Our Bible Flashcards
What is purpose of the Old Testament?
- to prophesy about Jesus
- To teach us
- To warn us
What are the 5 books written by Moses called?
The Law (also called the Pentateuch)
List the 5 books written by Moses?
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
What are the 12 history books of the Old Testament?
- Joshua
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Samuel
- 1 Kings
- 2 Kings
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther
What are the 5 poetry/wisdom books of the Old Testament?
- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
What are the 5 Major Prophets books in the Old Testament?
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel
List the 12 minor prohets in the Old Testament?
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- Malachi
List the 4 Gospels in the New Testament?
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- John
What is the historical book in the New Testament?
What are the Pauline Epistles?
The 13 letters that were written by the apostle Paul.
List the 13 Pauline Epistles
- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
4 Galatians - Ephesians
- Philppians
- Colossians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Titus
- Philemon
List the 8 General Epistles
- Hebrew
- James
- 1 Peter
- 2 Peter
- 1 John
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Jude
Which book is the prohetic book on things to come in the New Testament?
How many books are in the bible?
What does inspiration mean?
God breathed. It means that the things in the biblical authors wrote was exactly what God intended. (know this definition by heart).
What does infallible mean?
It means the bible is impossible to be wrong because it comes from God.
We believe that the bible is inspired both _______________ and ______________.
Verbally and plenarary (Verbal means that the very words of the original Bible and plenary means the whole bible) The bible is inspired to the very word and the whole bible is inspired.
What does manuscript mean?
Written by hand…the original manuscript was written by the original author. The other manuscripts (that is not the original manuscript) is a hand written copy of the original.
What is a translation?
It ia the process of changing from one language to another language.
What is the Canon?
The accepted and approved books of Scripture
What is the apocrypha?
They are books but they are not part of the books of the Canon…but the apocrypha is recognized as authoritative in the Catholic religion (part of their bible).
What is the Dead Sea Scrolls?
The Hebrew manuscripts found in clay jars in a cave that verified the Bible we have is very accurate.
Who is the first person to translate the English Bible?
John Wycliff
What is the English translationmade in 1611?
The King James Version
Who was the famous person who was burned at the stake for giving us the English Bible?
William Tyndale
What is the Old Teatamnt translation to Greek?
What is the first English Bible translated from this Bible?
The Latin Vulgate (which was not as accurate because it translated from Latin rather than the original Greek language).
The mountain where Moses received the 10 Commandments
Mount Sinai
The mountain where the prophet Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal?
Mount Carmel
The mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven?
Mount of Olives (also where Jesus came in his Triumphal entry int Jerusalem and where Jesus prayed the night he was arrested before he was crucified).
What was known as the Promised Land?
The nation where Israel was slaves for 430 years?
The peninsula where the Israelites wandered for 40 years
Sinai peninsula
The capital of Israel
The city of David…also the birthplace of Jesus?
Jesus boyhood home
Hometown of Lazarus
The town where Abraham settled
The first city conquered in the Promised Land
A key city where Jesus performed many miracles
In correct order, list whatGod created on the first 7 days of creation.
- Heavens, earth, light (day 1)
- Sky (day 2)
- Land, seas, plants, trees (day 3)
- Sun, moon and stars (day 4)
- Sea creatures, birds (day 5)
- Animals and humans (day 6)
- Rest (day 7)
How did God create?
By speaking…His Word…by the breath of his mouth.
Know this: Various Christians interpret the length of the creation days differently.
- Some understand that God literally created in 6, 24 hour days and rested on the 7th day.
- Others believe that when the bible says day that it represents a period of time (like an epoch for a day)…so they would consider each day of creation to equal thousands of years.
What were the results of sin? (Hint: 3 results to three people)
- The serpent: crawl on belly, eat dust, enemy of humanity and his head will be crushed (Satan).
- The woman: pain in childbirth and under the husbands care.
- Tha man: The ground is cursed and must work to eat.
What is Gods gracious promise during the curse?
The Christ (the seed) of the woman will crush the head of the Serpent.
Name the theee sons of Adam and Eve?
Name Noah’s three sons which repopulated the earth
This was the place where God confused the languages of humans
The Tower of Babel
Why did God send a great flood?
Because of the wickedness of human beings
God chose this man as the “Father of all nations”
The Abrahamic Covenant is the promises God gave to Abraham. What verses can you find the Abrahamic Covenant?
Genesis 12:1-3 and Genesis 15:4
God promised Abraham basically three things. What were the things God promised?
- Progeny (Abraham will have children).
- Land (God promises Abraham land…the Promised Land).
- A relationship with a holy God.
The name of Abraham’s son born from Abrahams wife Sarah?
The son born from Hagar (Sarah’s servant)?
Ishmael, who went on to be the father of all the Islamic people.
What were the names of Isaac’s two sons?
Esau and Jacob (they were twins but Esau was born first)
What does Jacob mean?
Heal grabber. He grabbed Esau’s heal when he was born. Jacob was a con artist and a liar but God worked in his life.
In what two ways did Jacob con Esau?
- He bought Esau’s birthright as the first born for a bowl of porridge when Eaau was extremely hungry.
- He tricked his father Isaac to give him the blessing instead of giving it to Esau. (By the end of Isaac’s life he was pretty much blind and could not recognize Esau from Jacob.)
Jacob the con artist was conned by his Uncle Laban when Jacob worked for 7 years to get Rachel as his wife but instead Laban gave Jacob who to be his wife instead of Rachel?
Leah (Rachel’s older sister)
Which of Jacob’s sons became the second in command of all of Egypt?
Which of Jacob’s sons has the line of the kings go through him?
Judah. (King David comes from the lineage of Judah and Jesus is known as the Lion of the tribe of Judah).
Joseph (Jacob’s son) was hated by his brothers and sold into slavery. What was the name of the person who bought Joseph?
Potiphar’s wife wanted to commit adultry against Potiphar with Joseph. What happened to Joseph when Potiphar found out?
Joseph was put into prison.
In prison Joseph met 2 men. The kings cupbearer (who gave the Phaoroah his wine) and the kings baker. They both had dreams that Joseph correctly interpreted. What happened to these two men?
- The cup bearer was restored to his original job.
2. The baker was killed by having his head cut off.
Joseph had two sons who recieved his inheritance from Jacob. What was the names of Josephs sons?
- Ephraim
2. Manasseh
How did Joseph become the second in command of Egypt?
The cupbearer told the Phaoroah that Joseph could interpret dreams. And when the Phaoroah told Joseph his dream, Joseph correctly interpreted the Phaoroah’s dream that there would be 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine.
What was the name of Isaac’s wife?
How many sons did Jacob have?
12- the 12 tribes of Israel
Which tribe was Moses born?
The tribe of Levi (Levites did not get an inheritance of land from Jacob and ao they became the priestly class of Israel).
Why did Moses’s mom hide Moses in a basket of reeds and float him down the Nile River?
Becauae the Pharoah ordered all male babies be drown in the Nile and Moses mom tried to save him.
Who found Moses in the basket of reeds?
The pharoahs daughter and she kept him and raised Moses as her own son.
List the 10 plagues (in order) God did to Egypt because the Pharaoh would not let his people go free?
- Nile River water into blood
- Frogs
- Gnats
- Flies
- Plague on the cattle
- Boils
- Hail
- Locusts
- Darkness
- Death of the Firstborn
List 4 miracles yhat God did during the wilderness wandering? (In order)
- God parted the Red Sea (Ex. 14)
- God made bitter water sweet (Ex. 15:22-27).
- God sent manna and quail (Ex. 16:1-36)
- God provided water from the rock (Ex. 17:2-7).
What did God give the Israelites at Mount Sinai?
The Law (the 10 commandments are found in the Law).
Who was the man who led Israel into the Promised Land?
Joshua. (Moses did not enter the Promised Land)
What was the name of the woman who helped spies escape when they were sent to Jerocho?
Rahab (also mentioned in the lineage of Jesus).
What woman lived during the times of the Judges of Israel, and was a Moabitess and is mentioned in the lineage of Jesus?
Sister of Moses?
Number of years the Israelites wandered the wilderness?
The number of spies sent onto Canaan to spy out the land?
The river the Israelites crossed to get into the Promised Land
The Jordan River
List the 10 commandments
- Do not have any other gods
- Do not worship idols.
- Do not mis-use the name of God.
- Keep the Sabbath
- Honor your parents.
- Do not murder.
- Do not commit adultery.
- Do not steal.
- Do not lie.
- Do not covet.
Who was Samuel?
He was a Judge and prophet who anointed King Saul and King David as kings of Israel.
Who was Saul?
Saul was the first king of Israel.
Who was David?
David was a shepherd who killed Goliath. He became the second king of Israel.
Who is Jonathan?
Saul’s son and David’s good friend.
Who was Solomon?
Solomon was David’s son who was born from David’s wife Bathsheba (Bathsheba was the woman who David committed adultery with)
Who was Rehoboam?
Solomon’s son who divided the kingdom into Israel in the north and Judah in the south. The kingdom was divided by civil war because Rehoboam raised taxes on the people.
Who was Jeroboam?
King of the northern kingdom of Israel who made 2 golden calfs to worship.
Who was Nathan?
Nathan was a prophet who confronted David about his adultery with Bathsheba.
Who was Elijah?
Elijah was the prophet who challenged the prophets of the false god Baal. Elijah called down fire on Mount Carmel and defeated the false prophets of Baal.
Who was Nebuchadnezzar?
King of Babylon who conquered Judah and took the people of Israel into captivity and exile.
Who was Daniel?
Daniel was an Israelite who was taken into captivity by the Babylonians. He refused to eat the kings food. He prayed to God even though the king made it illegal to pray so he was thrown in the lion’s den but was kept safe by God.
God eventually ended the Israelite captivity in Babylon and the Israelites returned to the Promised Land in 3 groups. List the leader and the significant contribution they made.
Group 1 Leader: Zurubbabel (536 B.C.) - Contribution: Rebuilt the Temple.
Group 2 Leader: Ezra (458 B.C.) - Contribution: Revival and repentance.
Group 3 Leader: Nehemiah (445 B.C.) - Rebuilt Jerusalem’s city walls.