Ownership Flashcards
Essentials of ownership/dominium
- Commercium - only Roman citizens could have dominium
- Property capable of being privately owned
- Appropriate mode of acquisition
Ownership is a right…
..in rem
Provincial land is outside scope of private ownership so….
….private citizens could be tenants, had the right to have, possess and enjoy
The right to have possess and enjoy
habere frui possidere licere
Remedy for the owner
VINDICATIO - regaining possession from whoever had physical control of the res
Had exceptio iusti dominii if someone used the actio publiciana against him unless it was a bonitary owner
Bonitary owner
When res mancipi was transferred from a method other than ius civil modes (mancipatio or in iure cessio)
Still had to usucape to become the full owner
Protection for the bonitary owner
But had Praetorian protection by late Republic:
exceptio rei venditae et traditae if the owner attempted to vindicate
Actio publiciana to regain possession against anyone including owner
Bona fide possessor
Acquired res in good faith thinking the transferor was owner but in fact transferor was a non-owner
Had to usucape to become owner
Could still usucape in the event of supervening bad faith
Protection for the bona fide possessor
Very limited
Could use actio publiciana against anyone except the dominus or bonitary owner
Peregrine ownership
For foreigners who didn’t satisfy commercium requirement
Only applied to ius gentium modes of acquisition
Lost importance when constitutio Antoniniana which granted citizenship to all free inhabitants of the Empire
Factual, more than legal, relationship between a person and a thing
Requirements of possession
Animo et corpore
Need both to gain possession
Need to lose both to lose possession
Animo in possession - two views
Dominant view - SAVIGNY possessor must think of themselves as owner
JHERING possessor must have the same physical control as the owner
Physical control
Legal protections/possessory interdicts
Possessory interdicts granted by praetor - orders instructing person to do or refrain from doing something
Determined who was possessor and therefore who was plaintiff and who was defendant in legal dispute over ownership
Part of ius honorarium
Possession had to be held for greater part of past year and NEC CLAM NEC VI NEC PRECARIO
What were the different possessory interdicts
Utrubi - moveables
Uti posseditis - immoveables
Unde vi and unde vi armata - recover possession
ALL were to restore possession to possessor in the event of dispossession
nec clam nec vi nec precario
not secretly, not by force and not with permission
private property
Owned by the paterfamilias but it was for the use and enjoyment of the slave or child
Peculium castrense
Augustus allowed sons in potestas legal rights to property acquired through military service.
Could dispose of property at will
Peculium adventitium
Paterfamilias was entitled to income from the thing but not capital
i.e. gifts or legacies received by children on mother’s death
Peculium quasi castrense
same as castrense except it was any State service
by Justinian could be disposed of at will