outsiders in paradise lost and dom Flashcards
why does bosola seek approval from cardinal
bosola is a sychophant who is in habit of serving the cardinal
he serves the cardinal in his corrupt intentions with hope of something in return
the cardinal is higher above him in status and hierarchy
cardinal to bosola ‘you enforce your merit too much’
cardinal leaves bosola mid conversation showing a lack of mutual respect
bosola after ‘are you gone’
bosola intends to leech off the cardinal’s power
context- courts and ranking, cardinals are of higher status in the catholic church
bosola to cardinal, ‘with all your divinity, do but direct me the way to it’
how does bosola feel about the cardinal
bosola not fond of the cardinal due to their conflicting relationship as he has not been given the money he wants for committing crimes for the cardinal
calls him a ‘crooked plum tree’ - outwards the brothers seem opulent and powerful but as the trees grow crooked it hints at disease and corruption
quotes catergorising satan as an outsider
’ the sun was sunk, and after him the star’
‘of heavier on himself, fearless returned’
‘he circled, four times crossed the car of night’
‘where to lie hid; sea he had searched and land’
‘the space of seven contined nights he rode with darkness’
bosola as an outsider
cardinal exits.. ‘are you gone’ bosola says
‘the only court gall’- a sore produced by rubbing
‘would be as lecherous, covetous, or proud, bloody or envious as any man, if he had means to be so’
how is satan categorised as a machiavellian villian
rules in a cunning and cruel way
power through corruption
dominating dictator evoking fear
satan believes he has the freedom to uprise
ao3- milton believes satan could uprise as god has appointed us with freedoms
seeking redemption thorugh sin and wrongdoing - a charismatic rebel
how is cardinal characterised as a machiavellian villian as he oppresses bosola
corrupt, scheming and plotting with corrupt nature
bosola has too low status to be machiavellian- so he is a malcontent
milton on satan
hot hell in him always burns
satan is resentful
’ all good to be becomes bane’
satan on revenge
‘revenge at first though sweet… ere long back on itself recoils’
satan fearing?
‘where to lie hid’
david cecil on satan
‘webster envisages evil in the most extreme form’ - as far more powerful than good
satan on destruction
’ for only in destroying i find ease / to my restless thoughts’
satan on revenge 2
‘spite then with spite best repaid’
bosola’s sychophantry
’ i am your creature’
john sezler on bosola’s character
bosola’s contentment issues come from a lack of reward
bosola corrupt nature
the only court gall
christopher hart on bosola
bosola is a misanthrope- dislikes humankind and avoids society
bosola’s submission to cardinal
‘whose throat must i cut’
ferdinand’s dominance on bosola
’ do not ask me reason’
michael oneil on the duchess of malfi
tdom is obsessed with secret
david charles on bosola
bosola is ‘divided against himself’
how is bosola characterised as a malcontent
bosola is a stock character
‘the only court gall’
‘whose throat shall i cut’
calls the cardinal a ‘crooked plum tree’
would be ‘lecherous’
how is satan characterised as an outsider
’ the sun was sunk and after him the sun’
‘of heavier on himself, fearless returned’
‘he circled four times, crossed the car of night’
‘from pole to pole.. on the eighth returned’
‘the serpent subtlest beast of all field’