outline and assess the view that femenist methods are the most useful when researching womens lives Flashcards
Feminist methodology was advanced by Ann Oakley in 1981 and involves more collaborative research and not exploiting interviewees
grover 1
feminist methodology promotes a collaborative approach, it allows participants and interviewees to become collaborators and friends to develop their relationship, this can lead to the women asking questions which can increase their interest in the research.
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This means that Finches study was high in validity as the use of feminist methodology has allowed her to gain rapport with the woman, this means that they would be much more trusting and therefor more truthful.
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however the collaborative approach in feminist methodology could negatively impact objectivity as when the researcher and participants get to know each other, the researchers can push their views on to the participants. This means that finches participants’s views on marriage, motherhood and childbearing were likely to reflect hers.
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Finches use of only clergyman’s wives and women who used and ran pre-schools means the study has low representativeness.
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As Fincher only used a specific type of women, the findings don’t represent her whole target population; all women. There is no way of knowing if her group of participants views really reflect all womens views.
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they are also low in generalizability as the lives of women who ran pre school playgroups are likely to be centred around family life, using these specific groups means the findings can’t be generalized to the rest of society
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The use of a woman-to-woman discussion is high in ethics. Using them means the participants are not exploited as they felt comfortable conversing
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This means the woman Finch interviewed women regarding marriage, motherhood and child bearing weren’t giving out information they were uncomfortable giving out as they were able to get to know Finch and gain rapport with her
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