our mothers, lovely women pitiful Flashcards
structure and form
-Petrachan sonnet form (dedicated to women), divided by a volta into an octave and a sestet
-iambic pentameter reflects calm reassuring nature of women
what is the rhyme scheme like
-octave conforms to petrachan sonnet rhyme shcheme but sestet doesn’t, suggestive that rossetti wishes to break free from constraints imposed on women
what does the volta represent
moves narrative to present tense creating a reflective tone
how is ‘walk as we walked, much less by sight than faith’ a biblical reference
biblical reference to the 2 corinthians
what is the contextual relevance to mothers and sisters
-respected sister maria and joined anglican womens convent
-respected mother
-wrote year after death so reflective
‘work as we work, in patience of our rule’ what does this contextually suggest
conventry patmores 1954 ‘angel in the house’
calls for traditionalism
whats the technique called in the parallel between ‘work as we worked’ ‘lear as we learnt’
syntactic parallell
shows repetition of womens experiences generationally
‘slips and scathe’ context and technique
anti feminist reading: rossetting anti sufferage (signed petition 1889 and denied augusta websters request)
whats the contextual significance of women being in paradise
hows rossetis belief in the redemption of the ‘fallen women’
women free from temptation and moral path in heaven
when was it written and what could this reflect
1883, year before her death
reflextive tone shows end of like and deterioration of health as died from breast cancer
what poems could you compare it to