Oxford st restrictions (KP) Flashcards
Can you turn left or right into Newman St …
Left and right turns
Name Streets on South Side of Oxford St East to West between St Giles Circus & Oxford Circus
Soho St - Dean St- Wardour St (no entry)Berwick St - Poland St(no entry) Hills Pl - Regent St
Soho Hotel to Sanderson Hotel
Lv - Richmond Mews - L - Dean St - R- Carlise St - R - Soho Sq - R - Soho St - Mandatory L - Oxford St - R - Newman St - L - Mortimer St - L - Berner’s St - SDOR
Can you gain direct access to Gt Russell St From Hanway St
NO - mandatory left turn Tottenham Ct Rd
Use Hanway St Left Oxford St - L - Tottenham Ct Rd - R - Gt Russell St ….
Heading North along Poland St can you turn right into Oxford St
Which Left turns can be made on South Side of Oxford St from St Giles Circus to Oxford Circus
Berwick St - Hills Pl - Regent St
Stringfellows Angel Club Soho to Thistle Holborn Hotel “The Kingsley” Hotel
LoL - Wardour St - F - Berner’s St - R - Eastcaslte St - L - Newman St - R - Goodge St - F - Chenies St - R - Gower St - L - New Oxford St - F - Bloomsbury Way - SDOL
Can you turn right from Wardour St into Oxford St
NO - ahead only into Berners St
Crossing Oxford St North to South what Manoeuvres can be made from Well Street
Left Oxford St
Forward Berwick St
Travelling west to east from Oxford Circus to St Giles Circus list all right turns…
Gilbert St
Davies St
New Bond St
Regent St
On North side of Oxford St from East to west name streets between St Giles Circus to Oxford Circus
Hanway St - Rathbone Pl - Newman St - Berners St - Well St - Winsley St - Gt Portland St - Regent St….
Oxford St traveling east can you turn right into Berwick St
From Soho St / Oxford St list all manoeuvres
Mandatory Left turn only
Can you enter Oxford St From Berners St
Yes, mandatory left turn
Vapiano (Italian) to Vogue House
LoL - Gt Portland St - L - Margaret St - L - Regent St - F - Oxford Circus - F - Regent St - R - Hanover St - F - Hanover Square - SDOL ….
From Winsley St what manoeuvres can be made into Oxford St
Mandatory left turn
Travelling west from St Giles Circus to Oxford Circus name all Right Turns
Newman St - Portman St
Street on South side of Oxford St from Oxford Circus to Marble Arch
Regent St - Harewood Pl - New Bond St - Davies St - Gilbert St - Binney St - Duke St - N.Audely St - Park St - Park Lane…..
What manoeuvres can you make from Harwood Pl
Forward only
Can you turn right or left into New Bond St from Oxford St
Right and Left
What manoeuvres can you make from Vere St
Forward only New Bond St
Can you turn right or left into Holles St
No entry - on way from Oxford St / Harewood Pl
Oriental Club to 100 Club
LoL Stratford Pl - L - Oxford St SDOL Oxford St pass J/ W Berners St
Name manoeuvres you can make from Gt Portland St / Oxford St
Left Oxford St
Right and left into Gt Portland St from Oxford St
Can you turn right or left into Gilbert St from Oxford St
No - forward from James St
James St forward from Thayer St or left or right from Wigmore St
From James St What manoeuvres can you make
Forward into Gilbert St
Gilbert St leads - R - Weighhouse St - R - Duke St - L - Brown Hart Gdns - Balderton St - R - Providence Ct - L - N.Audley St….
East to west Oxford Circus to Marble Arch - department stores on North side of Oxford St
BHS - (john Princes St) John Lewis - (Holles St) House of Frazer - (Henrietta Pl & Old Cavendish Pl) Selfridges - (Duke St & Orchard St) M & S - ( Orchard St & Portman St)
Are there any restrictions at Orchard St / Oxford St
Can you turn left or right into North Audley St from Oxford St
Left only from the east
List manoeuvres from Park St j/w Oxford St
Left / right / forward
On North side of Oxford St - heading west from Oxford Circus to Marble Arch name all the streets
Regent St - John Princes St - Holles St - Old Cavendish St - Chapel Pl - Vere St - Stratford Pl - James St - Bird St - Duke St - Orchard St - Portman St - Gt Cumberland Pl…
What manoeuvres can you make from Oxford St into Portman St
Left and right
From Binney St are you forced left or right into Oxford St
Leaving Selfridges cab rank on the left can you turn left into Duke St
Leaving the Ukranian Cathedral in Duke St can you turn left or right into Oxford St
Forward only Duke St
Mnemonic: Have Not Got Pies
H…. N…. G…. P…..
Describes right turns heading west along Oxford St
Hanway St
Newman St
Gt Portland St
Portman St
Mnemonic: Never Return describes right turns travelling East along Oxford St
N - New Bond St
R - Regent St