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Sem 2: Physiology
> Overview of endocrinology > Flashcards
Overview of endocrinology Flashcards
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Sem 2: Physiology
(69 decks)
Introduction to the CVS
Cardiac Cycle
Control of cardiac output
Cardiac contraction
Principles of haemodynamics
Control of blood flow
Nervous and hormonal control of vascular tone
Capillaries - Solute exchange
Capillaries - fluid exchange
Properties of special circulations
Reflex control of the circulation
Coordinated responses of the CVS
Thrombosis - Haemostasis in the wrong place
Mechanism of atheroma and infarction
Pharmacology of the CVS
Pulmonary ventilation
The mechanics of breathing
Gas exchange in the lungs
Blood gas transport
Neural control of breathing
Integrated control of ventilation
Pulmonary defence mechanism
Pathophysiology of respiratory diseases pt1
Pathophysiology of respiratory diseases pt2
Respiratory failure: causes and complications
Development of the GI tract
The liver - an introduction to its functions
LIVE: control of food intake
LIVE: introduction to the functions and control of the alimentary tract
LIVE: Respiratory large group tutorial 1
Transport along and across the GI tract
Metabolic functions of the liver
Oesophagus and its disorders
Regulation & disorders of gastric secretion
Bile, gall bladder and gall stones
Pancreatic exocrine secretion and its control
Consequences of fluid loss from the GI system
Symptoms of GI disease: Nausea, vomiting and pain
Immunological functions of the alimentary tract
LIVE: Pharmacological basis of treatment
LIVE: introduction to the microbiology of the gut
Functional histology of the kidney
An introduction to kidneys and body fluids
Structure & function of the renal tubule
Renal blood flow & glomerular filtration
Renal plasma clearance
Potassium balance
Volume regulation (blood pressure)
Osmoregulation (control)
Acid base balance
Drugs and the kidney
LIVE: LT tutorial - Hyper tension
LIVE: overview of renal diseases
Treatment of hypertension
LT tutorial - salt and water abnormalities
LT tutorial: glomerular filtration rate
Overview of endocrinology
Hormone synthesis and action
Endocrine control and metabolism
Control of blood glucose and the endocrine pancreas
Thyroid gland
Steroids of the adrenal cortex
The pituitary gland and its disorders
Beyond the classic endocrine glands
Disorders of adernocortical dysfunction
Principles of endocrine disease and its assessment