Oxford Clinical Specialities Flashcards
An 18-year-old woman who is 34 weeks pregnant has abdominal
pain and moderate fresh vaginal bleeding. The symphysio-fundal
height measures 41 cm and the uterus feels tense and tender. The
patient’s pulse rate is 98 bpm and her blood pressure is 90/50 mmHg.
Which is the single most likely diagnosis?
A Cervical ectropion
B Placental abruption
C Placenta praevia
D Pre-term labour
E Vasa praevia
- Woman is shocked - abdominal pain and tense uterus suggest abruption however blood loss can be concealed
- So do not expect large amounts of visible bleeding
- Placenta previa is usually painless and blood loss is greater so is often noticed earlier
- No contractions so labour has not started although delivery will be expedited as the patient is unwell
- A cervical ectropion may bleed - but it will not cause pain and shock
- No contractions so labour has not started although delivery will be expedited as the patient is unwell
A 22-year-old woman comes to the antenatal booking clinic at 12
weeks’ gestation. Which is the single most appropriate group of
booking investigations?
A Full blood count, blood group, and hepatitis C serology
B Full blood count, blood group, and Venereal Disease Research
Laboratory (VDRL) test
C Full blood count, thalassaemia screen, and thyroid function test
D Full blood count, thalassaemia screen, and urea and electrolytes
E Full blood count, thyroid function test, and VDRL test
Answer is B
A 20-year-old woman and her 23-year-old husband have been
trying to conceive for 6 months without success. Her periods are
regular. Which is the single most appropriate management?
A Arrange a semen analysis for the husband
B Arrange a laparoscopy and dye test for the woman
C Arrange luteal-phase progesterone levels for the woman
D Arrange referral to the assisted-conception unit for in-vitro
fertilization (IVF)
E Reassure the couple and suggest that they keep trying
Normal healthy couples can take up to a year to conceive, so investigations are not normally started until after 1 year of regular attempts to conceive.
A 55-year-old woman has hot fl ushes. Her last period was 2 years
ago. She is keen to start hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Which is the single most appropriate question to ask her before commencing
A Do any of your relatives have Alzheimer’s disease?
B Do you know whether you have osteoporosis?
C Have any of your relatives suff ered from premature menopause?
D Have you ever suff ered from deep vein thrombosis?
E Have you ever suffered from depression?
- Overall, HRT doubles the risk of venous thromboembolism, so other risk factors need to be considered.
- HRT helps to reduce the risk of fracture in osteoperosis
- No association with Alzheimer’s disease
- HRT may actually be protective
- No association with Alzheimer’s disease
- In some women, symptoms of depression may occur with some forms of HRT - this would not be a contraindication.
- HRT helps to reduce the risk of fracture in osteoperosis
A 34-year-old primiparous woman is having generalized tonic–
clonic convulsions. She is 32 weeks pregnant. Her blood pressure
on arrival is 150/110 mmHg, she has 3+ proteinuria, and she is still having
convulsions. The fetal heart rate is reassuring. Which is the single most
appropriate management?
A Diazepam and plan delivery
B Diazepam plus antihypertensive drug, and plan delivery
C Magnesium sulphate
D Magnesium sulphate plus antihypertensive drug
E Magnesium sulphate plus antihypertensive drug, and plan delivery
- Magnesium sulphate is the evidence based treatment for eclamptic seizures.
- This patient also needs to have her blood pressure controlled carefully and delivery expedited.
A 23-year-old woman is 34 weeks pregnant and has raised blood
pressure. She is on 200 mg labetalol twice daily. Her blood pressure
is 160/105 mmHg and she has 3+ proteinuria. She feels well, with no
headaches or epigastric pain. The cardiotocograph (CTG) is reassuring.
All blood tests are normal. Which is the single most appropriate management?
A Admit her to hospital for urgent delivery
B Admit her to hospital to stabilize her blood pressure
C Arrange for her to attend the day unit for twice-daily CTG
D Increase the labetalol dose, and follow up with the community
E Increase the labetalol dose, and follow up in the day unit
- Although the patient is currently asymptomatic - her blood pressure is above 160/100 mmHg - she has significant proteinuria, despite labetalol treatment.
- She needs admission for careful monitoring and controlled management with antihypertensives and consideration of delivery if there is no improvement.
A 14-year-old girl requests emergency contraception. She had
unprotected intercourse with her 14-year-old boyfriend 2 days
ago. She appears to understand the nature of emergency contraception.
Which is the single most appropriate management?
A Advise her that she cannot have emergency contraception, as it is too
long since intercourse took place
B Advise her that she is too young to be legally prescribed emergency
C Prescribe emergency hormonal contraception and advise her about
future contraception
D Prescribe emergency hormonal contraception only after informing
her parents
E Prescribe emergency hormonal contraception only after informing
social services
The girl appears to be Gillick competent, as she understands the nature
of the treatment. Therefore she should be prescribed emergency contraception
like any other patient. Emergency contraception can be given
up to 72 hours after unprotected sex. Thought must be given to ongoing
contraception to avoid further incidents.
A 31-year-old woman has vulval soreness and recurrent white vaginal
discharge. Microscopy shows the presence of hyphae. Which is
the single most appropriate treatment option?
A Clindamycin
B Clotrimazole
C Doxycycline
D Erythromycin
E Metronidazole
Hyphae indicate the presence of Candida or ‘thrush’. Antibiotics are not
appropriate treatment for a fungal infection. Clotrimazole is an antifungal
topical treatment.
A 35-year-old woman who is taking Cerazette® (a progestogenonly
contraceptive pill) has a chest infection and is prescribed
amoxicillin. Which single piece of advice should be given about her contraception?
A No additional contraceptive precautions are required
B Use additional precautions for the duration of the antibiotic course
C Use additional precautions for the duration of the antibiotic course
and for 2 days after the end of the course
D Use additional precautions for the duration of the antibiotic course
and for 7 days after the end of the course
E Use additional precautions for the remainder of the current packet
of Cerazette®
Most people remember that there is some interaction between the
combined oral contraceptive pill and antibiotics. In truth, the evidence
is slight, but the offi cial advice to women taking the combined oral contraceptive pill is to use additional contraceptive methods for the duration
of the course and for 7 oral-contraceptive-pill-taking days afterwards
(i.e. the pill-free week does not ‘count’, so if a pill-free week is coming
up, the woman might want to run two packets together).
However, this rule does not apply to progestogen-only contraceptive pills, such as Cerazette®, and the woman should continue to take this continuously at the same time every day.
A 32-year-old primipara is seen at 42 weeks’ gestation. She is
keen to go into labour naturally and refuses an induction of
labour. Which is the single best reason to give for allowing induction of
labour when counselling her?
A There is an increased risk of Caesarean section beyond 42 weeks’
B There is an increased risk of intrauterine growth restriction beyond
42 weeks’ gestation
C There is an increased risk of placental abruption beyond 42 weeks’
D There is an increased risk of shoulder dystocia beyond 42 weeks’
E There is an increased risk of unexplained fetal death beyond 42
weeks’ gestation
The reason why inductions are booked at 42 weeks is that the risk of
intrauterine death increases signifi cantly thereafter.
The midwife on the delivery suite calls for help. A woman who
has just had a normal delivery with active management of the
third stage of labour is bleeding heavily. The bleeding started 15 minutes
after delivery of the placenta. Her estimated blood loss is 900 mL. Her
pulse rate is 95 bpm and her blood pressure is 100/55 mmHg. Which is
the single most appropriate fi rst-line management?
A Massage the uterus and give IM carboprost (Haemabate®)
B Massage the uterus and give IM Syntocinon
C Massage the uterus and start a Syntocinon infusion
D Massage the uterus and start a blood transfusion
E Take the woman to theatre immediately for examination under
Massaging the uterus helps to stimulate a contraction - the commonest cause is uterine atony. Syntocinon IM is the first-line treatment. Is is a synthetic version of oxytocin and stimulates contractions. If bleeding doest not stop, Synotocinin infusion and carboprost can be used along with other approaches for a major haemorrhage such as blood transfusion and fresh froze plasma.
Blood loss of over 1000 mL or clinical signs of shock are considered to represent a major incident.
A 32-year-old woman has increasing white vaginal discharge. She
is 7 weeks pregnant. Her Chlamydia swab is positive. All other
tests are normal. Which is the single most appropriate treatment?
A Amoxicillin
B Clindamycin
C Doxycycline
D Erythromycin
E Metronidazole
Amoxicillin, clindamycin and metronidazole are ineffective against Chlamydia and doxicycline is contraindicated in pregnancy.
A 42-year-old woman has frequency, urgency, and urge incontinence.
Examination is unremarkable and a midstream specimen
of urine is sterile. She is treated empirically for detrusor overactivity with
oxybutynin. Which is the single mechanism of action for this drug?
A Anti-adrenergic
B Anti-GABAergic
C Antimuscarinic
D Antinicotinic
E Antiserotonergic
Detrusor contraction is activated via muscarinic cholinergic receptors and oxybutynin is a direct anti-muscarinic agent. Sertonin and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) are important for sympathetic actvitation which reduces detrusor activity intrinsically. There are no nicotinic or GABAergic receptors in the bladder.
60-year-old woman is recovering post-operatively following
a vaginal hysterectomy and anterior vaginal repair. She has
had voiding diffi culty and has been catheterized for 3 days. A catheter
specimen of urine is taken due to a low-grade pyrexia, and it confi rms the
presence of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Which single organism is most
likely to be causative?
A Escherichia coli
B Klebsiella pneumoniae
C Proteus species
D Pseudomonas species
E Staphylococcus epidermidis
E. coli is by far the commonest cause of sporadic or catheter-related
urinary tract infection. Pseudomonas species are usually only associated
with prolonged catheterization, and Staphylococcus epidermidis is usually
a contaminant.
A 24-year-old woman has had an abnormal vaginal discharge
for the past week. It is off -white and non-itchy, with an off ensive
odour. She has had one sexual partner in the last 8 months, and he has
no symptoms. There is an off -white vaginal discharge of pH 6.4 pooling in
the posterior fornix, with no infl ammation of the vulva or vagina. Which
is the single most likely fi nding on a Gram-stained sample of the vaginal
A Gram-negative intracellular diplococci
B Gram-positive and Gram-negative mixed bacteria
C Numerous lactobacilli
D Polymorphonuclear leucocytes
E Yeast cells with hyphae
This is a description of BV ==> caused by an altered vaginal flora and overgrowth of a number of different micro-organisms, which may show up on Gram staining.
A 24-year-old woman has regular painful uterine contractions
at 26 weeks’ gestation. She is 2 cm dilated. Her membranes are
intact. The cardiotocograph (CTG) is reassuring. Which is the single most
appropriate management plan?
A Admit her and administer analgesics and Syntocinon
B Admit her and administer antibiotics and intramuscular steroids
C Admit her and administer antibiotics and tocolytic drugs
D Admit her and administer tocolytic drugs and intramuscular steroids
E Reassure her and send her home
This woman has gone into premature labour, but this is at an early
stage, so there is a possibility that it can be stopped with tocolytic drugs.
However, steroids should still be given to mature the fetal lungs in case
delivery goes ahead. There is no indication of infection, so antibiotics are
not routinely given.