Outer offerings Flashcards
Blessing the outer offerings
Recite OM KHANDAROHI HUM HUM PHAT to drive away any spirits who may be trying to interfere with our practice of offerings
Purify the offerings
meditate on emptiness
- nine KAM letters appear
- these letters transform into nine skullcups
- inside each skullcup a letter HUM appears
- these letters transform into the individual offerings:
What three attributes do the offerings have?
- Nature - great bliss and emptiness
- Aspect - that of the individual offering substance
- Function - to cause those who enjoy it to experience special, uncontaminated bliss
Blessing mantra
Visualize OM AH HUM above each skullcup and rectie the blessing mantra inserting the sanskri name.
After verbally blessing the offering we imagine that the letter HUM above each skullcup dissolves into the offering, followed by AH and OM.
Hand mudras
Six additional offerings:
ADARSHE - forms arise as Rupavajra Goddesses
WINI - sounds arise as Shaptavajra Goddesses
GÄNDHE - scents arise as Gändhavajra Goddesses
RASE - tastes arise as Rasavajra Goddesses
PARSHE - tactile objects arise as Parshavajra Goddesses
DHARME - all other phenomena arise as Dharmadhatuvajra Goddesses
How to make the outer offerings
Offering goddesses emanate from our heart, take replica offerings from those blessed previously and offer them to ourself generated as Heruka Father and Mother.
How to make the inner offerings
Many offering goddesses emanate from our heart and fill their skullcups with inner offering.
These goddesses offer the nectar to us generated as Heruka and to all other deities.
We take the inner offering with our left ring finger and taste it.
We imagine that it blesses our channels, drops and winds and we experience great bliss.
Secret offering
Embrace with Vajravarahi causes the white bodhichitta in our crown to melt and descend through our central channel:
- crown to throat > joy
- throat to heart > supreme joy
- heart to navel > extraordinary joy
- navel to tip of sex organ > spontaneous great joy