Overcoming Objections Flashcards
Objection: stocks are too risky
“So you think that stocks are too risky and not of interest to you”
“Right that’s what I said”
“I’m glad you feel you can be open and honest with me, that’s the only way to get the best outcome for you”
Isolation - make sure this is the only issue by segregating this issue from any others
”If that wasn’t an issue, are there any other issues that you have in addition to the one when it comes to considering investing in stocks?”
Verification - client or prospect verifies that this is the only concern
“No if it wasn’t for the fact that they’re risky, I would always keep a mind open for a new idea”
Advisor replay - replaying their response
“So you would consider investing in stocks if they weren’t so risky?”
Unraveling logic through specificity
“Can you be more specific/can you name an example?”
Change of reference
“If you were me, how would you…”
Comparative past violation
“Has there ever been a time when you…and it wasn’t….”
Black and white contrasting
What do you like the most about the other advisors you are working with? No one is perfect, what do you like the most about them?
Appealing to a higher value
What’s important to you about that? If there was another or even better way to achieve that would you be open to that?
What am I missing? I’m confused, help me out
In X period of time how important will this seem then?
If we look out X number of years will you wish you had thought differently about this now?
Extremes - echo back
Make it sound like what they said is a question “Always?” “Never?” “Everyone?” “No one?”
Emotional response
That really hurts It makes me sad to hear you say that I sense concern I sense something is wrong I sense some dissatisfaction
Don’t say no, just say maybe, that way you won’t feel awkward when you say yes
This reminds me of a time
That reminds me of a story
The take away
“I’m not accepting No as an answer. Given that, what are we going to do about this?”