Ownership - Concurrent Interests Flashcards
What is Joint Tenancy?
2 or more co-tenants owns:
- Undivided Interest in the whole property AND
- Has a right of survivorship
Interest is alienable (not devisable/descendible)
What is Tenancy in Common?
Each co-tenant:
- Owns undivided interest in the whole property and
- Has unrestricted rights to possess the whole
- No right of Survivorship
- Interest freely devisable/tansferable
Any conveyance to 2 or more people is presumed to create what type of tenancy?
Commone Law - Joint Tenancy
Majority - Tenancy in Common
What is the effect of Right of Survivorship?
Upon the death of JT, the property auto. transfers to the remaining JT(s)
How is a JT created?
Requires Express Language Creating JT
JT must be created with each JT having: (4 Unities - PITT)
- P - Unity of Possession - Equal right to possess or use the property
- I - Unity of Interest - Each interest equal to the others
- T - Unity of Time - At the same time AND
- T - Unity of Title - in the same instrument
How is TIC created?
Each tenant n common must have equal right to possess the entire property
- No right of survivorship
- Presumed in majority of states - when conveyance to 2 or more people
What is a Tenancy by the entirety ?
- Joint tenancy between married persons
- with a right of survivorship
- Neither party can alienate or encumber the prop. w/out the consent of the other
- Only recognized in certain states - not in community property states states
How is TBE created?
4 Unities + Unity of person
What happens to TBE in the event of a divorce?
Divorce severs the TBE & it becomes a TIC
How is JT severed?
When JT severed it’s converted into TIC, can sever by:
- Conveyance During Life
- Mortgage - Severs under Title Theory but not Lien teory
- Judicial Lien followed by levy and sale
- Leases - In jurisdictions that hold the lease destroys the unity of interest & thus severs the JT
- Intentional Killing of other JT - Some juris. have statutes that sever the JT
Effect of Severence of JT ?
- Converts JT into TIC
- If more than 2 JTs
- JT remains intact b/w remaining joint tenants
- Interest sold is held as a TIC b/w all parties
Joint Tenancy - Lien Theory
- Mortgage is only a lien on the property
- Doesn’t sever the JT
- Severence only occurs upon foreclosure sale following a default
Joint Tenancy - Title Theory
- Granting mortgage = a transfer of title
- JT severed & becomes TIC
- BUT if more then 1 remaiining JT, they cont. to hold their prop. int. with each other as joint tenants
Rights and duties of co-tenants - Possession
Each co-tenant:
- has the right to possess the entire prop.
- Not required to pay rent to the other co-tenants for the value of her own use of the property
- even if when other co-tenants don’t make use of the prop.
Rights & Duties of Co-Tenenats - Third Paty Rents
Co-tenant must account to other co-tenants for rent received from 3d parties
- Divided based on the ownership interest of each tenant
Rights & Duties of Co-tenants - Operating Expenses
Co-Tenant can collect contribution from other co-tenants for paying more than his portion of necessary or beneficially spent operating expenses
- Taxes
- Mortgage Interest
BUT co-tenant in sole possession can collect only for the amount that exceeds the rental value of the prop.
Rights & Duties of Co-tenants - Repairs & Improvements
- No right to be reimbursed by other co-tenants for repairs made to prop. even nec repairs
- Majority View - Contrib. for nec. reparis can be compelled in actions for accounting or partition
What is Ouster & what is the effect?
Ouster - When co-ten. refuses to allow another co-tenant access to the prop.
Effect - Ousted Co-tenant can bring court action for ouster
- Seek injunction to gain access toprop AND
- recover the value of the use of the prop. for the time he was denied access
Co-Tenants & Natural Resources
Co-tenant is entitled to the land’s natural resources in proportion to her share
Who may partition?
- TIC or JT has the right to unilaterally partition the prop.
- Can be done:
- voluntarily - If the co-tenants agree in writing on the division of the land OR
- Involuntary - By court action
What is the effect of partition in kind?
Partition in kind - Court divides the jointly owned prop. into distinct physical protions
What if partition in kind is not practicable or fair?
Court may order a partition by sale
- Proceeds distributed among co-tenants based on their ownership interests
Can co-tenants have an agreement not to partition?
Yes & it is enforceable
- Agreement must be clear and
- time limitation must be reasonable
What are the only ways a TBE can be severed?
- Divorce OR
- If the couple both agree to sell their interest
If a member of a JT has a lien on their share of the prop., what happens to their prop. int. at death ?
Lien disappears when JT recovers the int through right of survivorship
When there is a life tenant and a remainderman, who is responsible for paying the mortgage principal and interest?
- Remainderman = Principal
- Life Tenant = Mortgage Interest