Ovulation Flashcards
Pinpointing ovulation to maximise chances of conception
- In favourable circumstances, sperm can live for about 3 days.
As oestrogen increases in the lead up to ovulation, women
produce fertile-quality cervical fluid that provides a medium
to protect the sperm from the acidic pH of the vagina. - An egg normally only survives up to 48 hours
after ovulation. - It is recommended to have regular intercourse
5 days prior to ovulation, and 3 days after.
Depending on the length of a cycle, you
can judge possible ovulation times.
Ovulation strips
Ovulation strips: Measure the amount
of LH (luteinising hormone) in your urine
which can help pinpoint ovulation:
* It is best to start testing about cycle
day 9 until you get a positive result.
* Best to test with undiluted urine, but
not first thing in the morning.
* Some people can rely solely on these
tests and miss ovulation by concentrating
all of their efforts on a few days a month.
cervical mucus
At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, cervical mucus
is scanty, viscous, and very cellular forming a netlike
structure that does not allow the passage of sperm.
* Mucus secretion increases during
the mid-follicular phase and
reaches its maximum approximately
24–48 hours before ovulation.
* The water and salt concentration
increases, changing the physical
characteristics of the mucus. It becomes
thin, watery, alkaline, elastic and looks like egg-white
Mucus secretion may be altered
Mucus secretion may be altered by hormonal changes and
medications such as the OCP, clomiphene citrate, surgical
procedures, infections, hypoestrogenism and radiation therapy.
* Cigarette smoking decreases the production of cervical mucus.
* Cervical mucus monitoring is a simple
way for women to start ascertaining their
fertile days for intercourse for conception.
* If cervical mucus is scanty, clients can
increase their fluid intake, take evening primrose oil (prior to
ovulation only) or use a fertility friendly lubricant that does
not affect the pH during intercourse (e.g., organic jojoba oil).
Temperature charting
- Just before ovulation BBT drops then rises
0.5° C until menstruation, due to the extra
progesterone. By monitoring your BBT
you can see whether you have ovulated. - Measure with a BBT thermometer every
morning upon waking with minimal movement
in bed. Ensure that a reading is taken after a
minimum of 4 hours unbroken sleep. - Interrupted sleep can affect temperature reading.
- Alcohol consumption can ↑ temperature and invalidate readings.