Our countries good Flashcards
what is a male soldjers hat called
A bicorn hat
what is a male soldjers trousers
ivory cotton breachers
what did male soildjers wear on their chest
- white linnen pesant blouse
- cotton, ivory waist coat
what is the trim of an average soiljers jacket vs a majoror captain
- white vs black
when was our countries good set
describe what you would do to the condition of an officers costume
- ion in some creases
- for their shirt stain it with some swet patches
- add small patched of dirt to the jackets but not nearly as much as the prisioners
- spray they face with water to represent sweat beads.
what colour is lutent clarks jacket and whats a differnce it would have
- royal blue in pristine condition
what did male prisoners wear on theri bottom
- brown cottom slops
what fo female prisoners wear under their over dress
a white linnen chemise ( kind of like a white full lengths shirtdress)
what would a female prisoner wear on her head
- a rag to shade them
what to feamle prisoners wear of the upper bodies
- stays, ( corset like gargent)
- with it forcing their bussums up
- lace up back
what do female prisoners wear on their feet
- brown leatehr pesant clogs
whats the place where prisoners are hung called
the gallows
what type of stage would u set our countries good on ? and why ?
a traverse stage to make it a more emersive expirence, staked seats as if prisoners were ina pit
when describing lighting what factors should u describe
- angle
- intensity
- colour
- foccus
- depth
- type of light u will be using
whast something thats important to rember in describing set design
- to describe every level including the floor
what thibgs do yu have to describe for set
- colours
- mateial
- condotion
- cloths ( backdrops)
- moving patterns (trucks and revoves etc)
- flats
what three things are important to rembre to describe for costume
- colours
- mateial
- condotion
what light do you want to use for a
what types of sound are there in
- Digetic sound - comes from the world of the play ( so the charaters woudl be able to hear it)
- non digetic sound- does not exist in the world of the play ( so like music )
whats a design element peopel often forget about with deisgn qustions or more offten dirrector quetsions
what are the bugs you would hear in australia
when talking about design u have to specify if your design will be ……………. or ………………
realism maturalistic and symbolism ( or eclectic)
what is the best light for a wash of colour + its quallities
- A Fresnel
1. light with soft edges
1. this means that a number of fresnels can be used together to evenly cover a whole stage
2. barn doors can be ajusted to chage teh shape of the beam of light.
how do you colour lights
- you place a gel infront
how does one dramaticaly change the shape of a beam of light
- barn doors on the sides of a fresnel or a gobo
what light should u use to spotlight an actor and what are its quallities.
- a profile spotlight
- it is a harsh bright and most importnalty sharp beam of light
- gels can be used on these
- the only issue is that becuse they are so brigth they can be very bleaching
if you want to create a bold colourful beam of light on stage what should you use
- a haze and a par can
- a par can colour can be swapped out using gels
- they are round
if you want to create rapidly flashing light as if soemone is moving in slow motion or there is a storm whatshould you use
- a strobe light
what is teh best way to light a lareg piece of set or a backdrop
- a flood light
- canot be foccused
what is the best light to use generally
a fresnel
if u want to crete a image on stage what ways can u do this
- a gobo or a projection
what type of ligth are gobos used on
a par can
who are the officer charters + if for or against the play
- Governer Arther Phillipes (GAP) - progressive, leader of the coloony
- reverend jhonston - for the play
- Second Lieutenan harry Brewer - his right hand man
- captin David collins - for the play
- second lietent ralph clark - used the play as a way to get on GAP good side but comes to belive in it
- Lieutenant Dawes ( doesnt really care either way )
- major Robbie ross- - very agaist the play
- Captain tench - against the play
- Captain cambell - against the play
- second lutenet William Faddy - wants to be lutenant so dislikes ralph clark ad the ideao fteh play
who are the male prisoner charters
- Johon ascot
1. wipped at the start - engages with the paly the most - Black Caesar
1. Caesar is originally from Madagascar - begs to be the black servant in the play - Ketch
1. follows the crowd and thats how he got arreted and court stealing food in a group from the store. for him it was become the hangman or be hung - sideway
1. the camp pick pocket - john wisehammer
1. jewsih ( struggles with raph clark and liz morens anti sematism)
2. after he writes an alternate script to the play and after he is released he desides he wnts to eb a play write in austrailai
3. he can read and write
who are the female prisoner charters
- marry brenham
1. Ralph and her have a ramance but there is a power dynamic where he bleives he is better as he is a convict
2. quiet and can read and write - dabby bryant
1. married and marry’s friend and spokes person, set her up with a “situation on the boat - liz morden
1. Liz Morden was known as the most troublesome convict in the colony. Governor Phillip tries to make an example out of her by showing that she can be redeemed. He does this by putting her in the play. At the end of the first act she is accused of stealing food but she does not try to defend herself because she believes it is not worth it because no one will listen. Through the play she develops self worth and starts to deny the allegations against her. - duckling
1. Duckling was a thief and a prostitute and was sentenced to death at 18 years old. She is taken in by Harry Brewer as he is in love with her and allows her to sleep in his quarters but the feeling is not mutual - shitty meg
when was our countries good written ? and whats teh rellevance of this + what scenes inparticular is this rellivant to
- 1988
- the arts, epecially in scools and prisons faced cuts under Marget Thatcher as they do today therefore this would reonate with a modern audiance
- any scene where ross is attcking the play.
give a perfect intro
Wertenbaker’s ‘Our Country’s Good’ is a historcal drama of the landing of the first fleet at Botany Bay in 1788 and a dramatization of the novel ‘The Playmaker’ by Thomas Kenneally. Wertenbaker intended the work to be allegorical perfored in an epic style of theatre as she wanted the very rellivant themes to resinate with a modern day audiance. this included “brutalisation, what it means to live without hope and how theatre can be a humanising force” ( tahtcher prison cuts as witten in 1988) . …… ( expalin extract and intention)
what is our countries good adapted from
the novel ‘The Playmaker’ by Thomas Kenneally
how much did londons population grow from 1750-80 ? and whats the rellivance of this ?
- doubled
- wherent enough jobs for peopel menaing 1/8 were forced to live solely off of criminal activerty + not a mimum wage so enven low skilled workers turned to crime too.
In ralph dirrecting the women what is he actually
teaching them how to behave in polite society
word for over all (goal)
word to use when you are describing the prisoners workign well together
who was werton baker influenced by in her idea that criminls could be reformed though education and what does this link to
- John lock
- ralph dirrecting them and teaching them how to act in polite society as well as towards eahcer
what was teh traditional neckline for teh era
18th century square cut neckline
whats a detail to alwys mention about the prisoners cloths
The hem would be torn and frayed
whats a good manerism to have lIz do to show her absent minded hopelessness
I would direct Liz to be regularly pulling and the frayed hem throughout the scene in an absent-minded mannerism to convey her hopelessness
whats the description u should use for the hand cuffs they had back then
- rusty ion manicals, attched to the floor with a ion ring
- nice stage dirrection would be them suddenly becoming taught and makeing a load clanking sound - tention
when desribing the sripts what must you say and the same for describing any paper
call it partchemnt
how would you show blood
a blood capsule
if someone is being confrontational ina a way that suggests violencew what is this called being
whats a good way to describe a threttenign tone ?
ways of describing an angry walk
fast striding gate
word for something that beings peopel together ?
how to spell colony
who was gover auther phillop based on
the real govenar of new south wales
where was our countries good originally put on
what is teh play they are putting on
George Farquhar’s The Recruiting Officer
other than just the injustices of the historical and modern legal sytems, what was our countries good menat to show
- modern and past class divide
what type of style was our countries good menat to be and what did tehis mean
- epic theatre
- aimed at promoting critical thinking and political engagement among audience
- historical and allegorical
whast it called when you light someone form dirrectly above
top light/lit
whats an end on stage with a fancy frame called
proscenium stage
in a set designer question what should u do
place the actors on stage
who do marry and liz morden play
- marry - silvia ( heiress who dresses liek a man to scout coutiers, falls for captin plume )
- Liz morden- melinda ( her cousin whom does the same)
how would mary and liz’s costume look in the backstage scene
including breeches, waistcoats ( disgised as men)
what would arther phillop have on his hat
ostrich feather and gold trim
spell cyclorama
spell governor
spell lieutenant
who is whipped in the first scene of the play
how might u show wipping
latex scars
whats teh power of shitty meg
- shows the strenth of the human spirit as she is able to demonstright humor in evne the toughest of times