Outcome 1 Flashcards
A complex, multidimensional concept that is usually measured in terms of the absence of physical pain, disability, emotional, mental and physical wellbeing and adequate social functioning
A complex combination of all dimensions of health, characterised by an equilibrium in which the individual feels happy, healthy, capable and engaged
The dynamic nature of Health and Wellbeing
Health and wellbeing is said to be dynamic as it is constantly changing often in response to environments and experiences
The subjective nature of Health and Wellbeing
Health and wellbeing is said to be subjective as it is influenced by a persons opinions and feelings. The concept of health and wellbeing means different things to different people, based on their past experiences and the current circumstances of the individual
The dimensions of Health and Wellbeing
Physical Emotional Mental Social Spiritual
Physical Health and Wellbeing
Refers to the functioning of the body and its systems and includes the physical capacity to perform daily activities or tasks
Factors associated with physical health and wellbeing include body weight, energy levels, functioning body systems, absence of illness, and physical fitness
Social Health and Wellbeing
Refers to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others and the ability to manage or adapt appropriately to different social situations
Factors associated with this dimension include the ability to form meaningful relationships, positive communication, supportive family and friends etc
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Relates to an individuals state of mind or brain and it relates to the ability to think and process information, form opinions, make decisions and use logic
Factors associated with this dimension include levels of stress and anxiety, self esteem, as well as a sense of confidence
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Relates to the ability to recognise, understand and effectively manage and express emotions, as well as the ability to display resilience. About the management of emotional actions and reactions and the degree to which an individual felt emotionally secure and relaxed
Spiritual Health and Wellbeing
Relates to ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the minds and conscience of human beings. Spiritual health can be individualised, relating to spiritual traditions, religion, prayer or other practices such as morals, values, a sense of purpose in life, connection or belonging
Optimal Health and Wellbeing
Refers to the best possible state of an individuals health for their age. As everyone has different genetic potential and is influenced by different environments, every individuals level of optimal physical health and wellbeing will be different.
Optimal Health and wellbeing as a resource for individuals
- Increasing their life expectancy
- Increasing self esteem and positive self image
- Reducing pain and suffering associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure etc.
- Reducing medical costs due to illness, allowing individuals to maximise income as a resource
Optimal Health and wellbeing as a resource nationally
- Healthy population helps to build a productive workforce, increasing national income
- Positive societal participation to enable the existence of high functioning government systems, such as education and healthcare departments
- If groups are at optimal health, they are contributing to the workforce and therefore funding healthcare, reducing the burden on the healthcare system
- Reduces level of stress and anxiety in the general population
Optimal Health and wellbeing as a resource globally
- Decrease in the emergence of infectious diseases and other health threats in the world which can cross borders
- An increase in the economic and social development of low income countries
- An increase in peoples ability to engage freely in economic pursuits worldwide, increasing global economic productivity
- Decrease in non communicable diseases including cancer, diabetes, heart disease
A concept that relates to negative aspects of health and wellbeing and is the state of feeling unwell. Relates to how an individual feels as a result of a disease, which is a physical or mental disturbance.