Overcoming Adversity Flashcards
Case study-Nelson Mandela
a difficult or unpleasant situation.
succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty).
Overcoming adversity
To deal with or overcome a difficult or unpleasant situation
Analysis of a person who has overcome adversity,
what was their situation- Nelson Mandela
how did they overcome the situation (what skills and strategies)
How did they help them
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was a strong activist and ex prime minister of South Africa. After suffering many adversities across his lifetime he used these experiences to help change the faults in society surrounding racial discrimination, which was an extremely prominent issue at the time. Mandela a person of colour him self suffered this racism constantly and was even jailed for many years after speaking out and fighting for an end to racism for black south Africans in order to end the prejudice.
What was his adversity?
His adversity was being a black South African who had to fight for equality in society, this was not a simple fix but instead something that took many years. He actually spent 27 years in prison for political offenses.
The type of adversity that he faced was racism, he was arrested, discriminated and faced with many major adversities and overcame them all eventually conquer them all.
How did he overcome it?
PERSEVERANCE- helped him to stay sain while in prison and even though he was silenced it didn’t stop him to continue fighting,
Positive MINDSET- its easy to give up and let your mind get the best of you while in isolation by thinking about the positives it helps you to stay strong,
DETERMINATION- determination to fight for the rights and equality for all people no matter the consequences.
Nelson Mandela overcame adversity using his strongcharacteristicsand hisstrengths. He usedcharacteristicssuch as persistence, faith, strong will and courage and through that he took down those barriers.
Strategies: TO DO
He was living in a world of racism where the black was discriminated against and yet through all the discrimination and theadvertiseshe faced henever lost hope and fought to find a way toconquersthese adversities.
Mandela’s life story is one of overcoming adversity and embracing challenges that seemed to many to be both unsolvable and insurmountable.
He became one of the greatest men of our times not because of where he was born, or how he was treated, but because of the way he chose to respond to the forces of hatred and bigotry.
mental health
refers ti our cognitive thinking and emotional wellbeing and the degree to which we can manage this
mental illnesss
is a health problem diagnosed by a practitioner which considerably affects the way a person feels, thinks and behaves
kids helpline
1800 55 1800
they provide private and confidential counselling on the phone for young adults 5-25.
They provide information on empowerment, relationships, wellbeing, mental health.
a mental health disorder that causes significant impairment in daily life
physical- crying, sleep, appetite, energy
Emotional- sadness, loss
Psychological- anxiety, suicidal, overthinking