM
o For oxygenation: Possible Peep like effect maybe 2 cmH20
o Ability to Washout Anatomic Deadspace
What are the indications for CPAP (Bubble or Nasal)
4 indications
• Bubble CPAP or Nasal CPAP o Indications: Apnea of Prematurity Premie with Minimal RDS after delivery After intubation with surfactant administration RDS after extubation
What are the indications for intubation for neonates and peds?
6 indications
o On CPAP with Pa02 <50 with Fi02 >60 o Frequent apnea despite being on CPAP and medcations o Prolonged apnea events o Deteriorating gas exchange o Administration of surfactant o General Anesthesia
Indications for Airway clearance Therapies
Inability to clear own secretions
o Acute Lobar Atalectasis Secondary to Mucous Plugging
o CF
(No one modality is superior to the other, Choose what works best with the patient except when GERD is an issue)
Hyperinflation Therapy
Cough Assist
o Lung Abscess
What are contraindications to airway clearance therapies?
- Hemopysis
- Untreated Tension Pneumo
- Empyema and large plural effusions
- Foreign Body Aspiration
- Hemodynamiclly Unstable
- Fresh Trach
- Neonates with weak ribs
Complications and Hazards to Airway clearance therapy
• Hypoxemia
o Position Changes
o Percussion leading changes in mucous positions altering gas exchange
o Atelectasis pushing out of FRC or causing large pressure changes in the lungs
o Bronchospasm
o Increased O2 consumption
- Airway Obstruction from foreign body entering the lungs
- Intracranial Complications/ IVH in newborns
- Rib Fracturing and Bruising
- Airway Trauma
Selection Criteria for ECMO UCSF
• UCSF selection criteria for ECMO o Gestational age >34 weeks o Weight >1.8 kg o Reversible disease o Vent <14 days o Failure of Maximal medical management o Predicted mortality of >80% by historical criteria
Exclusion criteria for ECMO UCSF
• Exclusion criteria o Major intracranial Hemorage o Lethal malformation o Uncontrollable Coagulapathy o Syndrome with poor prognosis o Severe neurological injury
Clinical Indications for ECMO UCSF
• Clinical indications for ECMO
o Oxygen index 40 or greater in 2 or more ABG’s
o Intractable metabolic acidosis
o Intractable shock
-Progressive, intractable pulmonary or cardiac failure
-Inability to come off cardiopulmonary bypass at operation