Overall Flashcards
age of aquarius
astrologers believe man’s evolution goes through progressive cycles corresponding to the signs of the zodiac. Each of these lasts between 2000 – 2400 years. It is believed that man is now moving from the Piscean Age (the age of intellectual man) to the Aquarian Age (the age of spiritual man)
the belief that inanimate things possess souls or spirits
appointed class
– refers to the 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses with a heavenly destiny
Michael Aquino
Satanist who founded the Temple of Set
one who descends into human form from above, never having gone through incarnation. Such a one is considered a manifestation of divinity and seeks to reveal divine truths especially important to a particular age
the bab
Baha’i term used for Mizra Ali Muhammad, who represents the beginnings of the Baha’i Faith
baptism for the dead
Mormon ritual in which one is baptized on behalf of a dead relative
a term applied to the social groups in India, which rank in a hierarchical order. The four primary castes are: Brahmins (priests), Ksatriyas (warriors), Vaisyas (peasants), and Sudras (unskilled laborers)
new age form of medium-ship or Spiritism. The channeler voluntarily yields control of his or her capacities to a spiritual entity with the intent of receiving paranormal information
an occultist whose books are foundational to modern Satanism
deep ecumenism
new age term coined by Matthew Fox referring to a coming together of all persons of all religions at a mystical level
Mary Baker Eddy
founder and leader of Christian Science up until the time of her death in 1910
esoteric christianity
mystical interpretation of Christianity that sees its “core truth” as identical to that of every other religion (all is one, all is God, man is God). This approach seeks hidden or inner meanings in Scripture
first presidency
a “collective trio” that leads the Mormon church. It is made up of the president of the church and a first and second counselor
an enlightened master, who is believed to be in his last of many thousands of reincarnations
a new age term referring to all reality being organically one
supposed “true Name of God” in freemasonry
Ja = Jehovah (Christianity)
Bul = Baal (Caananite)
On = Osiris (Egyptian)
refers to the “debt” a soul accumulates as a result of good or bad actions committed during one’s life or past lives. If one accumulates good karma, he or she will be reincarnated in a desirable state and vise versa.
the “Supreme Personality of the Godhead” according to Hare Krishnas
leader of the Church of Satan
law of attraction
a mind science law that says that just as like attracts like, so our thoughts can attract the things they want or expect. Negative thoughts attract dismal circumstances and vise versa.
refers to an occultist through whom disembodied spirits communicate
branch of philosophy that focuses on the ultimate nature of reality
a view that understands the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are modes of manifestation of the one God. This view denies the doctrine of the Trinity
hindu term referring to liberation from the continual cycle of rebirths
metaphysical theory that sees all of reality as a unified whole. Everything in the universe is seen as being composed of the same substance
Reverend Moon
founder and leader of the Unification Church
new world translation
Jehovah’s Witness translation that has “restored” the divine name “Jehovah” from Matthew to Revelation
order of the Eastern Star
masonic order open to women who are related to Masons
the view that all is in God and God is in all
Charles Taze Russell
founder and first president of the Jehovah’s Witnesses
hindu term referring to the continual cycle of death and rebirth. it literally means “to wander across”
religion founded by Ronald Hubbard. an applied religious philosophy that focuses largely on removing engrams from one’s reactive mind via auditing sessions
scottish rite
branch of Freemasonry one canpursue after completing the Blue Lodge
has 29 degrees
joseph smith
founder and first prophet of the Mormon Church
the attempt to syncretize different religious systems
belief that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are distinct gods
a theological movement rose to prominence during the 16th century reformation and spread from Europe to England and then on to America. they deny the doctrine of the Trinity
theological movement of individuals who believe in the salvation of all human beings and strongly oppose the doctrine of hell and eternal punishment
values clarification
a new age curriculum that teaches that values are not to be imposed from without but must be subjectively discovered within. the underlying assumption is that there are no absolute truths
the oldest and most sacred scriptures of Hinduism. Literally means “sacred knowledge”
york rite
branch of freemasonry named after York England. there are 4 degrees and you can join it after you finish the Blue Lodge
Brigham Young
he was the senior Mormon Apostle at the time of Joseph Smith’s death so he took over as leader of the Church. He led the congregation across the “Great Plains” and into Salt Lake City