OWS Flashcards
What is the definition/formula for angular frequency?
ω, is defined by ω = 2 π f where f is defined as the number of oscillations per unit time.
What is phase?
Phase is an angle in radians (rad) which gives a measure of the fraction of a cycle that has been completed by an oscillating particle or by a wave. {One cycle corresponds to 2π rad.}
What is the formula for phase difference?
φ = x/λ x 2π = t/T x 2π
What is simple harmonic motion? What is the formula?
Simple harmonic motion is an oscillatory motion in which the acceleration is always proportional to, and opposite in direction to the displacement from equilibrium position.
{MUST define where displacement is from}
What is the formula for max velocity?
vo = xo ω
What is the formula for max acceleration?
ao = xo ω2
What is the formula for total energy?
Etotal = KE + PE at any instant = ½ mω2x02 = max KE = max PE
What is the formula for total energy of vertical spring-mass system?
ET = EK + (GPE + EPE)
What is the formula of period of vertical/horizontal spring-mass system?
T = 2π√m/k
What is the formula for period of simple pendulum?
T = 2π√l/g
What is damping? What is light/critical/heavy damping?
Damping refers to the loss of energy from an oscillating system to the environment, caused by a dissipative force acting in opposite direction of motion of the system, eg friction, viscous force.
Light Damping: The system oscillates about the equilibrium position with decreasing amplitude over a period of time.
Critical Damping: The system does not oscillate & damping is just adequate such that the system returns to its equilibrium position in the shortest possible time.
{Need to describe practical examples, eg, in analogue ammeters}
Heavy Damping: The damping is so great that the displaced object never oscillates but returns to its equilibrium position very very slowly.
{Need to illustrate these 3 degrees of damping with a displacement-time graph}
What is free oscillation?
An oscillating system is said to be undergoing free oscillations if its oscillatory motion is not subjected to an external periodic driving force. Hence the system oscillates at its natural frequency.
What is forced oscillation?
An oscillating system is said to undergo forced oscillations if it is subjected to an input of energy from an external periodic driving force. As a result, the frequency of the forced or driven oscillations will be at the frequency of the driving force [called the driving frequency] i.e. no longer at its own natural frequency.
What is resonance?
a phenomenon whereby the amplitude of a system undergoing forced oscillations is at a maximum. ∙ It occurs when the frequency of the periodic driving force is equal to the natural frequency of the system.
What are the 3 effects of damping on frequency response of a system undergoing forced oscillations?
1) resonant frequency decreases
2) sharpness of resonance [resonant peak] decreases
3) amplitude of forced oscillations decreases
What is a progressive wave?
is the movement of a disturbance from a source which transfers energy from the source to places around it by means of vibrations/oscillations.
What is a transverse/longitudinal wave?
Transverse wave: a wave in which the oscillations of the wave particles {NOT: movement/motion} are perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of the wave.
Longitudinal wave: a wave in which the oscillations of the wave particles are parallel to the direction of the propagation of the wave.
What is wavelength of a wave?
λ: distance between 2 consecutive points on a wave which are in phase.
What is the formula of wave speed of a wave?
v = ƒ λ {derived from v = λ / T and f = 1 / T}
What is phase? What is phase difference?
is the angle which gives a measure of the fraction of a cycle that has been completed by an oscillating particle or by a wave. {One cycle corresponds to 2π rad.} Phase difference (φ) is a measure of how much one wave is out of step with another wave or how much one particle in a wave is out of step with another particle in the same wave. It is expressed in terms of angles from 0 to 2π radians.
What is intensity of wave? What is the formula of intensity of wave?
defined as the rate of energy flow [i.e. power] per unit cross-sectional area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation
Intensity = Energy/Time x Area = Power/Area
What is relationship between intensity and amplitude? Why?
For all types of wave sources, Intensity ∝ (Amplitude)2 since Total Energy ∝ A2
What is the formula of intensity for a point source?
read notes
What is the relation between intensity and distance from point source for constant power point source?
I ∝ 1/r2
since I ∝ A2 -> A ∝ 1/r
What is polarisation?
Polarisation is a process by which the oscillations of the wave are confined to only one direction, in the plane normal to the direction of energy transfer.
A polarised wave is one whose oscillations are confined to only one direction, in the plane normal to the direction of energy transfer (propagation of the wave).
Only transverse waves can be polarized, longitudinal waves cannot.
What is Malus’ Law?
I = Io cos2 θ ( Malus’ Law)
Intensity I of light transmitted by the analyzer is directly proportional to the square of the cosine of angle between the transmission axes of the analyzer and the polarizer.
What is diffraction?
Diffraction refers to the spreading {not: bending} of waves when they pass through an opening [gap], or round an obstacle into the “shadow” region.
∙ For significant diffraction to occur, the size of the gap should be approximately equal to the wavelength of the wave.
∙ Diffraction of light provides evidence for the wave nature of light and all other electromagnetic radiation. Because the wavelength of light is very short (≅ 10-7 m), diffraction can only be observed through very narrow slits or small obstacles. Sound waves, however, are able to diffract around bigger objects because of their longer wavelength.
What is principle of superposition?
When two or more waves of the same type meet/superpose {NOT: superimpose} at a point, the resultant displacement {NOT: amplitude} of the waves is equal to the vector sum of their individual displacements at that point.
What is coherence?
Two waves are coherent if they have a constant phase difference (not just zero phase difference) between them (with respect to time).
∙ Common error: students wrongly think coherent waves must always be in phase with each other.
What is interference? What is constructive/destructive interference?
Interference refers to the superposition of coherent waves which results in a change in the overall intensity.
Constructive interference:
This occurs when waves from two (or more) coherent sources arrive at a point in phase (i.e. zero phase difference), producing a resultant wave with amplitude that is the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves.
Destructive interference:
This occurs when waves from two (or more) coherent sources arrive at a point in anti-phase (i.e. phase difference of π radians), producing a resultant wave of minimum amplitude and intensity.
What are the conditions for constructive/destructive interference?
Using Path Difference:
For two sources in phase:
1. If constructive interference occurs at P,
the path difference (for the two ‘sources’ at S1 and S2) must be an integral multiple of the wavelength λ of the waves.
i.e. path difference = 0, 1 λ, 2 λ, 3 λ, … = n λ
{ with 2 antiphase sources 🡪 path difference = (n + ½) λ (odd multiples of half wavelengths) }
2. If destructive interference occurs at P,
the path difference will be an odd multiple of half wavelengths.
i.e. path difference = 0.5 λ, 1.5 λ, 2.5 λ, 3.5 λ, …
= (n + 1/2 ) λ or (2n + 1)/2 λ
{ with 2 antiphase sources 🡪 path difference = n λ }
In both cases, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …
Using Phase Difference:
3. If constructive interference occurs at P,
phase difference of the 2 waves meeting at P = (n) 2π radians { 0, 2π, 4π, etc }
4. If destructive interference occurs at P,
phase difference of the 2 waves meeting at P = (n + ½) 2π radians { π, 3π, 5π etc } In both cases, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …
What are the conditions for well-defined interference patterns?
(i) coherent,
(ii) have about the same amplitude (equal is best),
(iii) meet / superpose
(iv) be polarised in the same direction, or unpolarised (only for transverse waves)
What is the formula for Young’s double slit expt.?
fringe separation, x =λD/a applicable only if a «_space;D & λ «_space;a
where x: distance between 2 successive bright fringes (or 2 dark fringes).
λ: Wavelength of light.
D: distance between the double slits and the screen.
a: distance between the 2 double slits.
What is the resultant intensity of 2 waves with different intensities at a pt. of CI and DI?
What is the formula for single-slit diffraction?
Angular position of First Minima: sin θ = λ/b where b = slit width.
when θ is small, then θ = bλ {in radians}
the central maximum is twice as wide (2λ/b wide) as any of the other secondary maxima (λ/b wide each).
What is rayleigh criterion? What is the formula for limiting angle of resolution?
Rayleigh criterion states that 2 images are said to be just resolved if the central maximum of one image falls on the first minimum in the diffraction pattern of the other.
θmin ≈ λ/b
When are the images just/obviously/not resolved?
∙ If the actual angle subtended by the two point sources at the slit, θs = θmin, then the images are just resolved (by Rayleigh’s criterion).
∙ θs must be > θmin if the images are to be obviously resolved.
∙ Conversely, if θs < θmin , the images are not resolved.
What is the formula of diffraction grating? What is the maximum number of orders/bright fringes?
maxima are located at angular positions defined by θ in : d sin θ = n λ
where: d: slit separation (grating or line spacing ) is the distance between adjacent slits θ : angle of diffraction /angular deviation /angle of deviation (measured from the normal)
n: order of diffraction (must be an integer or zero)
λ: wavelength
The maximum number of orders can be found by substituting θ = 90°
nmax = d / λ (rounded down to nearest integer)
Hence maximum number of bright fringes (displayed on screen) = 2nmax + 1
What are stationary waves? How was it formed?
Stationary (standing) wave is one
∙ whose waveform/wave profile does not advance /move,
∙ where there is no net transport of energy, and
∙ where the positions of antinodes and nodes do not change, or where there are certain points which are permanently at rest. {last bullet is least impt}
A stationary wave is formed when two progressive waves of the same frequency, amplitude and speed, travelling in opposite directions are superposed.
What are the differences between stationary waves and progressive waves?
look at notes
What is a node/anti-node? What is the distance between 2 successive nodes/anti-nodes?
∙ Node: a region of destructive superposition where the waves always meet out of phase by π radians. Hence displacement here is permanently zero {or minimum}
∙ Antinode: a region of constructive superposition where the waves always meet in phase. Hence a particle here vibrates with maximum amplitude.
{but it is NOT a point with a permanent large displacement! J08P2Q5b, 1m}
∙ Distance between 2 successive nodes/antinodes = λ/2