ottoman empire test Flashcards
Osman 1
the founder of the Ottoman empire, he founded it in the 1300s “ottoman” means house of Osman
where the ottomans originated from they were originally Turkish nomads
the greatest conquest made by Mehmed the conqueror. It was originally a christian city and when conquered by the Ottomans it became a Islamic city called Istanbul.
Istanbul meaning “plenty of Islam” was the capital of the ottoman empire and was originally Constantinople. through this city the Ottomans were able to gain access to Europe
sultan means “absolute ruler” and was the ruler of the empire.
submission to the will of Allah
Separate part of the household where women children and servants lived in seclusion and privacy when women exited the household they would wear concealing clothes and a heavy veil over their face which was the same as being in harem. The purpose of harem was to keep the sultans wives and concubines from influencing him in any way
translation is “warrior of faith” and were soldiers that believed that their purpose was to spread Islam around the world.
an especially trained unit of the military that was trained to serve the sultan. Janissaries came from the devshirme system
Islamic scholars that helped define the ottoman laws using the laws in the Qur’an
served as governors that collected taxes raised war funds and took up administrative duties
a children’s tax system. The ottomans would take christian boys and convert them to Islam and taught them the Islamic ways. These boys would then, after their training,become great members of society.
ethnic and cultural minorities that kept their traditions and enjoyed self government
grand vizier
worked like a prime minister, he was head of the sultans advisers
chief mufti
head of the religious institution and in theory the only person who could overrule the sultan in religious laws
the greatest sultan of the ottoman empire. made many changes and contributions to the ottomans and doubled the amount of space they ruled
Turkish architect that constructed the greatest mosque under Suleiman’s rule
a great poet in the time of Suleiman he was so great that he was named “sultan of the poets”
second wife of Suleiman. Start of the outside influence. Made her way into the castle to
Ibrahim Pasha
childhood friend of Suleiman and eventually became Grand Vizier.
the city that the ottomans failed to seize which was also one of the contributions to the fall of the empire
killing off all siblings or possible people to inherit the thrown