Overview Flashcards
impact of civil war
- married women working outside the home as nurses and and in the roles left by men
- nrusing not seen as a profession
westward expansion
women working as cooks nurses, etachers and farm labourers
poor medical care and high rates of death during birth
right to own land (homestead act)
15th amendment
extended teh vote to all races but didnt include wome
women in work 1865-1914
in 1870 13% of unmarried women worked outstide the home
by 1900 they made up 17% of the workforce
in the 1890s more clerical work, however did not recieve promotions
education in the 1900s
by 1900 half of highschool graduates were women
it was often seen as preperation for marriage and motherhood but many were delaying chidbrith to find careers
the bleife that alcohol diminished family life and the home, wanted a total prohibition
womens cursades
the first instance of mass movement by women for prohibition
womens christian temperance union
founded by elizabeth cady stanton and susan b anthony
promotinh the evils of excessive drinking aswell as suffrage
in 1900 there were 7000 branches
national association of coloured women
aswelll as sexual disrcimination black women also faced racisim which also fueled their campaign
ida b wells
american womens suffarge association
formed following the 14th/15th amendments by lucy stone
remained pledged to securing the vote for black men and a moderate approach to securing female votes on a state level
rival to AWSA
formed by elizabeth kady stanton and susan b anthony in 1969
wanted to secure national suffrage
diditn allow men to be involved
comstock laws
effectively made the distribution and advertisment of contraceptives illegal
this furthered the divide btween the rich and poor, with rich able to buy under the counter
NWSA legal disputes in court
was rules in court thatw omen couldnt run for congress but states coudl allow coting in 1875
wyomig was the first state to do so in 1869
NWSA and AWSA fomed Nawsa in 1890
early support for NAWSA
by 1905 there were 17000 members
by 1915 there were 100,000 but this represented only half of that involved in temperance
anti-saloon leauge
set up in 1893
pushed for lobbying to create the prbhibition
- increased opporuntity for unmarried women aswell as AA
- many earned good wages for the first time
- 1 million worked in industry 1917-1918
however there was an expectation taht womenw oudl return home after, limiting its long term effect
18th amendment
passed in 1917 banning alchohol, begining the prohibition
19th amendment
the right for women over 21 the right to vote in 1920
however, this did not include immigrant women and AA women were prevnted from voting in the south
turnout for the following election was low and women voted how their husbands did on a whole
era of relaxed conservative views in the 1920s
women wore shorter skirts, short hair and smoked
this inability to acsess contraceptives worstened teh effect of social alienation on women who bore children outside of marriage
created seperate spheres between rual, conservatives and the ‘modern woman’
american birth control leauge
margret sanger in 1921
they faced powerful opposition but by 1924 had 27,500 members
margret sanger
went to prison for opening a BC clinic
then set up the ABCL in 1921
opened the first legal clinic in 1923 with backing from rockerfeller
womens organization for the national prohibition refrom (1929)
wall street crash 1929
- by 1936 a poll of 82% didnt want women in teh workplace, to save jobs for men 26 states attempted to introduce laws to ban women from work