Outline Flashcards
known as the spider king. his biggerst opposition was the duke of burgundy and he could not openly declair war on him so he arrranged it to look like the duke was making war on the H.R.E and he was killed
Louis the 11th
father of humanism , he wrote in the vernacular, and also wrote love poems
was the daughter of kathryn of aragon and henry 8th. she was a cathoic and married philip II of spain !! She killed a lot of protestant peoples in england
Mary Tudor
around for beginning of the reformation. he wanted to build a magnificent church in europe. he called on the christian world to raise money for his project.
Pope Leo 10
great influence on king charles of france. he was defending the hugonaughts . he wants the french to declaire war on the netherlands which are a part of the spanish empire .
The admiral de Calogne
breaks the pragmatic sanction promise and wins saliesia for Prussia . before he was kaiser he loved culture and stuff like that he ran away with his friend and when they were brought back he had to watch his freind get killed. he was a tough and ruthless king and he wanted to build a strong prussia.
Keizer Fredrick Wilhelm II
came to power very young and had two regents. he really didnt enjoy the ruling part of being king… this is why he and his regent made such a good match.
Louis 13
First man to see Saturn
this guy was a devout catholic and felt that the entire world should be that way. he married mary tudor and oh what a fun couple they were. he became king of portugal as well. his palace the escorial was outside madrid and it was fashioned to look like a grill that roasted martyrs. this was a perfect representation of his reign . he kicked out all the protestants and this was a bad move
Philip II of Spain
circumanviagetd the world
infulential french philosopher . hw celebrated romantacism. a celentation of the unknown. he said all men are born free but eberywhere they are in chains.. we hava an inner voice telling us we are good and our society keeps us from bing good. we need to make a social contract that we build a society that reflect thwe general will of the society and it will reflect the best within us
he was a very spartain like man. he avoided cultural things. he was 100% comitted to the military and he gave special privledged to nobles that were loyal to him .. he makes the pragmatic sanction promise
Keizer Fredrick Wilhelm I
older brother of Maria Louise he hated Napoleon
Alexander I
she was a mstress of didierot and without her he would not have been able to publish his works
Madam pompadour
Holy Roman emperor is going to die without an heir so he issues the pragmantic sanction so his daughter can take the throne
Charles 6
designed the Duomo whish is constructed in Florence.
at his wedding the st bartholemues day massacre takes place. he uses his support of the hugonaughts to defeat the duke of guise and he eventually rised to become king of france and begin the burbon dynasty . he converted to catholocism to ease the tension of the country. he said paris is worth mass every once and a while. he also improved the lives of the peasants
Henry Narrive … takes name henry the 4th
named henry tudor took when he became king. to keep peace in his empire he married a york woman.
Henry the 7th
viking who settled in russia the country is named after him
bulit up the army for Louis 14 who wanted a huge army to protect the french crown. he created the first official atmu in Europe . in his army you got promoted based on ability not just having a name
Marquis louvois
during the 100 years war she got a message from god saying she needed to save frace. she inspired french troops and they won the battle of orleans . she was eventually captured and burned at teh steak by british people
Joan of Arch
he was the commander of the national guard and he was also a leader in the frenhc aid of the american revolution
wrote the law of war and peace it became the foundation for international law. his writings were very advanced for his time
holy roman emperor . leo 10 asked him to silence martin luther. under him there was a german civil war and the peace of Augsburg was signed . he was also the king of spain
Charles 5th of the holy roman empire
wrote the declaration of the rights of women. the dissatisfaction of women was expressed in this book .
olympe de gouges
converted to catholocism and is able to rise to power despite the test acts. parlimesnt did not like james and when his olderst daughter mary married william of orange they invited them to becaome king and queen in his place. he tried to stop it but was unsuccessful
James II of england
phillips half brtoher , he go involved in a war with the ottoman turks.it was naval and he won
don juan
napoleons one true love
he knows who ever writes the laws is in charge of the game. He created a common law to givern all of england . he created to foundation for law today and strengtherned himseldf and weakend the lords
Henry II of england
reagent to Louis 14
Cardinal Mazarin
a seiss man who believed the catholic hcurch was getting to fancy. He thought only the bible should be read during mass. he lead a rebellion and was sadly crushed
leader of the jacobins. he was an excellent speaker. he was a member of the montangrands
jaques danton
was asked to come back and rule during the restitution. he was in favor of divine right . he pushed for religious toleration. he made a secret treaty with louis 14 in which louis gave him a lot of cash in turn he would convert to catholocism. he never does tho .
Charles II of england
a brilliant military man from bohemia. he was approached by ferdinand II when he got leary of Maxamillian. he had a huge army of men and Ferdinand needed his help in the war against Denmark.
this line died off and the polish nobility had to begin electing a monarchy
the jagellions
he called a meeting of the french lords to discuss the growing english power. they decide to sieze the english land of normandy and there for triple this monarchs power . he also sold charters to new french towns
Phillip agustos
painter who celebrated middle class life
Rembrandt and vermer
head of the catholic league in south Holy Roman Empire . He was approached by Ferdinand II about helping with the incasion by Fredrik .. he was offered all the lands Fredrik owned and his spot as a elector in return for his help
Maxamillian of Baravia
he was a Steuart he wrote the law of free Monarchies he said the kings will is the law of the land. he lays the foundation for the increasing powers of monarchs . he believed in divine right . he butted heads with parliment alot. He liked the episcopla model of the Anglacan Church because he was still in charge . he forced many powoplw to move to the new world colony of Massachusettes
James I of England
published Principia Matamatica this began the age of enlightenment
Issac Newton
he traceled to the american south west looking for the alleged city of gold. his journey started in mexico he was a full blood spaniard
wrote the freind of the people. he was unhappy and hated louis 16 and his family . he stired up discontent and broke peoples faith in governmet
king during the french revolution. he was shy and not very forceful … he was not a great king
louis 16
first man to discover the pacicfic from the new world
was elizabeths most loyal , trustworth, effective advisor. he was going to do everything in his power to protect elizabth and the monarchy. He discovered many things that protected elizabeth from asaassination
louis brother. after napoleons first exile he beaceme king of france took the name louis 18 and he canged things back to the way they were and nothing good came from it
duke of aritois
scottish queen kinds who multiple times tried to take the throne from elizabth. she was the daughter of mary of quise who was the aunt of phillip II of spain . she was eventually killed for treason .
Mary Steuart
he is credited with the imperial approach and the scientific method… and inductive reasoning going from the specific to the general.
he wrote Novum Origium and he challenged all thingkers to question everything
Francis Bacon
he made paschels wager saying it is better to bet that there is a god and be right then there is to bet there is not a god and be wrong
Blase Pascel
married napoleon she was only 18
Marie Louise
he defeated a york arm and became the king of england. he began the tudor dynasty
Henry Tudor
father of modern chem he says the blood carries oxygen throught the body
man who came to england from normandy france and over threw the saxons to become the first king of england. Unlike past kings he wasnted to be king in fact not just name. he wasnted to be the superior lord.
William the conqueror ( William of Normandy
advisor to Elizabeth .. he was an english lotd
William Cecil
ruler of milar. he asked the french to come to milan and help defend them from Florence Venice and the papal states. This move allowed other people so come in amidst the war . one group inparticular was the spanis they sacked rome and ended the rennisance period
lead a rebellion in moscow and got rid of the mongols and expanded the boarders of the russian empire . every russian ruler after him became known as czar
Iven the great
he was a member of the catholic league. he wanted the throne of France and he would stop at nothing to get it. he hated the hugonaughts and wanted them all out of france
The Duke of Guise
second wife of Louis 14 and she would pursuade him to take a tougher stance against protestants . she forced him to repeal the edict of nantz.
Madam Maintenon
spent more time fighting the crucades then he actually did in england. because of his absense the lords gained powere and the crown lost some
richard the lionheart of England
commander of the grand army he was the duke of malbrough
john churchill
swedish king that created the model army
Gustolphus Adolphus
he was educated by the jesuits but he hated the church. he believed the church imdeded truth. he said you found truth in yourself and freeson was the most important thing for a person
wrote the decameron
Louis 14 was infulenced by his writings. he was a huge believer in divine right. it is said louis became as absolute as he did because od this man
Bishop Bussuet
believed the church was to excravagent. he lived in geneva.wrote a book the institutes of the Christian religion. he believed in predestination. his teachings really related with the middle classes especially those of the netherlands. His followes were called calvanists. They were called puritans in england and hugonaughts in france
the fmaily that ruled russia from iven the terrible until the russian revolution in the 1900’s when they would all eventually die
the Romanovs
french editor of teh encyclopedists . which were 17 volumes of political and soical works.
while searching for the fountain of youth, he discovered floriad and claimed it for spain
poce de leon
reagent of louis 15. he was a risk taker. he used the french joint stock company to gain money for the government . but when these stocks lost their value pople were angry
duke of orleans
rose from middle class citizen to emperior. he was a genius and a brilliant military strategist. he was obsessed with not losing battles and he kept fighting. the frech people loved him because he brought peace to france. he conquored most all of europe and he spread the revolution. he was exiled twice and after his second exile he died
Napoleon bonaprate
known as the defender of the faith. leo 10th called him this because he would crush every attack against teh cathoic church in england. because he could not get an allnulment he broke from the catholic church and started the anglacan church
Henry the 8th of england
spaniard who went to peru and conquered teh incas
put planets in oribital patterns
englishman whi wrote the wealth of nations he said the government needs to keep its hads off the invisible laws the govern the economy
Adam Smith
leader of the comittee of pubil safety. he was a zealot about the revolution. he believed he knew all and he was the revolution and anybody who was opposed to him was opposed to the revolution and he had them killed . eventually people became so frightened of him that they killed him
the austrian/ southern german prominant family. they were catholic . they tired many times to unite the german states. they held the thrones of spain , austrian and the holy roman empire at one point. they were extrememly powerful.
wrote the structure of the human body. known as the father of anatomy
fought peter the great in the great northern war and was a brilliant military leader . he lost the great northern war to Peter the Great.
Charles 12 of sweedand
designed the baptistry doors of the Duomo with 3-d bible scenes. one of the most famous rennisance creations
comes to power when england is broke. he tires to tax the lords. the lords rise up and make him sign the magna carta . he gets his nick name from this incidnet
John I of England
Bad John
his dominant wife believed he had the divie right to be king. Under him the anglacan church services begin resembling catholic ceremonies. he doesnt want to call parliment so he takes lones from wealthy lords, sells monoply rights, sold royla lands. he then is still short on funds so he calls parliment and he must agree to a bunch of things.. he does .. dissolves parliment.. and goes back to doing things his way. He then must also deal with a scottish rebellion . he then arrests parliment members and a civil war begins . he is overthrown and behaeded for treason
Charles I of England
was a german genius and he said napoleon was a genius
finance minister for Henry 4 . he fairly taxed everybody.
portugese man who sailed from portugal to the tip of Africa, the cape of good hope.
Wife to louis 16 she was a hapsburg and was hated by the french people even though she didnt do anythin
Marie antoinette
the only hereditart stodholder of the netherlands, he defended the notheren netherlands against the spanish inquisition. he impliments the dutch balance of power. when louis 14 attacks the netherlands he gets supreme power … unites the netherlands and defeats louis . he marries mary Steuart ((James II’s daughter) and became king of england
William of orange
William king of England
russian general who said let napoleon invade and we will let generals november and december take care of the rest. he had a scorhched earth polucy . he had greatly weakend napoleons army
said dare to know and use reaseach to better he explained progress
Emmanuel Kant
he created David the first full size sculpture to come out of the renniasance. He aslo created the Pieta… the virgin mary and jesus stature in rome.
commander of the austiran and prussian troops
William salvory
spainsh king and queen. they decided to fund the voyage of columbus. they were ftom the castille and aragon families. they decide to make war on the non spaniards in their kingdom using religion as a driving factor.
King Ferdinand and queen isabella
realized the burocracy was limiting the power of the french kings, because all the positions were held by noble men… he began giving jobs to middle class people in order to gain their support
Philip the fair
she has to ingeniuosly defend her incompitent sons after their father Henry 2 of france dies. she used deceptivness and trickery to get this done . she only cares about her sons thrones
Kathryn demediche
Founded the Jesuits
ignatious loyola
portugese man , he was the first to sail to india. his journey took two years and he mad 60 times the original investment
Vasco de Gama
catholic hapsnutd that turned his attention to being holy roman emperor . he was blinded by his beliefs that he was suppost to be supreme throught germany . he was ruler of bohemia before getting the holy roman empereor job
Ferdinand II
grandson of louis 14th takes the throne of france at the age of 5 he inherited a bare treasury. he made the french people mistrust the government
Louis 15
a protestant who took control of bohemia and then marched to vienna .he was defeated by mazamillian of baravia in the battle of white mountain . he was known as the winer king
Fredric of pallenstine
grandson of cosmo. he became the ruler off Florence . Was known as Lorezo the Great. He was a patron of the arts. the pope was jealous of this man because he was ruling the most wealthy city state of italy during the time. He was wealthier and more powerful then the pope himself
Lorenzo deMedichi
sent to the neatherlands to crush an uprising of protestants.
Duke of Alba
wrote reflections of the french revolution he said institutiions are what hold society togeter
finance minister for louis 14 he tripled the royal revenues by efficient collection of taxes and cutting of wasteful spemding. he also created the five great farms
he was a nobleman and he believed giving up some power was good for the people. he came up with the whole executive legeslative judicial branches
plant and aminal classifications .. he created order and connections in nature
saughter of Charles 6. she dealt with attacking ethnic groups from with in her empire plus prussia breaking the pragmatic sanction. she got the nobility to pay taxes, she abolished labor agreements for peasants,she gets the maggiars to voulenteer for her army, she modernizes the burocracy. she loses sailesia in the war with prussia
Maria therisa
the other love of henry 8. she is young. she and henry have elizabeth… the future queen of england.
Anne Bolyn