Overview Flashcards
How many zones are there, and what marks the first down?
2 zones, middle cone
What are the markers?
White lines mark endzone, cones mark sidelines and goal lines
How many plays (downs) do you have?
What are the illegal things to do?
Laterals, throwing to the same person twice, punting, and kick offs after a touchdown
How many runs do you get?
2 (1 per zone)
Quaterback rules?
Cannot cross the line of scrimmage, can have their flag pulled, center blocks them
What happens when the ball hits the ground?
If it is a fumble, the ball is dead (except between the center and quarterback), and the line of scrimmage moves there. If the pass is incomplete, the ball goes back to the original line of scrimmage
True or False: Passes can be made behind the line of scrimmage
When can the defense cross the line of scrimmage?
After counting 5 mississippis out loud (guacamole is preferable) or it the ball is handed off or pitched
What happns when flags are pulled?
The new line of scrimmage is where the flag is pulled, or if the flag falls off (no exceptions)
Line of Scrimmage
The imaginary line that separates offense and defense at the beginning of a play, and it marks where the play will start after each down
If someone on the offensive team is standing in front of the line of scrimmage (on the defensive side) before the ball is snapped / handed off
Quarterback hands the ball to a receiver to run the ball down the field
The ball is lightly tossed directly to the side or slightly back to another player. Cannot be done after a catch
When the defense goes past the line of scrimmage to quickly put pressure on the quarterback